How to import emails from gmail to outlook

Video Guide on Migrate Emails Using Outlook Client on Windows

Turn on IMAP on Gmail

  1. Logout from all Google accounts and open an Incognito/InPrivate browser.
  2. Go to and click the button CONNECT.HKU.HK (Google, read-only)

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Login with your UID and password.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. At the top right, click Settings and See all settings.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  5. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  6. In the “IMAP access” section, select Enable IMAP. Click Save Changes.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  7. Under your account icon, click Manage your Google Account.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  8. Under Security, in the Less secure app access section, set “Allow less secure apps:” to ON.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  9. Please check all the labels in Gmail, to make sure all label doesn’t contain special character.

    Rename any label with special character: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = { } | [ ] \ : ” ; ‘ < > , . ? /

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

Create a Temporary Outlook Profile

  1. Go to Control Panel, look up Mail (Microsoft Outlook).

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  2. Under Show Profiles, click Add. Under Profile Name, enter Migration and click OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Click Cancel under the Add Account page.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Click OK when you see the alert on create a profile with no email account.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  5. Choose Prompt for a profile to be used, Click Apply and OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

Add Gmail Account to Outlook Client (IMAP)

  1. Open Outlook.  Select the new Profile Name: Migration and click OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  2. Enter your HKU Connect email address.  Click Advanced options and click Let me set up my account manually.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Select Google.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Enter under Server of Incoming mail; enter 993 under Port; select SSL/TLS under Encryption method.
  5. Enter under Server of Outgoing mail; enter 587 under Port; select STARTLS under Encryption method.
  6. Click Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  7. Enter your HKU Portal PIN/Graduate Email Account Password.  Click Connect.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  8. Enter and HKU Portal PIN/Graduate Email Account Password again.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  9. The Google account permissions window may appear. Click Allow.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  10. Once Outlook finishes adding your Gmail account, click OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  11. Outlook may take hours to synchronize all mails to local computer. Please keep it online and wait until the Send/Receive status complete.  You can click the Send/Receive bar at the bottom to check the progress and this bar will be gone after synchronization is completed.

Export emails from Gmail account to local .pst file

  1. Open Outlook.  Select File, Open & Export and Import/Export.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  2. Select Export to a file and click Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Select Outlook Data File (.pst) > Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Select the email account ( using Gmail) and Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  5. Choose the preferred file destination, name the file and click OK.  Then click Finish.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  6. You can set a password to protect the exported .pst file, or you can leave it blank. Click OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  7. After the export is completed, close Outlook.

Connect M365 account to Outlook client

  1. After the export is completed, close Outlook.
  2. Open Control Panel, look up Mail (Microsoft Outlook).  Click Show Profiles and select the profile Migration.  Click Properties, E-mail Accounts and New.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Type Your NameEmail address and Password and click Next.  Click Finish.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Open Outlook and it shows both the Microsoft account (the upper one) and Google account (the lower one).

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

Import .pst file to M365 account

  1. Right click the M365 account and select New Folder.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  2. Add a name for the folder.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Select the newly created folder. Then select File, Open & Export and Import/Export.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Select Import from another program of file and click Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  5. Select Outlook Data File (.pst)and click Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  6. Choose the location of the imported .pst fileand click Next.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  7. Select Import items into the current folder and click Finish. All emails from your Gmail account will be imported into the destination folder of your Microsoft account.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  8. After importing the mails to your Microsoft account, if you find the imported folders are empty, click View, Change View and IMAP Messages for each imported folder and all emails will be shown.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  9. Go to and select the button CONNECT.HKU.HK (Microsoft 365). Double check if all the migrated emails can be read on webmail.
  10. You can remove the temporary profile created if you don’t want to keep it.  Close Outlook.  Go to Control Panel and look for Mail (Microsoft Outlook). Click Show Profiles and select Migration.  Click Remove and OK to confirm the deletion.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook


Please run the following script which could help to convert the imported mail folder(s) to Outlook native format.

  1. Open the MS Outlook 365 Client
  2. Download script file here (filename:

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  3. Extract the zip file. Open the extracted folder and double click the FixImportedIMAPFolders.vbs file

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  4. Click OK to run the file

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  5. Select the Outlook icon on task bar

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  6. You will see the follow windows. Select the Import from Gmail folder and click OK.

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  7. Select the following icon on Task bar

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  8. Click Yes, to include subfolders

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  9. Click OK to complete

    How to import emails from gmail to outlook

  10. The imported mails will show up on mobile Outlook/Mail app.

Credit: Solution was provided by .

How do I Import emails into Outlook?

Import Outlook items from a ..
At the top of your Outlook ribbon, select File. ... .
Select Open & Export > Import/Export. ... .
Select Import from another program or file, and then click Next..
Select Outlook Data File (. ... .
Browse to the . ... .
If a password was assigned to the Outlook Data File (..

Can Outlook get emails from Gmail?

Yes, Outlook can receive mails from Gmail on Windows without any problem.