Good shampoo and conditioner for dandruff and dry scalp

Do's and Don'ts To Get Rid of Dandruff

Do you think your scalp can talk to you? Well, we say it definitely can! Your scalp needs just as much care as your skin. Scalp can feel itchy, dry, flaky, greasy, and the list goes on. If your scalp is itchy, flaky or dry, then it's dandruff. Dandruff- those dry, flakes of skin you brush off your black clothes and shoulders, its harmless but it causes itching and can be embarrassing. Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by flaking of the skin on your scalp. The good part is that dandruff can be controlled. Depending on the intensity, it can be treated with some hair care products or with some expert consultation. Mild dandruff might need nothing more than an anti-dandruff shampoo to help clean your scalp. More severe cases of dandruff might need proper consultation and medicated products.

What causes dandruff?

The actual cause of dandruff is unknown. Some possible causes include improper hygiene, excess oil secretion or sometimes using wrong products or side effects of some illness. Infrequent shampooing and washing hair, and immune system can also lead to dandruff. Dandruff may get worse when you're stressed or sick. Cold, dry winters can trigger dandruff or make it worse, too. Pinpointing the exact cause of your itchy, flaky scalp can be difficult, but here are a few common culprits. So, what’s your itchy scalp trying to tell you? 

  • Irritated, oily scalp: This is one of the most frequent causes of dandruff, it is marked by red, greasy skin covered with flaky white scales. Scaly patches, redness and dandruff on the scalp is often caused by a common skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Dry, flaky scalp: People with dry skin are more likely to have dandruff. Dandruff that stems from dry skin tends to have smaller, non-oily flakes. If dry skin is causing dandruff, it's likely that your body parts are dry as well. Winters make dandruff worse as the skin becomes drier- which is why people tend to notice dandruff during this time.
  • Not brushing your hair enough: Skin cells are formed continuously on the scalp, so the shedding of dead skin cells is a normal process. Sometimes with dandruff, however, skin cells are shed at a faster rate than normal. Combing or brushing the hair regularly reduces the risk of dandruff, because it aids in the normal shedding of skin. So if you’re not combing your hair on a daily basis, it's never too late.
  • Sensitive to certain products: Some people have a very sensitive scalp hence they need to be very careful when looking for the right shampoo for flaky scalp. Sensitivity to certain ingredients in hair care products, masks or hair dyes can cause a red, flaky scalp.
  • Hygiene: While it sounds unhygienic, not shampooing enough could be the cause of your dandruff. Not shampooing enough leads to accumulation of oil that builds up on skin, it can cause dandruff. There might be a possibility that you are not using the right shampoo. You can go the extra mile and use a medicated over-the-counter shampoo a few times a week to help prevent any further build-up.
  • Yeast overgrowth: Malassezia is a fungus that lives on the scalp and skin of all people. For some, a sensitivity develops which can result in dandruff. Dandruff is often worse during the winter months. This maybe because UV rays counteracts yeast in the summer season helping with less dandruff.
  • Stress: Stress is believed to impact many aspects of health and well-being. While stress itself doesn’t cause dandruff, it can aggravate symptoms like dryness and itching. A weakened immune system can reduce your body’s ability to fight off some of the fungal infections and skin conditions that contribute to dandruff. Do your scalp a favour and relax!
  • Using too many products: Using too many products can irritate your scalp and lead to itchy skin. When experiencing dandruff, eliminate all the extra hair products. After the dandruff subsides a bit, you can slowly add in the products to see which gels, sprays, serums work for your hair or scalp type.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff - Tips and Remedies

Everyone gets irritated with the white flakes stealing the charm of the beautiful black dress. Dandruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. While dandruff cannot be cured permanently, there are a few ways to reduce and control dandruff.

