How to remove pee smell from leather sofa

How can I get dog urine smell out of a leather loveseat. It is saturated into the filling under the leather.

How to remove pee smell from leather sofa

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May 24, 20093 found this helpful

To clean your area: Blot up mess with paper towel & clean with water that has a tiny bit of vinegar in it. Next, Saturate the area with a product called "Out!" ($4.79 at Walmart) or another "Enzyme" pet cleaning product. (Pour it down into the whole area including the padding!)  Then leave the Enzyme pet cleaner on overnight then blot it up. Next you can pour Hydrogen Peroxide on the area. Peroxide cleans with oxygen. And, lastly you can use a half white vinegar & half water solution. If you use one or all of the above, your cat-pee smell will go away. My favorite number one thing to clean up any pet mess (hairballs, blood, pee & poop) is Out!, I like the light Vanilla scent it leaves behind, not like the other brands that have a strong floral scent. I sprayed a bit of the Out! on a nasty hairball mess, then left it to sit for about 45 min, then came back to finish cleaning it up & the mess was totally gone! What a surprise that was! The enzymes actually "eat" the pet's mess right up. If the mess is on the carpeting, be sure to spray enough so it soaks way down in the carpet's padding or down into upholstery stuffing!

For complete and detailed directions on how to remove all traces of pet odors and urine read my post here::

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Here's a note someone sent to my private mail box last month here on ThriftyFun:

I joined thriftyfun just so that I could tell you how much I truly appreciate your cleaning solutions and instructions. I've had a problem with ferret urine around a window for years. I've cleaned it over and over using bleach even. Only to still have the room smell like urine when the sun shone on it. I also feared the sun had "baked" the urine into the carpet and floor beyond recovery. I followed your wonderful instructions beginning with water and white vinegar to using Out and covering with plastic 2x. I am so very relieved. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. After years of suffering the smell. It now smells fresh and clean even tho the sun has shone on it and heated up the room. You are a lifesaver. I can keep the carpet and the floorboards. I can not stress how relieved and grateful I am!

It’s happened again. Poor Fido drank way too much water this morning, and decided your refurbished leather sofa was probably the most sensible place to relieve himself. Moments later, the poor, misguided pup has been deposited safely outside, and you are frozen in place by your couch, completely befuddled about how you’re going to fix this latest mishap.

Aren’t you a lucky dog? That’s what today’s post is all about.

Stay Calm and Clean It Up

First step to clean leather furniture of pet urine is to keep calm. Unpleasant odors and stains are not the end of the world, so move quickly and it will have little effect. The sooner the mess is cleaned the better.

Second step is, a little obviously, to clean up the accident. If the spot is fresh when you find it (well spotted!), absorb the pet urine with a paper towel. Dab, don’t wipe. Smearing will only make the mess worse. After you have removed as much as you can, your next priority is to clean up the spot where the urine was sitting. There’s a trick to this. While it is important to clean leather furniture by removing the urine itself, an equally large threat is going to come from the stuffing underneath. If urine successfully penetrates your leather and gets into the stuffing, it can be difficult to remove. Instead, locate the zipper on your leather item and take all that stuffing out. If your leather does not have a zipper, follow these same steps and move quickly to prevent the urine from contacting the stuffing.

After the stuffing is out, clean the leather with a deep cleaner like Chamberlain’s Straight Cleaner No. 2. Do not saturate your leather. Instead, use a small amount of cleaner on a sponge or applicator pad and rub in circular motions to avoid streaking.

Take note: we recommend cleaners specifically designed for suede, nubuck, or unfinished leather of any kind if that’s what you have. These leathers are highly receptive to conventional leather care remedies, and will likely be harmed or darken if the wrong leather cleaner or conditioner is used. A good trick is to try your cleaner in a discreet area on your leather and observe its effects before applying it the entire item. You should know that if the urine is not caught very quickly on unfinished leather, the stain will soak into the fibers and cause more problems. If you are lucky enough to catch it quickly, however, clean the entire spill area seam to seam. Turning the entire cushion dark is the best way to keep a urine ring from developing. If your furniture does not have cushions, a local furniture upholster can take the piece apart and get down to the stuffing, where the smell most strongly resides. To find out more about unfinished leather, visit our blog post “Leather Care for Finished and Unfinished Leather Furniture.”

After you have applied leather cleaner on the affected spot, clean out the stuffing with an enzyme or bacteria based cleaner, or a homemade combination cleaning recipe. While you can’t exactly scrub stuffing, you can wash it in the sink or bathtub just like you would for hand-washable apparel. Once the stuffing is cleaned, allow it to dry completely before placing it back inside your leather. The best way to do this is to allow the stuffing to dry outside under sunlight, which helps dissipate the odor more effectively.

Your leather will need to be dried next. Unlike the stuffing, you should avoid drying it under the sun. Sunlight can bleach the surface of your leather, and cause it to harden and crack. Indoor drying in a cool place will suffice. Afterwards, it’s a good idea to restore the leather with some leather conditioner, like Chamberlain's Furniture Treatment no. 5, to safeguard it from further mischief. For boosted protection, you could alternatively use Chamberlain’s Water Protectant No. 3, a heavier, wax and oil based leather conditioner and protector. Take note that Chamberlain's Water Protectant may darken your furniture leather.

Nice Job, You

Have you stopped hyperventilating yet? Good! A day without making a mistake is a day without a lesson learned. And that’s what we here at Chamberlain’s like to call a “really boring day!” So what can be learned? Well, while pet stains can be troublesome to remove, they don’t have to be permanent. Try to figure out why your pet is getting on your clean leather furniture in the first place, and find a way to break this habit. Continued accidents can wind up being costly, but keeping an eye out and planning ahead will help you out dramatically.

Also, don’t forget to let Fido back inside. Poor pup didn’t mean to trouble you, after all. Help him figure out what you want, and you’ll get along just fine.

How do you get urine smell out of leather sofa?

All you'll need is one cup of vinegar, one cup of water, two teaspoons of baking soda, and a clean spray bottle. Mix it all together, spray it over your leather couch, and allow it to dry.

Does pee soak into leather?

You should know that if the urine is not caught very quickly on unfinished leather, the stain will soak into the fibers and cause more problems. If you are lucky enough to catch it quickly, however, clean the entire spill area seam to seam.

What neutralizes urine smell on couch?

Mix a 1:3 parts vinegar and water solution in a spray bottle, and spray generously on the stain. Scrub lightly before letting dry. It's important to note that a dried stain will require more spraying to re-wet the stain. Vinegar's disinfecting properties will target the bacteria as well.

Does the smell of urine in a couch go away?

Rinse the urine spot with a damp cloth that only has water. Your couch will air dry, and the urine smell should be gone. Vinegar breaks down uric acid, the main component in urine that produces odor. The detergent and water clean the stain and leave your fabric sparkling clean.