Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Cooking for Thanksgiving dinner—or almost any other holiday meal—can sometimes feel like a game of Tetris: Can you fit everything in the oven before time runs out? If you always feel rushed, this make-ahead mashed potatoes recipe is a lifesaver. The side dish can be prepared two full days in advance without compromising the supremely velvety results.

The basic principles of all the best mashed potatoes recipes still apply: Use Yukon Golds, not starchier russet potatoes, and don’t peel them before cooking. Leaving the skins on while they simmer prevents the spuds from becoming waterlogged. Process the cooked potatoes through a ricer in batches to avoid lumps and render spuds so smooth, you can just stir everything together, no electric mixer required. And be sure to combine the butter with the hot tubers before adding the cream, milk, and sour cream, which will allow the butterfat to coat the potato starches and prevent the dish from getting sticky or gummy. Once the mashed potatoes have cooled to room temperature, refrigerate them in an airtight container or a well-wrapped casserole dish or other baking dish.

When you’re ready to serve, gently reheat the potatoes with a little more dairy and they’ll be as creamy as if you had whipped them only moments ago. Garnish with chives or a nub of butter if you like. And, if you’re looking to double down on carbohydrates (it’s the holidays!), serve these make-ahead mashed potatoes alongside a savory sweet potato casserole.

2007 I thought that I would edit my home page...its been over two years, so I its time to update! I have lived in beautiful New Mexico for the last few years (Albuquerque), after 20 years of living on the West Coast (San Francisco and Seattle). I love many things about New Mexico - the perfect weather, in particular; the sunsets; the open land; and the great Southwest food - but also sometimes miss the energy of bigger cities. I am a mental health therapist, who loves my work! I love to cook (a passion that I discovered after getting married). Rather than cooking a few favorites on a regular basis, I prefer to collect recipes (primarily from the Internet), and try new things often (in fact, my husband jokes that he will try a new dish that he loves and then never see it again :-)). I also love to read, write, travel, work on personal growth, and study/learn. I am a total water baby, who lives in the desert, so I love traveling to tropical locations, where I especially love to snorkle and boggie board! I am very happily married to my best friend, soulmate, partner, and greatest cheerleader and supporter, and we have three grown children, and four grandchildren (so far :-))I am a total foodie (I "live to eat" instead of "eat to live.") :-) I love everything about; the delicious scents of a yummy dish, as it cooks; the beautiful presentation of wonderful food; dining out; dining in; the taste of great food; sitting around the table, with friends and family, eating, talking and laughing; nurturing those I love by cooking for them...all of the senusal pleasures that food brings! My favorite Internet site for yummy recipes is this one - and I almost always choose recipes with five-star ratings, so please keep on reviewing! :-)


Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

The Pioneer Woman

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

With a vegetable peeler (i.e. carrot peeler), peel 5 pounds of regular Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes. After peeling, rinse under cold water.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, I always like to chop the potatoes in half or in fourths before throwing them into the pot. They cook more quickly and more evenly this way.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

No need to freak and wig out here—just cut them so they’re generally the same size.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, bring a pot of water to a healthy simmer…

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

And go ahead and throw ’em in.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, bring to a boil and cook for a good thirty minutes—possibly more.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

That’s just enough time to give yourself a nice paraffin manicure or, in my case, haul all your trash to the dump.

What did I just say? Ah, country life. It’s so beautiful and idyllic.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now. You have to give the potatoes the ol’ fork check to make sure they’re done. When they’re cooked through, the fork should easily slide into the potatoes with no resistance, and the potatoes should almost—but not totally—fall apart. Remember, if the fork meets with any resistance, that means there’ll be little hard pieces of potatoes in the final product. Translation: LUMPS!

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Drain the potatoes in a large colander and give yourself a nice steam facial while you’re at it.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

When the potatoes have finished draining, place them back into the dry pot and put the pot on the stove.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Turn the burner on low. What we’re going to do is mash the potatoes over low heat, allowing all the steam to escape, before adding in all the other ingredients. That way, the potatoes won’t be watery or “mealy.”

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Do you have a potato masher? You need one! They’re relatively inexpensive and so much better to use than an electric mixer, the sharp blades of which can break down the starch in the potatoes and make the final product gummy. Also, you’ll need a masher later when we make Butternut Squash Puree and Sinful Sweet Potatoes.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Until most of the steam has escaped and most of the chunks of potato have been mashed well, about three minutes.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Are you ready to get serious? Good. Find the butter you’ve been softening…

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

And just slice it right into the hot potatoes. For five pounds of potatoes, I use 1 1/2 sticks.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Or, if I’ve had a particularly stressful week, I bump it up to 2 sticks. Butter, you may not be aware, is an effective psychological salve.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now. Are you ready to get SERIOUS? Okay, I’m just making sure. This, my friends and cohorts, is THE secret ingredient of delectable, delightful, creamy, perfect mashed potatoes. Do not be afraid. Do not scream and run. You must trust Pioneer Woman. I know of what I speak.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

To five pounds of potatoes, I add an 8 oz package of cream cheese. It’s best if it’s softened.