  • Avoid harsh ingredients: People with dandruff have sensitive scalp. Beauty shampoos and other hair products contain harsh chemicals which can cause irritation, flakiness and itching. White flakes are an indication for you to stop using products with harsh chemicals. One must be really careful and aware about the ingredients present in a product to help not worsen the condition of the scalp.
  • Keep your scalp hydrated: If you have dry skin, it's likely that your scalp is also dry. A dry and dehydrated scalp can worsen the situation much more than it already is. Keeping your hair and scalp hydrated is very important. Drinking lots of water helps in keeping your body and hair hydrated. For dry scalp, oiling is also a very important step in the process of controlling dandruff. Weekly oiling your hair helps in keeping dry flakes away. Over styling or using heating tools can also make your hair dry so its best to avoid using curlers and straighteners that can cause heat damage.
  • Start washing your hair more often: Infrequent washing of hair can lead to accumulation of oils and dead skin cells. This build up causes dandruff to increase. Washing your hair a few times a week using an anti-dandruff shampoo or herbal shampoo can help in controlling dandruff. Frequent washing helps in avoiding the build up in turn helping in reducing dandruff.
  • Don’t scratch: These white flakes can be extremely itchy and frustrating too. But scratching is only going to exacerbate inflammation and irritation. Scratching an inflamed scalp can lead to more damage and an increase in dandruff. Especially ones with long fingernails, scratching can cause wounds leading to infection. The best way is to gently massage your scalp to allow the ingredients to penetrate into the scalp.
  • Change your diet: Intake of processed food, sugar, salt and trans saturated fat can cause inflammation which could lead to scalp flaking. Lack of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids contribute to poor body, skin and scalp health. Say no to sugar and carbohydrates and welcome fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet to keep yourself fit as well as keeping dandruff and flaking at bay.
  • Try a hot oil mask: Oils can be very helpful as they can moisturise dry skin on the scalp. Oil-based treatments can help to balance some of the scalp’s excessive oil production. Tea tree oil and coconut oil are perfect for flakiness and taking that extra care of your hair. Coconut oil and tea tree oil are an amazing antifungal food capable of killing fungus and eliminating dandruff. Tea tree oil helps provide a nice shine to your hair adding to the overall look of your hair. You can mix tea tree with coconut or olive oil for additional benefits. Be careful not to heat the oil too much as it might burn or damage the scalp. Massage the oil well in your scalp. Leave it on for some time and then rinse well.
  • Wash scalp and hair with anti-dandruff shampoo: The most important step to control dandruff and making sure it doesn’t come back is using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Anti-dandruff shampoos are easily available at shops and pharmacies and are effective in treating dandruff and flaky scalp. Market is flooded with different kinds of anti-dandruff shampoos leading to confusion. Some have different formula while some might have a certain smell. Something might work for you or something might not. You’ll want to switch brands to see what works best for you. Some of the best ingredients to look for in an anti-dandruff shampoo include pyrithione zinc, ketoconazole, selenium sulfide and salicylic acid. Dandruff won’t reduce or disappear in a day or two so giving time to each anti-dandruff product is advisable to make the right choice.
  • Try home remedies: Natural home remedies can be very effective in treating dandruff. Easy to find products like apple cider vinegar, tea tree, baking soda, neem, coconut oil, each have vitamins, antifungal and antibacterial properties that can effectively treat dry scalp and flakiness. Just adding a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo can help with dandruff. Apple cider vinegar helps in treating itching and flaking. Baking soda is a natural exfoliator and hence applying it on scalp helps in removing dead skin cells. DIY 1 to treat dandruff: Your kitchen is actually a store of beneficial products. We tend to ignore what’s already in our homes and get attracted to claims and packaging. DIY’s are easy, convenient and light on your pocket. Here is a DIY to treat dandruff – Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with water and apply it on your scalp prior shampooing. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing it out. Apple cider vinegar decreases itching and flaking and calms down the reaction to Malassezia yeast. DIY 2 to treat dandruff: One more DIY for treating flaky scalp – Baking soda is available in every household; it is filled with skin and hair benefits. Its natural antiseptic property helps in controlling excess sebum build up. Baking soda is also basic/alkaline in nature, it helps balance the pH of the scalp. Baking soda also helps in exfoliating and removing dead and dry skin cells. Add a tablespoon of baking soda in your shampoo, lather and then rinse. Do not use baking soda directly on skin.

How to Choose Anti Dandruff Shampoo

Malassezia is a yeast-like fungus that occurs naturally on the scalp. It feeds on oils, or sebum secreted by hair follicles. Dandruff occurs on oily scalps due to an overgrowth of Malassezia. The fungus irritates the scalp resulting in flakiness and itching. The best way to fight dandruff is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Market is flooded with anti-dandruff shampoos and confusing the customers. While choosing the right one can be difficult without physically testing it out, there are a few points to remember when looking for the right anti-dandruff shampoo. Anti-dandruff shampoos contain certain ingredients that are helpful in treating those white flakes.

