If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

I have several people blocked on my personal Facebook account. I recently made a business page, and I know how to ban people there, but I cannot select to ban them since they are already blocked.

Are they automatically blocked from viewing my business page since they are blocked from my personal account and I am the owner? Or can they see my business page still? Is there a way for me to ban them without unblocking them? I do not wish to unblock because then my profile is visible for 2 days and I have to wait to block them again.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page


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asked Apr 28, 2020 at 23:20

Apparently there is no specific way to prevent a person from viewing a public page. You can remove their "like", but if they visit again they are able to like it again, and continue seeing updates.

From Facebook's help page on banning:

You may also remove someone who likes your Page. When you remove someone from your Page, they'll no longer like it. This is a good option for people you don't want following your Page's posts in their News Feeds or the News Feeds of their friends. However, Pages are public spaces and people you've removed can choose to like your Page again.

answered Apr 29, 2020 at 16:46

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

When you buy something through one of the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

If you want to know how to block someone on a Facebook business page because of a breach of the rules, continue reading.

Whether they're a serial spammer, a troll, or just a general nuisance, the step-by-step guide below will help you to get rid of them once and for all.

Let's start with banning them on desktops.


  • How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page On Desktop
  • How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page On Mobile
    • Block Facebook Users On Apple Mobile
    • Block Facebook Users On Android Mobile
  • FAQ For Blocking & Banning People On Facebook Business Pages
    • Why Would You Want To Block People From Your Facebook Page?
    • Can You Hide A Facebook Page From Someone?
    • How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page Who Hasn't Liked The Page
    • Can a blocked person see my business page on Facebook?
    • How Do You Unblock A User On Facebook?
    • Can I Block Users On My Facebook Business Page By Country?
    • Can I Block Users On My Facebook Business Page By Age?
    • Can I Block Facebook Page Users From Sending Me Messages?
  • Final Thoughts On How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page

Banning a Facebook user from your business page is pretty straightforward and can be done within a few minutes.

Step 1:

Log in to your Facebook account and select the ‘Pages' button on the left side of your screen.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Step 2:

Select your Facebook business page and select ‘Settings' on the left side of the page towards the bottom.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Step 3:

Select the option for ‘People and other Pages.'

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Then select the dropdown menu and click the ‘Banned people and Pages' option.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Step 4:

All you need to do now is select the blue ‘+ Ban a person' option, enter the name or email of the person you want to ban, and press save.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

You can also select the checkbox for the person you want to ban and block them this way.

In addition to the method above, you can ban them directly from a Facebook post on the page and a message in your inbox.

They will now be blocked from commenting, liking, and interacting on the page. They can still view and share the page, but they can't do anything else.

How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page On Mobile

Blocking users on mobile isn't much different from desktop and can also be done pretty quickly. However, the process is slightly different for each operator, so let's look at the two main options.

Block Facebook Users On Apple Mobile

  • Launch the Facebook app on your iOS mobile, and select the More option at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Scroll down and choose the settings option.
  • Continue to scroll down until you see the section for ‘audience and visibility,' then select the option for ‘blocking.'
  • Click the blue + sign and type in the name of the person you want to block.

Doing this will block the user from seeing your timeline, tagging you, and adding you as a friend; however, it won't block them from groups you are both members of.

To block them from a business page in iOS is different because you can only ban people who have liked your page. To do so, select your page on the Facebook app, press the gear icon, and then ‘people and other pages.'

You then select the ‘people who have liked your page' option, and you will see a list of people — find the user you want to block, and select the ban option.

The video below will walk you through the steps:

Block Facebook Users On Android Mobile

To block a user on Facebook with Android devices is a similar process to Apple devices. You can work out how to do it by following the same steps as above.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

However, for simplicity, the steps below are an easy way to block someone on Android:

  • Launch the Facebook app
  • Search for the person you want to ban and load their profile page
  • Select the three dots next to the name, and press block
  • Confirm the blocking by pressing block

That's it — you have blocked them!

