Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

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These Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes are pure cold-weather comfort food. In addition, they are one of my favorite mashed potatoes recipes because they are quick, easy, and only require a few ingredients! This will become one of your favorite side dish recipes! 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Watch How to Make My Mashed Potatoes With Sour Cream Below! 


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Also featured in this video is my recipe for Smashed Potatoes

Chicken Dishes To Go With Your Mashed Potatoes 

  • For something fancy for a Sunday night dinner or dinner party try my White Wine Chicken Recipe
  • For a quick and easy weeknight meal try my easy Chicken Picatta Recipe
  • For a special Saturday night dinner try my Chicken Marsala Recipe
  • For a holiday meal like Christmas or New Years Eve try my Coq Au Vin Recipe

Step#1: Boil Red New Potatoes

I like to use the red new potatoes for mashed potatoes especially on a weeknight because they are smaller and cook quicker! You'll bring the potatoes to a boil in cold water and then drain. 

Placing your potatoes in cold water will allow them to heat up with the water. As a result, your potatoes will cook evenly and become more fluffy. I also leave the skins on for adding more nutrients and a little texture. I also think the mashed potatoes look prettier with the skins on them as well! 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Step#2: Beat Potatoes with Butter

Transfer your cooked boiled potatoes to a stand mixer or a bowl and use an electric mixer to beat them together. 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

 It's important to add the butter while the potatoes are still warm so that the butter melts into the potatoes are creates equal flavor throughout. The potatoes should be hot enough so that you see steam rising as you beat the butter into the mash. 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Why are my mashed potatoes gluey?

If you have gluey mashed potatoes, chances are you overbeat them. As you mash the potatoes, they release the starch. Mash them for too long or at too high a speed that starch creates a gluey, paste-like mashed potato. One year at Christmas I tried to create a potato puree in a food processor and ended up with something resembling wallpaper paste! So easy does it on the mixing. 

Add Sour Cream and Milk

Personally, I add sour cream for flavor. Mashed potatoes made with sour cream create a really nice tang that balances out the richness of the butter and the heaviness of the potato. The sour cream also compliments the flavor of the fresh chives. Then I add milk for a lighter texture. The milk helps to thin the mashed potatoes so that they are lighter and creamier. 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Can You Substitute Milk For Sour Cream Instead? 

Yes, you can substitute sour cream for all milk. But you won't get that "tang" associated with sour cream. Also, the milk quantity is really just a starting point. You can add more milk for thinner potatoes or less milk for thicker mashed potatoes. If you have leftover sour cream you can use it for my Classic Crumb Cake Recipeor my Sour Cream and Caramelized Onion Dip both are fantastic for holiday entertaining!

What is a good replacement for sour cream?

Instead of using sour cream, you can substitute with the same amount for plain Greek yogurt.

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Can You use Heavy Cream in Mashed Potatoes? 

I wouldn't recommend using heaving cream for mashed potatoes, unless you cut it with some milk, because heavy cream will make the mashed potatoes even heavier. It also makes them thicker too! 

Step#3: Season the Mashed Potatoes

It's important to season well with at least ½ teaspoon (2.5ml) of salt to begin because potatoes absorb salt really quickly, they need more salt than you think they do.

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Then add freshly cracked pepper. Freshly ground pepper is really so much better than already ground pepper because you will get more "pepper flavor".

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Then add the freshly snipped chives. The easiest way to get a minced chive is with a pair of scissors, not only is it quicker, but you'll get a more even mince that way too. 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

Garnish and Serve! 

Transfer your potatoes to a shallow serving bowl. I think the garnishes look prettiest in something shallow. Add a pat of butter, freshly cracked pepper, and two long chives for a dramatic effect! 

Instant mashed potatoes with sour cream instead of milk

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  • 16 oz (450 g) red baby potatoes, scrubbed clean. Skins on
  • 5 tablespoon (75 g) of unsalted butter, separated
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) of sour cream
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) of milk
  • ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) salt
  • freshly cracked pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) fresh chives, minced


  1. Boil potatoes, with skins on, until tender.
  2. Transfer to the bowl of an electric mixer.Add 4 tablespoon (60 ml) of butter and beat until potatoes are mashed and butter is melted.  Add sour cream and milk and beat just until combined. Add salt, pepper and chives.
  3. Beat to combine.Transfer to a serving bowl and with a spatula create a divot. In the divot place remaining 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of butter and garnish with freshly cracked pepper and 2 long chives in a slender “X” pattern.


Do not drop potatoes into boiling water. Instead, place your potatoes in cold water and allow them to heat up with the water. This will assure your potatoes will cook evenly.

Potatoes absorb salt really quickly so it's important to season well with at least ½ teaspoon (2.5ml) of salt to begin.

You can substitute the sour cream for all milk. But you won't get that "tang" associated with sour cream.  Add more milk for thinner potatoes and add less milk for thicker mashed potatoes.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 3 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 308Total Fat: 20gSaturated Fat: 12gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 53mgSodium: 27mgCarbohydrates: 30gFiber: 3gSugar: 2gProtein: 4g

Can you substitute sour cream for milk in instant potatoes?

Yes, you can substitute sour cream for all milk. But you won't get that "tang" associated with sour cream. Also, the milk quantity is really just a starting point. You can add more milk for thinner potatoes or less milk for thicker mashed potatoes.

What can I use instead of milk in instant potatoes?

Heavy whipping cream (or half and half) is a good substitute for milk in potatoes. This is actually a great option! The thicker consistency will produce a dreamy, creamy consistency that everyone will love. The flavor is bolder and richer, too, and you may enjoy it more than the original.

How do you make instant mashed potatoes without milk?

You can use something as simple as water and add more butter or margarine to intensify the flavor. The only change is a lack of creaminess, and the mashed potatoes may taste a little flat.