How to do video on snapchat without holding

How to do video on snapchat without holding
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Do you want to record a video on Snapchat, but don't have any extra hands to press and hold the Capture button? Luckily, Snapchat has introduced a hands-free mode that you can easily activate and use! This wikiHow article teaches you how to record a Snapchat video hands-free on your mobile phone or tablet.

  1. How to do video on snapchat without holding


    Press and hold the record button. This is the big button at the bottom of the screen, above the "Memories" button.

    • It's the button that you usually hold down to capture a video.

  2. How to do video on snapchat without holding


    Slide your finger to the left. This will lock the recording of the video so it'll remain recording when you let go of your phone to make the rest of the video.


  3. How to do video on snapchat without holding


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Have you ever tried recording a funny or warm moment on Snapchat, but messed it up because your finger slipped off the capture button? Some moments you can never get again, no matter how hard you try. 

If you’re wondering how to record on Snapchat without holding the button, then I’ve got just the thing for you. Here are two easy ways to record videos on Snapchat without holding the capture button. 


  • 1 2 Ways To Record Snapchat Videos Without Holding The Capture Button 
    • 1.1 Using The Camera Lock Feature On Snapchat
    • 1.2 Record Snapchat Videos Without Hands On iPhone
  • 2 How To Record Without Holding The Button On Snapchat Video
  • 3 FAQs
    • 3.1 Can you record on Snapchat without holding the button?
  • 4 How To Record On Snapchat Without Holding The Button — Wrapping Up

2 Ways To Record Snapchat Videos Without Holding The Capture Button 

Using The Camera Lock Feature On Snapchat

Snapchat is known for its filters and disappearing messages — they’re what made the app popular. The filters are great for cute pics or hilarious videos, but sometimes it’s hard to record a good video when you have to be focused on holding down the capture button. 

However, Snapchat has learned the error of its ways and updated the app to include a camera lock feature, which is available on both Android and iPhone. This allows you to record Snapchat videos hands-free

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Snapchat App and select the filter you want to use to record.

    How to do video on snapchat without holding

  2. Afterward, begin recording your video like you normally would, then slide your finger over to the lock icon on the left of the record button. This will lock the recording, so you can record on Snapchat for as long as you want without keeping your finger on the record button.

    How to do video on snapchat without holding

  3. When you’re finished recording, simply tap the recording button again to end your recording.

    How to do video on snapchat without holding

  4. Now you can share your video with your Snapchat friends, add it to your story or save it to your gallery/camera roll.

    How to do video on snapchat without holding

Here’s a video tutorial showing you how to record on Snapchat without holding the button:

Record Snapchat Videos Without Hands On iPhone

This Snapchat trick will only work for iOS users and will make use of Assistive Touch.

Apart from Snapchat, you can make use of the same trick to record Instagram videos without holding down the capture button on iPhone.

Let’s get started.

  1. Open Settings and select General.
  2. Under General, tap on Accessibility.
  3. Select Assistive Touch under Interaction in Accessibility settings.
  4. Toggle AssistiveTouch to On and select Create New Gesture…

How to do video on snapchat without holding

  1. Tap and press on the screen and move your finger in acircular direction.
  2. Select Save at the top right corner and give this gesture the desired name.
  3. Tap on Save so that the gesture can be used later.

How to do video on snapchat without holding

  1. Now open Snapchat and on the recording screen tap on the Assistive Touch bubble.
  2. Next, select Custom followed by Video (or whatever name you set for the gesture earlier).

How to do video on snapchat without holding

  1. Now, you will see a circular icon hold and drop it on the Capture button.

How to do video on snapchat without holding
Recording video without holding button on Snapchat and Instagram

That is it! The video will start recording and you do not need to press and hold the Capture button to record the video.

The video will stop recording automatically once the gesture completes. If you notice the length of the video recorded will depend on the time span of the gesture. So if you want to record a bit longer video then make sure to prolong the gesture while creating it in the steps above.

You can use the same method to record Instagram video without hands as well.

If you notice the length of the video recorded will depend on the time span of the gesture. So if you want to record a bit longer video then make sure to prolong the gesture while creating it in the steps above.

We recommend you to read the following Snapchat tutorials as well:

  • How to use two Snapchat Filters at once
  • How To Unsend Messages On Snapchat

How To Record Without Holding The Button On Snapchat Video

You can also watch our video showing both ways:


Can you record on Snapchat without holding the button?

You can record on Snapchat without holding the button. Since the app has been updated, there is now a camera lock feature that allows you to record videos on Snapchat without holding down the capture button. This means you can record videos hands-free, edit, and share them with ease. 

How To Record On Snapchat Without Holding The Button — Wrapping Up

So, that’s how you record videos on Snapchat without holding down the record button. 

To be honest, holding down the capture button to record videos on Snapchat is less than ideal because there are so many things that can happen, and you can easily let go and stop recording. This has happened to me quite a few times. 

I’m glad the camera lock feature is now available, so I don’t have to worry about that again. And if the camera lock feature isn’t working for you, the Assistive Touch feature on iPhone is also a great option for iOS users

Either way, the days of holding down the camera button to record a Snapchat video are over. 

Be sure to share in the comments below what you thought of this article. Also, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends, so they can learn how to record on Snapchat without holding the button too!

Can you record Snapchat videos without holding down the button?

A major limitation with recording videos through the Snapchat app is having to hold down the button for the duration of the recording. While there’s no way to actually record a Snap without holding down the button, there is a way to make the recording without holding down the button for the entire time. Here’s what you need to know.

What happened to hands

Yet, there was one highly awaited feature that they kept on missing: hands-free recording. Until recently, Snapchat users could not record a video on the app without holding down the record button. Whether you wanted to get behind the camera yourself or just didn’t feel like holding the record button, it was a pain to have that function missing.

Do you have to hold the record button while making a snap?

Let’s be honest, having to hold the record button while making a Snap isn’t the most arduous of tasks. However, if you’re trying to be creative with your shot or are using a tripod, having to hold it down does pose a challenge and can make it difficult to get the shot you’re going for.

How do I split the snap in the recording?

Step 1: Tap on the preview of the recording in the bottom left of the screen. Step 2: Hold and swipe up from the point you would like to split the snap at. You will see that the snap has now split in the preview.

How do you take a video on Snapchat without holding the camera?

As soon as you start recording, a little 'lock' sign will appear next to the record button. The button is located on the left side of Android phones, while it is located at the bottom of the recording button on iOS devices. Release your finger and slide it in the direction of the lock button.

Can you do hands free video on Snapchat?

Open your Snapchat app (on your app). Hold down the recording button on the screen, and start recording. While you are recording, a little 'lock' sign is expected to appear close to the record button; it should be located at the bottom of your screen.