How to remove cat urine stains from concrete floor

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Concrete is a porous material that soaks up stains and odors, making them difficult to remove. Cat urine is particularly unpleasant because of its strong smell, and if left to linger, the odds that another cat will choose that exact spot to eliminate in the future will increase greatly.

How to remove cat urine stains from concrete floor

Concrete absorbs stains and odor because of its porous qualities.

Things You Will Need


  • 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • Liquid soap
  • Non-metal container
  • Plastic spray bottle
  • Concrete sealer


Start removing the cat urine from the concrete as soon as you notice it. The fresher the urine, the better the chances of removal.

Removing cat urine from concrete can be difficult, especially if the urine has already soaked into the concrete. However, with some work you can remove the cat urine odor, and protect your concrete from future stains and odors.

  1. Mix together 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap in a non-metal container.

  2. Decant this mixture into a plastic spray bottle. If you going to store this mixture, leave the cap slightly loose to allow air in and out of the bottle as hydrogen peroxide and baking soda will produce oxygen and increase the pressure inside the bottle.

  3. Spray the concrete generously with the hydrogen peroxide mixture and allow it to dry. Wait two or three days to ensure that the concrete is completely dry.

  4. Re-spray the concrete with the mixture if the odor remains. Repeat at least three times for optimal results.

  5. Seal the area with a special concrete sealer available from most home improvement stores.



  • Start removing the cat urine from the concrete as soon as you notice it. The fresher the urine, the better the chances of removal.

Writer Bio

Writing since 2009, Catherine Hiles is a British writer currently living Stateside. Her articles appear on websites covering topics in animal health and training, lifestyle and more. She has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the University of Chester in the United Kingdom.

Photo Credits

  • concrete surface image by starush from
  • concrete surface image by starush from

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I had the same situation due to our aging cat. I researched and found the only way to rid this problem is to treat the area by pouring full strength, 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the area. I made sure the area was very wet, as if you poured a glass of water onto the floor. Allow this to stand and soak for 30 minutes or more. Wipe up the excess with rags or paper towels. Do the same process a second time! Let the "peroxided" areas dry throughly between the two treatments, perhaps a day or two in between.

If the cement floor areas you are treating have cracks, make sure the peroxide seeps down into the cracks to reach all of the old urine. After the peroxide treated areas are completely dry after a few days, paint the area with Kilz brand oil based primer. Allow this first coat to dry for several days then apply a second coat of Kilz. I purchased my Kilz oil base primer at Walmart.

Before you begin this treatment process, do your prep work first!

1. Do a test spot of several square inches. I used this peroxide treatment on wooden subfloor, not cement. By doing this you will know if the cement is damaged to any degree from the peroxide.

2. Buy a blacklight and use it first before you do any of the above!! I cannot stress this enough. You will never miss any urine spotted areas if you use a blacklight to find them first. Use when there is absolutely no light in the room, or at night with lights off. Those areas with urine will show up as a neon light-yellow. After you have located and treated the urine areas with the peroxide, shine the blacklight onto every square inch of your room or surface just to make sure the urine is eradicated BEFORE priming with Kilz. If done correctly you should not be able to see any of the neon light-yellow areas.

I purchased the hydrogen peroxide at Walmart. It is located near the rubbing alcohol. I used the quart size bottles, for less than a dollar per bottle. The hydrogen peroxide, paper towels, a little time and effort, a blacklight (I use an 18 inch tube style blacklight) and Kilz oil base primer will rid your problem completely. I also used rubber gloves because the hydrogen peroxide can irritate and sting your hands. It is odorless. Kilz does have a strong odor so make sure you have proper and adequate ventilation.

I do know what you mean about the humidity making the urine odor come to life, however this treatment process won the battle for me.

Good luck! Let me know how this works for you.

My last of four house cats died in October at age 21. I miss her dearly.


How do I get urine stains out of concrete?

First, a dry enzyme powder is mixed fresh with water. This solution is poured onto the surface of the stain and allowed to sit for 8 hours. The second step is to pour the accompanying gentle peroxide solution over the stain. This solution changes the stain and odor into an evaporable gas of water and oxygen.

Does cat pee stay in concrete?

When urine lands on a concrete area, it bonds tightly to the concrete as it dries, penetrating deep within its pores. This can make odor removal particularly difficult. That terrible stench lingers long after the liquid has been absorbed, and can last months unless treated properly.

Will bleach get rid of cat urine on concrete?

The short answer is no. Do not try to get rid of cat urine from concrete floors with bleach. Bleach is a disinfectant, but it won't do anything for the smell. Bleach is also a caustic chemical and if your cat has done its business in the basement or garage, you don't want your home to be enveloped in bleach fumes.

Can cat pee stains be removed?

Mix one cup white vinegar with one cup water (1:1). Coat the urine-stained item with this solution and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Cover the stained area with baking soda, if you wish. Baking soda will work along with vinegar to absorb and neutralize odor.