How to remove pink semi permanent hair dye

If you’re looking for tips on how to remove semi-permanent hair dye from your locks (without damaging them), then keep reading!

Semi-permanent hair dye is something that a lot of people use to change the color of their hair without making it permanent.

It’s easy to do, and you can get some really stunning colors and cool effects with it. The problem is, when you want to go back to your natural hair color, that dye has got to come off somehow.

We have compiled a list of the 4 best quick and easy ways that won’t ruin your hair. Check it out below and see what might work best for you.

How to remove pink semi permanent hair dye


  • 1 How to remove semi-permanent hair dye at home.
  • 2 Method #1: Use a clarifying shampoo.
  • 3 Method #2: With baking soda.
  • 4 Method #3: With hair color remover.
  • 5 Method #4: With bleach.
  • 6 What is Semi-permanent hair dye?
  • 7 Can you wash out semi permanent hair dye?
  • 8 Will a bleach bath remove semi permanent hair dye?
  • 9 Ask the professionals: Which is the best hair color remover?
  • 10 Is semi-permanent hair dye right for me?
  • 11 Pros
  • 12 Cons
  • 13 Parting words

How to remove semi-permanent hair dye at home.

Method #1: Use a clarifying shampoo.

If you want to remove semi-permanent hair dye quickly and easily, then your best bet is to use a clarifying shampoo.

Clarifying shampoos are designed to remove build-up from your hair, which means that they’ll also strip away any unwanted hair color.

Wash your hair with the shampoo 2-3 times to get the best results.

Just make sure to follow up with a conditioner, as clarifying shampoos can be quite drying.

Method #2: With baking soda.

Baking soda is another common household item that can be used to remove semi-permanent hair dye.

To use it, just make a paste with equal parts baking soda and water and apply it to your wet hair.

Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it out thoroughly.

You may need to repeat this process a few times to get all the color out.

(You can also try apple cider vinegar or lemon juice with this method).

Method #3: With hair color remover.

If you’re looking for something a little more heavy-duty, you can try using a hair color remover.

Hair color removers work by breaking down the molecules of the hair dye so that they can be washed away.

Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using a hair color remover, as some can be harsh on your strands if not used correctly.

And as always, follow up with a conditioner after using any type of chemical on your hair.

Method #4: With bleach.

Bleach is probably the most effective way to remove semi-permanent hair dye, but it’s also the most harsh.

If you decide to go this route, make sure you use a bleach kit made specifically for at-home use and follow the instructions carefully.

It’s also important to note that bleaching your hair will strip away all of the natural pigment, so if you have dark hair, you’ll end up with light blonde or even white hair after bleaching it.

Once you’ve removed the semi-permanent dye with bleach, you can then dye your hair whatever color you want!

What is Semi-permanent hair dye?

How to remove pink semi permanent hair dye

Semi-permanent, or direct hair dye, is a type of hair dye that dyes your hair without using any peroxide or ammonia.

This means that, unlike permanent hair dye, semi-permanent color coats the surface of your hair shaft rather than penetrating or altering it.

This makes it more gentle and less damaging or drying for your hair.

But it also means that it’s not as effective at covering greys as demi-permanent or permanent color that penetrates deep into your hair to alter its color.

It also means that semi-permanent hair dye won’t last as long – around 6-12 washes.

That said, it’s an excellent choice for enhancing your natural color. And you won’t get unsightly roots growing out like you will with permanent dyes.

It’s still pretty stubborn at being removed but we know of a few ways that work to get that color out and back to your original base hair color.

Can you wash out semi permanent hair dye?

Semi-permanent hair dyes are designed to last between 6 and 12 shampoos, which means they should be washed off eventually if you want your natural color back.

However, it may take some experimenting before you find the right shampoo or combination of products that work best for you.

A lot depends on things like the condition of your hair, how much dye product there is to wash out, how often you wash your hair.

If you want to speed up the results, you can use dandruff shampoo, a clarifying shampoo or dish soap that will help to strip your color.

Will a bleach bath remove semi permanent hair dye?

Bleach baths are great for removing hair color. But will it work on semi-permanent hair dye? The answer is yes!

To do this, mix a few tablespoons of bleach into the water, add shampoo and then soak your head in that solution for about 10 minutes.

Rinse your hair afterwards with cool water to close up the cuticle layer and get ready to wash out any leftover residue.

However, this is a pretty harsh process on your hair and we know a few other, more natural ways you can try first.

Ask the professionals: Which is the best hair color remover?

Here’ a great video that gives you even more hair color removal tips straight from the pros.

How to remove pink semi permanent hair dye

Is semi-permanent hair dye right for me?

If you want a subtle change of color or you’re ready to experiment with something different, it’s right for you. You can also have fun with bright colors and on-trend pastel colors.


Semi-permanent hair dye

  • They contain no nasties that can damage your hair like ammonia or peroxide.
  • You can switch things up without committing to a permanent color.
  • It gives a natural multi dimensional coverage which means natural highlights will shine through.
  • You can experiment with colors without worrying about the long term effects.


    Semi-permanent hair dye

    • They cannot lighten your hair.
    • Not the best at covering greys.
    • Only lasts for 8 to 10 shampoos.

    Parting words

    Semi-permanent dye is a great way to experiment with different colors without having to commit – but if it doesn’t work out how you wanted, don’t worry!

    We’ve got the perfect tips on how to remove this type of hair dye from your locks so that they’re safe and healthy again. Good luck!

    How do I get pink semi

    Shampoo and Baking Soda Baking soda is a great way to eliminate dark pink semi-permanent color. Compared to other treatments, this one enters the hair shaft and is more aggressive. The paste may be made by mixing it with water or shampoo and then applying it to your hair.

    Will pink semi

    Semi-permanent hair dye starts to fade after every wash, giving back the normal hair color. Will The Color Wash Out Completely? Eventually, semi-perms get washed out completely. That's because it only coats the hair shafts without permanently binding to the hair strands.

    What color cancels out pink in hair?

    Green is the opposite of pink on the color wheel, which is why it can cancel out pink tones. Green shampoo is easy to use.

    How can I speed up removing semi

    Use a Clarifying Shampoo Typically, it will last four to six weeks before fading. Still, there may come a time when you want results, stat. So if you're looking to speed up the process, cleansing with a strong clarifying shampoo will do the trick, says Cleveland.