Now, let me just say that Marlboro Man would never—NEVER—touch cream cheese with a ten-foot pole. Never. He’d sooner have his gums scraped than eat cheesecake or spread cream cheese on a cracker. But he loves my mashed potatoes. And he ate them for years before he ever got wind of the secret ingredient. He cried for a few days when he found out he’d consumed cream cheese, but now he doesn’t even bat an eye.

In terms of culinary repertoire, it’s all about baby steps with these cowboys.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, to make the texture just right, we need to add a little Half & Half.

Hey, I COULD have used heavy cream. But this is a low-fat dish, people. I have to make healthy choices.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Begin with 1/2 cup. You can always add another splash later.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

The Pioneer Woman

Now it’s time to mash away again! If your butter and cream cheese were softened to begin with, everything should come together perfectly.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Oh, my. Did someone say “creamy?” Oh. I guess that was me.

Okay. That’s the basic mashed potato recipe. From here, you can add whatever seasonings make your skirt fly up: onion powder, salt, fresh ground pepper, garlic salt…even mashed roasted garlic cloves (my personal favorite.)

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

For Thanksgiving, though, because the mashed potatoes will be served with gravy and all the other stuff, I like to keep it pretty simple. And Lawry’s, to me, is just right. It provides salt content as well as just a hint of some other flavors.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

It’s important not to oversalt the potatoes, so start small and you can work your way up. I usually add about 1/2 teaspoon to start, then wind up adding another 1/2 teaspoon later.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

In a perfect world, I would now reach over and grab my wooden pepper grinder. But in my world, my pepper grinder is outside, filled with gravel. Don’t ask.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Go ahead an add as much pepper as you like. Again, I start with about 1/2 teaspoon, then add more later.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, stir or mash everything together.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Then TASTE the potatoes, and adjust the seasonings. The seasoning process should take a little time, as it’s important to get it just right. Try really hard NOT to undersalt the potatoes. They need seasoning, man.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, butter a medium-sized baking dish.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

And plop the mashed potatoes right in.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

I’m hungry. For mashed potatoes.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Now, to make it look reeeeeal puuuuurrrrty, smooth out the surface of the potatoes with a knife.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Ha! You just THOUGHT this was a low-fat dish, didn’t you? Fooled you once again.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

And place them all over the top. This just screams rebellion, doesn’t it? Hey, look. It’s Thanksgiving. And I just happen to be thankful for butter.

Now, the great thing here is, you can cover it with foil and refrigerate for one or two days before Thanksgiving! Then, just pop it in the oven when you’re ready. It’s amazing how much trouble this saves on Thanksgiving day. That peeling, boiling, draining, and mashing thing can really get in the way of your holiday joy.

When you’re ready, remove it from the fridge at least an hour before baking (a couple of hours before eating) so the center won’t be so cold. Bake in a 350-degree oven, covered, for 20-30 minutes, or until warmed through.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Here’s mine. I actually forgot to cover mine with foil because my boys were dressing the dog in my favorite jeans and I had to intervene. But they turned out fine; the top had a nice little buttery crust, which didn’t bother me one bit.

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream make ahead

Go for it, guys!

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Can I prep mashed potatoes ahead of time?

Make-ahead mashed potatoes are a great option for the holidays. You can do nearly everything — boil, peel, and mash; stir in milk and salt — up to two days ahead. Before serving, reheat. Adding butter at the last minute makes them taste freshly mashed.

Can you reheat mashed potatoes with sour cream?

To reheat on a stovetop: transfer mashed potatoes to a large sauce pan, then add a splash of heavy cream, milk, or chicken stock. Warm over medium-low heat, stirring often, until completely reheated. Add additional liquid as needed to achieve desired consistency.

How long do mashed potatoes with sour cream last in the fridge?

Use within 10 days.

Can you make mashed potatoes ahead of time and keep warm?

When time is limited and mashed potatoes are a "must have" on the menu (which is always), keep the prepared potatoes warm by placing them in a heat-resistant bowl, covering, and setting it over a pot of simmering water. The potatoes should still be tasty 2 to 3 hours later.