  • Shampoo containing Zinc Pyrithione: Zinc Pyrithione has antifungal and antibacterial properties that are helpful in treating dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Over-the-counter shampoos contain zinc pyrithione as an active ingredient that helps in breaking down the build-up of dead cells on the scalp. As compared to other anti-dandruff agents, zinc pyrithione is gentler and can be used every day. It can also help improve overall health and texture of your hair strands. Post applying shampoo with zinc pyrithione, use a conditioner to moisturise the scalp.
  • Consider using salicylic acid: If you have dry scalp, salicylic acid breaks down the dead skin cells to reduce flaking and treat itching. Antiseptic properties help in eliminating irritation and controlling scaling and itching. It is a relatively mild acid that can soften the skin and strip away the dead skin cells on your scalp. Hence, it will be better to choose a shampoo which uses salicylic acid in combination with a moisturizing conditioner.
  • Consider ketoconazole shampoos: Ketoconazole belongs to the class of drugs called azole antifungals. It works by stopping the growth of the fungus. It is considered the most effective and powerful antifungal ingredient. It helps in eliminating excess levels of fungus that naturally breeds on your scalp. It keeps fighting long after you have rinsed off the shampoo. Most shampoos containing this ingredient contain 2% ketoconazole. It can be used twice a week to reduce dandruff.
  • Try shampoos with selenium sulfide: Selenium sulfide helps in reducing Malassezia fungus. Over-the-counter shampoos contain 1% selenium sulfide; products containing 2 ½% selenium sulfides are available only on prescription. It can discolour blonde, grey or dyed hair, it is recommended that you not use products having this ingredient if you have chemically treated your hair. Selenium sulfide products should be used once or twice a week only.
  • Coal tar shampoos: Coal tar is an active ingredient in many anti-dandruff shampoos. Its anti-itch effect helps in treating dandruff and slows down the production of skin cells. Some shampoos can discolour blonde, grey or white hair so it might not be suitable for people with light coloured hair. It also affects your scalp making it sensitive to sunlight. If you’re using a tar-based shampoo, it is advised to wear a hat when stepping out in the sun.
  • Green tea: This nutrients and antioxidants packed ingredient has a lot of benefits. Anti-inflammatory properties also help in preventing hair loss and treats dandruff. Green tea is also helpful in promoting hair growth and strengthening of hair. When added to shampoos and conditioners, it provides numerous hair benefits and care for hair health.
  • Tea tree: Tea tree oil has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties that are used for multiple purposes. One of the benefits is treating dandruff. Tea tree oil has moisturising and antifungal benefits that care for scalp health and prevents the situation from getting worse. It helps in reducing itchiness, greasy scalp and white flakes visibly. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo to make an anti-dandruff shampoo at home.

The right anti-dandruff hair care regime

  • Trial and error: Everyone's scalp is different so one can’t claim the best shampoo just by reading it or hearing positive reviews. The suitable shampoo for you might not be suitable for your friend. Trying a few different options before finding the perfect one works. While looking for the right shampoo, you can look for certain ingredients that prevent dandruff and itchiness. For more severe cases, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using anything on your scalp.
  • Massage the shampoo well into the scalp: It is always best to read the instructions given on the shampoo bottle. In most cases, you’ll want to massage the product in wet hair, let it sit for 2-5 minutes and then rinse it off. However, certain ingredients are supposed to be washed immediately like selenium sulfide.
  • Swap between two shampoos: Certain shampoos might stop working after some time. When the effect is less, you can switch between two ingredients to see if it is effectively working or not.
  • Choose a shampoo according to your hair type: There are a lot of shampoos available for each hair type in the market. Anti-dandruff shampoos can change your overall hair texture. Some shampoos can lead to hair fall while some can make your hair dry. Choosing the one according to your hair type is important to maintain the overall health of your scalp and hair. Anti-dandruff shampoos for dry hair will have moisturising ingredients to help your hair feel soft and nourished whereas shampoo for oily hair will prevent excess oil secretion in turn maintaining overall quality.
  • Anti-dandruff conditioners: Yes, conditioners also play a part in treating dandruff. Regular conditioners can strip away the effect of an anti-dandruff shampoo. It’s important to look for a conditioner that helps and adds to the benefits of anti-dandruff shampoos. The best way is to select a conditioner specially formulated to accompany your anti-dandruff shampoo. Gentle conditioners are preferred but stay away from conditioners containing harsh ingredients.

Best Dandruff Shampoos Available In India

Using an anti-dandruff shampoo is the first step in controlling dandruff or white flakes. That constant itching, discomfort, unable to wear dark clothes, not being able to focus on important things, we don’t want that every now and then. Market is flooded with various anti-dandruff shampoos and different brands working towards shampoos containing natural ingredients. Here are a few trusted anti-dandruff shampoos loved by people over the years.

