How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Today, we’re introducing Favorites and Following, two new ways to choose what you see in your feed. We want you to be able to shape Instagram into the best possible experience, and giving you ways to quickly see what you’re most interested in is an important step in that direction.

What Are Favorites and Following?

Your Instagram feed is a mix of photos and videos from people you follow, suggested posts and more. Over time, we’re going to add more recommendations to your feed based on your interests — Favorites and Following are new ways to catch up on recent posts from the accounts you follow.

Favorites shows you the latest from accounts that you choose, like your best friends and favorite creators. In addition to this view, posts from accounts in Favorites will also show up higher in your home feed.

Following shows you posts from the people you follow. Both Favorites and Following will show you posts in chronological order, so you can quickly catch up on recent posts. 

To use Favorites and Following, tap on Instagram in the top left corner of your home page to choose what you see. 

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

How Your Favorites List Works 

Use Favorites to see the most recent posts from the accounts you’ve added to your favorites list. You can add up to 50 accounts to your list, and make changes to this list at any time — people are not notified when they are added or removed. Posts from accounts on your favorites list will also show up higher in your home feed, as shown by a star icon.

More Choice and Control Over What You See in Your Feed

We’re always working on new ways to improve your Instagram experience. We’ll continue to build features like Favorites and Following to give you more choice and control over what you see, and help make the time you spend on the app feel more intentional.

Looking for a way to make your Instagram feed show new posts?

Using an Instagram feed, you have an easy way to boost engagement, get more interactions, and convert website visitors into customers.

But if you can’t show fresh content on your Instagram feeds, engaging your visitors is tough.

That’s why we’re going to show how to fix your Instagram feed if it’s not showing new posts. It’s super easy and you can start getting tons of engagement in no time.

Before that, let’s take a look at how embedding Instagram feeds can help your business.

Or, you can click here to start fixing your Instagram feed right away.

Why Add Instagram Feeds to Your Site?

With almost 1.4 billion active users, Instagram is one of the biggest social media networks out there.

For your business, that means tons of potential customers that you can reach to skyrocket your sales.

The good news is that you can boost your brand’s Instagram presence with ease. All you have to do is add Instagram feeds to your site.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Using an Instagram feed, you can keep your visitors engaged by showing relevant posts from Instagram.

And if you show your own Instagram posts, you can get tons of likes, comments, and followers from all the people visiting your site.

In fact, here are a few more things you can do using Instagram feeds:

  • When you embed Instagram feeds, it can show visitors that your brand is active on social media if people want to reach you
  • By embedding Instagram reviews and testimonials, you show visitors that real people out there are also enjoying your products and convert them into customers.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

  • You can create a shoppable Instagram feed to give your customers an amazing shopping experience.
  • With Instagram TV (IGTV) videos on your site, you can keep people engaged with your content for much longer. And that can help boost your SEO.

As you can see, there’s so much you can do by embedding Instagram feeds on your site. With more Instagram followers, sales, and conversions, you can then easily grow your business.

Now let’s go ahead and see how you can fix your Instagram feed if it’s not showing new posts.

If you’re wondering why your Instagram feed is not updating, there are a few ways you can get it to start working again.

Let’s check them out below:

1) Contact the Support Team

If you’re using an Instagram feed plugin, you can just contact their support team and ask for help.

It’s the first and the easiest way to fix your Instagram feeds since you can have the experts take care of the issue for you.

On the other hand, many of the Instagram feed plugins don’t come with a dedicated support team. And if the customer support is slow, you lose valuable time waiting for them to respond.

If you’re not using an Instagram feed plugin yet or want to switch to a better option, you can choose a plugin that’s proven to have high-quality customer support.

And when it comes to Instagram feed plugins that put the customer first, Instagram Feed Pro is easily the best option out there.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

As the #1 Instagram feed plugin, it’s packed with tons of features to help you embed hashtags feeds, IGTV videos, mentions feeds, Instagram carousels, and so much more with ease.

Since it has amazing customer support, it’s trusted by over 1 million users and has a rating of 4.9 stars out of 5!

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

If you’re using Instagram Feed Pro, you can reach out to the support team at any time from their support page or the WordPress forums.

So, you’ll have a dedicated team of WordPress experts who’ll be happy to help you with any issues.

Want to see what others think of the customer support quality here? You can just check the user reviews for the plugin.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

On top of that, Instagram Feed Pro is trusted by some of the biggest brands in the world.

As you can see, even household names like Coca-Cola and Clorox are happy with the level of customer support.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Just grab your copy of Instagram Feed Pro today and you can start easily creating beautiful Instagram feeds.

And if you run into any issues, you can let the dedicated support team handle everything!

2) Make Sure WordPress is Updated

As WordPress gets new updates, support for old features can get dropped.

Because of this, your Instagram feed can stop working if you’re running an outdated version of WordPress.

Plus, using an older version of WordPress leaves your site more vulnerable to hackers and viruses.

In fact, 44% of hacks for WordPress sites are caused by an out-of-date WordPress version. So, your site as well as your Instagram feeds will be much less secure without the latest updates.

