If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages

by Radu Tyrsina

Radu Tyrsina has been a Windows fan ever since he got his first PC, a Pentium III (a monster at that time). For most of the kids of... read more

Published on July 25, 2020

  • We've all wondered at least once what happens when you block somebody on Instagram.
  • In today's guide we answer this, and some other useful questions about this topic.
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If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages


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Every social media platform has some form of blocking, and Instagram is no different. You have full control over your account, and when you no longer want a user to have access to you or your account, you hit the block button. But what happens after an Instagram block?

For sure, you know that the person you blocked can’t see your posts or follow you.

However, what happens to your previous interaction? Do their likes and comments disappear? Can they contact you in any way? These are some of the questions you might have.

This article answers these questions and clarifies what happens after you block someone on Instagram.

What happens when I block someone on Instagram?

1. Their comments and likes on your posts

If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages

When you block someone on Instagram, what happens to their likes and comments on your content? If they liked or commented on your posts, these interactions will disappear permanently.

If, for some reason, you want to delete someone’s like from your content, simply block and unblock the user.

Instagram deletes the likes and comments of blocked users permanently. This means that even if you unblock them later, these interactions will not return.

However, blocked users will view your comments and likes on the posts of other public accounts.

2. Blocked users can’t mention or tag you

If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages

Users that you block will no longer be able to mention you on posts. They also can’t tag you on posts that they publish on the platform.

If they attempt to tag or mention you on content, they won’t find your username.

If you’re blocking the user for safety reasons, you may also consider changing your username. This way, unless they find out your new username, the blocked user won’t be able to tag or mention you anywhere.

3. After an Instagram block, what happens to direct messages?

If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages

Instagram doesn’t delete the direct messages of users that you block. Although the messages stay intact, you neither you nor the blocked user can send the other person messages.

In the event that you unblock them later, you’d be able to send each other messages. The messages you sent while blocked won’t be delivered to the other party.

Also, if both of you are participants in a group, you’d have to choose whether you want to leave the group or stay. If you opt for the latter, then you and the user you blocked will see each other’s messages to the group. Also, the user you blocked can’t join a room that you create.

If you’re wondering what happens to your direct messages when you deactivate Instagram or when you block somebody, it is a tricky question.

Nothing happens to the direct messages that you and the user exchanged before you blocked them. Even if you deactivate your Instagram account, the messages will still remain in their inbox.

However, if you deactivate your account, no one (not only the blocked user) will be able to DM you.

You practically have no Instagram account, and so when anyone taps your name, they will arrive at a user not found page.

If you want to break communication with a user and also wish to deactivate your Instagram, then you don’t need to block them first – Simply deactivate your account.

4. You cease to follow each other

If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages

When you block a user, you stop following them and Instagram also deletes them from your follower list. Before Instagram introduced the remove follower option, the only way to stop someone from following you was to block them (and unblock them after they’re gone).

Instagram’s blocking function is essential to stop stalkers and break contact with users. You now know what happens after you block someone on Instagram – the user loses all access to you.

The only way they can communicate with you is if both of you are in the same group.

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If you block someone on instagram can they still see your messages


Do messages disappear when you block someone on Instagram?

After you block someone, your messaging threads with them will remain in your Direct inbox, but you won't be able to message them. If you're in a group message with someone you've blocked, you'll get a dialog asking whether you want to stay in the group or leave.

Can people see your messages on Instagram if they blocked you?

If you have been blocked, Instagram will hide any message thread that you have previously had with this person for both of you, so if you have suspicions, check your direct messages. If you can still see your chat, then you're in the clear.

When you block someone can they still see the messages?

Blocking Someone on Android Messages and Apple iMessage When you block a contact over Android or iPhone, they will still be able to send you text messages. These messages will not show up on your phone but the sender will see the messages as sent. They won't know that they've been blocked.