  • Head & Shoulders Smooth and Silky 2-in-1 Anti Dandruff Shampoo + Conditioner: Head & Shoulders is the go-to brand for anyone who has dandruff issues. Go from dry and frizzy hair to smooth and silky hair. 2-in-1 range is specially formulated to have all the dandruff fighting power you expect from Head & Shoulders, while combining the benefits of both a shampoo and conditioner. Its trusted formula delivers fast results and is a favourite among those with itchy scalps. 
  • Biotique Bio Neem Margosa Anti-Dandruff Shampoo & Conditioner: Margosa is a large evergreen tree that thrives throughout India and possesses great medicinal properties. Known to control dandruff and invigorate healthy hair growth. The refreshing formula blends the natural sap of the margosa and euphorbia trees with the bhringraj herb to control dandruff. Eliminates the dryness, flaking and itching associated with dandruff. Special pH balanced formula is gentle enough to use every day. Leaves hair fresh, lustrous and full of natural body.
  • Himalaya Herbals Anti-Dandruff Soothing Shampoo: Himalaya's Anti-Dandruff Shampoo gently removes dandruff, and nourishes and strengthens hair roots, ensuring a healthy scalp. Natural ingredients help moisturize the hair, preventing dryness. It addresses the root cause of dandruff such as Malassezia fungus and dry scalp, while being gentle on hair. Fortified with herbal ingredients like Tea Tree Oil, Chickpea and Aloe Vera, Himalaya's Anti-Dandruff Shampoo effectively helps control dandruff and provides nourishment to the hair shaft.
  • Dove Dandruff Care Shampoo: Dove’s Dandruff Care Shampoo comes with a ZPTO formula that has been clinically proven to be extremely effective against dandruff. It helps get rid of dandruff without damaging your hair. It also helps eliminate dryness by leaving your hair feeling smooth and soft. 
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Instant Clear Znpt+Citric Acid Anti Dandruff Shampoo: Clinically proven to help restore the scalp's natural moisture balance, this purifying anti-dandruff shampoo gently eliminates dandruff while rebalancing your flaky scalp, leaving your hair easier to style, soft, light and shiny. Recommended for normal to oily hair, the serie expert shampoo contains a regulating complex that controls scalp flaking to give instant dandruff elimination and relief of itchiness. With in-built Alpha-Piritone patented technology, it rebalances your roots bidding farewell to your dandruff, forever! A unique combination of Zinc Pyrithione and Citric Acid helps cleanse and nourish dandruff prone Oily Hair.
  • Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Ph5.5: This shampoo supports and protects the acid mantle of the scalp for healthy hair. It also stabilizes the hair structure with pH value 5.5. This 100% soap and alkali free formula gently cleanses hair and scalp, removing visible signs of dandruff irritation. Moisturizing and conditioning ingredients revitalize the hair, adding body and shine.
  • Khadi Natural Hair Cleanser Neem & Aloe Vera: Khadi Natural Hair Cleanser Neem & Aloe Vera shampoo helps to fight against heavy dandruff, flaky and unhealthy scalp. It gently cleanses dead cells and dandruff and repairs damaged hair which results in healthy, soft and supple hair. Khadi offers 100% paraben free handmade herbal products that care for your hair health.

Find the best anti-dandruff shampoo to suit your hair type at

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Which shampoo is best for dandruff and dry scalp?

Healthline's picks of the best dandruff shampoos.
Neutrogena T/Gel..
Nizoral A-D..
Jason Dandruff Relief..
Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength..
L'Oreal Paris EverFresh Sulfate-Free..
Harry's Extra-Strength Anti-Dandruff 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner..
Dove Dermacare Scalp Anti-Dandruff Shampoo..

Can dandruff shampoo help with dry scalp?

Seborrheic Dermatitis Dandruff isn't curable, but there are several ways that you can help keep flakes at bay. First, you'll want to add a dandruff shampoo to your routine. “Products containing tar, zinc pyrithione, or selenium sulfide often prove most beneficial,” says Wesley.

Can you have dry scalp and dandruff at the same time?

Most people find it difficult to tell the difference between dandruff and dry scalp, and it is also possible to have both dandruff and a dry scalp. In general, flakes are more likely to be dandruff: if the scalp feels oily. when there is intense scalp itching even when the scalp does not feel dry.

Which conditioner is best for dry hair and dandruff?

Anti-dandruff conditioner: Say no to flaky, and itchy scalp.
Mamaearth Anti Dandruff Conditioner. ... .
WOW Skin Science Green Tea & Tea Tree Anti-Dandruff Conditioner. ... .
Biotique Bio Neem Margosa Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner. ... .
Organic Harvest Anti-Dandruff Conditioner. ... .
Head & Shoulders, Anti Dandruff Conditioner..