FAQ For Blocking & Banning People On Facebook Business Pages

There are many reasons you would need to ban or block someone on Facebook, and the FAQs below will hopefully answer some of your questions.

Why Would You Want To Block People From Your Facebook Page?

Besides the obvious reasons such as spamming or breaking the rules, you should also block people from your page because it will help to keep the community feeling solid and professional.

Nobody wants to be on the page with idiots, and if you don't get rid of them, the other users will likely find a different page.

Can You Hide A Facebook Page From Someone?

Yes, you can hide a Facebook page in several different ways. For example, if you want to hide the page from your main Facebook friends, you don't invite them to like the page, and you keep your name anonymous.

Your business pages are separate from your main profile, and you don't have to worry about your friends or family knowing about your business page if that's what you want.

You can also hide the page from everyone by visiting the page visibility section and unpublishing the page — this will hide it permanently until you publish the page.

How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page Who Hasn't Liked The Page

As long as you have the Facebook profile user's name, they can be banned. So take their name and search for it in the Facebook search bar like below:

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Then select the user and press the three dots next to their name, and finally select ‘block.'

Can a blocked person see my business page on Facebook?

They can see your business page and share your posts, but they can't interact in any way. That means no likes, comments, or messages.

How Do You Unblock A User On Facebook?

If you want to unblock a user on Facebook, click on Settings for the page, then ‘people and other pages;' you will see a list of people for your page.

Select the ‘banned people and pages' option from the dropdown menu, and then check the checkbox for the user.

All that's left to do then is select the gear icon and press unban.

Can I Block Users On My Facebook Business Page By Country?

Yes, visit your page, select General — Country Restrictions, and enter the country to be restricted from your page.

Can I Block Users On My Facebook Business Page By Age?

Yes, follow the steps above for blocking by country, but after selecting General, select ‘age restrictions' and choose the age group to limit.

Can I Block Facebook Page Users From Sending Me Messages?

Yes, go to your Facebook page and press ‘General.' Look to the right of the page, and you will see a lot of options for you to edit.

If i block a profile on facebook can that person still see me through their business page

Select the Messages option and unclick the checkbox. Doing this will remove the message button from your page, which means no one will message you from the page.

Final Thoughts On How To Block Someone On A Facebook Business Page

You now know how to block someone from a Facebook business page, and you can do it from desktop, mobile, and all within a few minutes of your time.

Facebook is an excellent social media platform with many benefits for business owners. Having an active Facebook business page is rewarding; however, you must be prepared to ban specific users for the good of the community from time to time.

If you have spammers or persistent rule breakers, use the methods mentioned in this article for blocking and banning them from your business page for good.

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Colin Linnett is a seasoned copywriter and certified content marketer who helps entrepreneurs and bloggers by creating engaging content to woo their readers.

He spends most of his time writing blog posts, emails, and researching the latest marketing trends online.

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Does Blocking someone on Facebook block them from your business page?

You can ban someone from your page's admin panel, from a post the person created on the page Timeline or from a comment the person made on a status you posted on your page. No matter what method you use, the person will be permanently blocked from accessing your business page.

How do I block someone from seeing my Facebook business page?

Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android..
Tap the search icon, located in the top-left of the screen. Tap the search icon. ... .
Tap the three dots located below the page's profile photo and labeled "More." Tap the three dots. ... .
Select "Block." Select "Block." ... .
Confirm your decision by tapping "Block" again..

When someone blocks you on Facebook can they still see your page?

Blocking someone means they can't see your timeline, message you, tag you, and send you friend requests. You won't see their activity either. This is what most people miss: People who are blocked can still see your public information and any activity within apps or groups.

Can I block someone from viewing my business page?

You can't “block” someone from a Business Page. That's usually reserved for personal accounts. However, you can “ban” users, and that permanently blocks them from accessing a business page.