If my teeth shift after braces will my retainer fix it

If my teeth shift after braces will my retainer fix it

Teeth shifting can be normal, but it’s sometimes a sign of a problem requiring orthodontic treatment. But what does it mean when teeth move, and how easy is it to fix? Let’s take a look.

What is teeth shifting?

Although teeth are ‘fixed’ in position, they have some freedom to move around slightly. When teeth move out of position, we say they’ve ‘shifted’. Common causes include:

  • Age (teeth may shift more as we get older, and our bone structure changes)
  • Grinding your teeth at night
  • Clenching your teeth during the day, e.g. if you’re stressed
  • Tooth changes including decay and infection
  • Gaps caused by missing teeth
  • Illness or injury, e.g. if you have a tooth knocked out of position
  • Gum disease

Teeth also move when you wear braces. The braces apply pressure to the teeth and move them into a more desirable position.

Is teeth movement after braces common?

Braces are designed to help straighten your teeth and improve overcrowding, so during the process they will apply force to your teeth to shift them into place. After braces however, teeth will only move if the prescribed retainers are not worn as directed. So, can you fix shifted teeth? Well, it depends.

How do you fix teeth that have shifted after braces?

With proper aftercare, your teeth shouldn’t shift after wearing braces. Retainers are issued to all clients to wear after their treatment, and these are a necessary part of treatment to maintain results and keep teeth aligned.

In terms of fixing teeth once they’ve shifted, it can be more difficult. The best idea is to make an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible so they can evaluate the changes and go over your options.

Can retainers fix a slight shift in teeth after braces?

If it’s a minor shift in tooth position, yes. A retainer works by holding the teeth in the right place while the bone and gum heals properly, and moves into position. So, a retainer can reduce the chance of teeth moving around too much after braces, and it can even help encourage teeth back into the right position.

However, while a retainer can fix slight tooth movement, it can’t correct more significant shifts. You will need targeted orthodontic treatment to fix more substantial shifts.

How long do your teeth shift after braces?

You could experience teeth movement after braces at any age if the prescribed retainers aren’t worn. The best way to minimise any undesirable shifting is to keep wearing your aligner or retainer as directed by your orthodontist. Otherwise, you may need braces again, or another treatment, to correct excessive movement.

What do I do if my teeth shifted after braces?

If you notice some tooth movement after braces, the best thing to do is contact your orthodontist. It’s usually completely normal for teeth to move slightly as your mouth settles down, but your orthodontist can advise if there’s any further treatment you or your child might need.
We have clinics across NSW in Shellharbour, the Southern Highlands, Wollongong and Parramatta. So, if you’re local and you’re looking for adult or teenage orthodontic treatment, contact us for an oral consultation.

If my teeth shift after braces will my retainer fix it
After months or years of having braces, you expect your teeth to stay straight forever. The reality of the situation is, our bodies are constantly changing, including the placement of our teeth and jaws. Retainers are there to help your teeth stay straight after orthodontic treatment, but can they help you re-straighten teeth that have shifted over time? Let’s look closer at what the retainer is and what it does to help you keep your straight smile.

What is a Retainer?

A retainer is an orthodontic appliance that’s used following your orthodontic treatment to help your teeth “retain” their new positions, hence the name retainer. Retainers are not a one size fits all solution to maintaining the effects of treatment. Each retainer is custom-made to fit snugly around the patient’s teeth and mouth. When worn properly, they help patients maintain their newly aligned teeth.

Why Do Teeth Shift After Braces?

During orthodontic treatment, the braces shift the teeth and align the jaw into their correct position with a series of subtle adjustments. The time after getting your braces off is one of the most critical times to wear a retainer, as your bones are not completely hardened and set in their new position. Without the use of a retainer, the bones stay pliable and start to shift back into their original position, reversing the progress that has been made with your original orthodontic treatment.

How Does a Retainer Work?

A retainer works by holding your teeth in their new position while the bone has time to set and harden. Most often, our orthodontist will recommend you wear your retainers for 12 hours per day for the first 3 months, then sleeping hours after that for as long as you want your teeth to remain straight.  This is to ensure your teeth do not begin to shift back into their original position.

So, Does a Retainer Correct Shifting Teeth?

After we get our braces removed, we are often too excited to listen to our orthodontist about regularly wearing our retainers. We want to show off our new, straight teeth without the appearance of a retainer getting in the way. However, when you start to notice your teeth shifting over time, you panic and wonder if your retainer can help to reverse that shift.

In reality, your retainer can only do so much to help you. By the time you start to see a visible shift in your teeth, it may be too late to fix with your retainer alone. The retainer’s job is to simply keep teeth in their place, not to shift them back when they start to move. If you try to use your retainer to shift your teeth back into their position, it can be extremely uncomfortable and possibly cause damage to the teeth and jaw. We recommend seeing your orthodontist to evaluate the shifting of your teeth post-alignment.

Straighten your teeth and keep them straight with the help of Drs. Savage, Sabol, and Visser. They’ll be able to develop a fully customized and affordable orthodontic treatment plan for you based on your alignment issues and cosmetic goals. Contact us today to schedule your first visit.

How do you fix teeth that have shifted after braces?

Typically, if we notice unwanted shifting, a simple retainer tweak can solve the issue. If the shifting has occurred for a while, the solution may become more complicated. For instance, certain patients may need to wear a clear aligner every day for several months.

Can your retainer realign teeth?

So, Can Retainers Realign Teeth? In short, the answer is no. While braces are designed to place just enough pressure to guide your teeth into the desired positions, retainers are meant to simply hold your teeth in place.

How long does it take for teeth to shift back with retainer?

Fortunately, after you end your treatment, you have time to ensure they stay that way, as teeth take several years to fully shift back into their old positions. Most orthodontics recommend wearing retainers full-time for nine months to reduce post-braces teeth shifting.