To fix this, you can just update to the latest version of WordPress directly from your dashboard by clicking on Please update now.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

For a detailed guide, just check out this post on how to safely update WordPress.

After that, refresh the feed by reloading the page and see if it’s showing new posts.

3) Update Your Instagram Feed Plugin

To embed Instagram feeds, your plugin has to connect to Instagram’s API. Using that API, the plugin can take data from Instagram and show them on your site.

And when Instagram updates its API, the plugins will also need to update to keep up with the changes.

But the old version of the plugin won’t be able to connect to Instagram anymore. So, your feeds might stop updating or even go offline.

When that happens, you can just update your Instagram feed plugin. To do that, go to Dashboard » Updates from your WordPress dashboard.

Here, select your Instagram feed plugin, and click on the Update Plugins button.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Just take a look at this guide on updating WordPress plugins for a step-by-step tutorial.

But if your Instagram feed plugin doesn’t update regularly, then it can’t keep up with the changing Instagram API. As a result, your feeds can’t work properly, even if you update your plugin.

The good news is that you can easily solve this issue.

As a trusted Instagram partner, Instagram Feed Pro will always work with the latest Instagram API and keep your feeds online.

Just go to the Plugins menu from your WordPress dashboard and then select the Enable auto-updates option for Instagram Feed Pro.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

On top of that, the plugin also comes with a smart caching feature that saves a copy of your feeds. Using that saved copy, your feeds will remain online even when Instagram is temporarily down.

As a bonus, Instagram Feed Pro also brings back the oEmbed feature that WordPress dropped after Instagram changed its API on October 24, 2020.

Using oEmbeds, you can now paste a link to an Instagram post and your site will automatically embed it.

And with each update, Instagram Feed Pro also brings you helpful new features so you can create engaging Instagram feeds with ease.

Go and get Instagram Feed Pro here and you can start building effective feeds in no time.

4) Update Your Instagram Access Token

An Instagram Access Token is a special key that gives your website access to your Instagram account.

But if your token is outdated, then your website can’t fetch data from Instagram. As a result, your Instagram feeds will not show new posts.

The solution here is simply to update your Instagram Access Token so your site can connect to Instagram again.

If you want to manually get your access token, you’ll need to register with Facebook as a developer and create an app yourself. So, the whole process can get long and complicated.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Want an easier way to do this?

You can use Instagram Feed Pro to update your access token in just a few seconds.

Go to the Instagram Feed menu from your WordPress dashboard and click on the button that says Connect an Instagram Account.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

Once you log in to your Instagram account, you’ll see a popup where you can choose to Update This Account.

How to make your instagram post show up on peoples feed

With that, you’ve successfully updated your Instagram Access Token!

For a step-by-step tutorial, you can check out this guide on updating your Instagram Access Token.

And that’s it!

As you can see, there are many ways you can solve your problem if your Instagram feed is not showing new posts.

Just give these a try and you can get Instagram to show the most recent feed on your website.

If you want the easiest option, then you can reach out to your Instagram feed plugin’s support team for help.

Since it’s the best Instagram feed plugin out there, Instagram Feed Pro comes with a dedicated support team that’s always ready to lend you a hand.

You can go to their support page and get started.

On top of that, Instagram Feed Pro comes with tons of features to make sure you can create, customize, and embed your feeds as easily as possible.

With a user-friendly interface, the plugin makes it simple to manage your Instagram feeds as well.

You can then get lots of interactions, engage your visitors, and boost your sales in no time — even if you’re a WordPress newbie.

Get your copy of Instagram Feed Pro here and get the most out of Instagram marketing today!

If you want your customers to easily reach you, we’ve got a beginner-friendly tutorial on how to create a contact form.

While you’re here, don’t forget to take a look at our list of the best Instagram marketing tips.

If you found this article to be helpful, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and stay tuned for more social media marketing tips and tricks.

How do I get everyone to see my post on Instagram?

If your account is set to public, anyone will be able to see your profile and posts by visiting[your username] on the web. If your account is set to private, your profile and posts will be visible to people logged into Instagram who you've approved to follow you.

Why is my Instagram post not showing up on peoples feed?

Either your posts aren't getting enough engagement, your engagement/follower ratio is poor, your image quality is bad, or maybe you're posting content to a popular hashtag and it's getting buried quickly by more popular accounts.

How do I get my Instagram post to the top of the feed 2022?

6 Ways to "Beat" the Instagram Algorithm in 2022.
#1: Consistently Share Instagram Reels..
#2: Encourage More Interactions with Instagram Stories Stickers..
#3: Drive Conversations with Engaging Captions and Comments..
#4: Add Hashtags and Keywords to Your Posts..
#5: Cross-promote Your Instagram Content..

Can you make an Instagram post visible to certain people?

The bottom line is this: Instagram doesn't let you limit your post's visibility. But there are some precautions or workaround that you can take. So, whether it's nosy relatives or hateful followers, you can always choose to block them out smartly.