30 weeks 1 day pregnant how many months

Your baby’s development this week

Your baby’s lungs mature very fast between 30 and 35 weeks. Every day that passes means that your baby is less likely to need a lot of help with their breathing.

They have also started practising sucking their thumb, which helps them prepare for feeding after they are born.

Your pregnancy symptoms in week 30

There are some symptoms to look out for during pregnancy as they may be a sign of a more serious problem.

Find a list of the most important symptoms to look out for.

Are you having strange dreams about giving birth?

Some people start having vivid and sometimes disturbing dreams in their third trimester. The reasons why are not very well understood. But pregnancy can be a very emotional time, so it’s possible that these dreams are your mind’s way of coping with your feelings. 

Antenatal classes

Going to antenatal classes will help you learn how to stay healthy during pregnancy Find out more about what happens during labour and how to look after and feed your baby.

“I did NCT antenatal classes and that was amazing. We all had the same anxieties, and it was good to chat with people going through the same thing.”

If you are very worried about the birth, talk to your midwife. You may also want to complete our pregnancy and post-birth wellbeing plan to help you think about how you are feeling and prepare for after the birth.

Here are some tips to help you stay stress-free in pregnancy.

Is your body getting ready for labour?

Towards the end of your pregnancy, but before you go into labour, you may see signs that your baby will be arriving soon.

Find out about 4 ways your body gets ready for labour.

What to do in week 30 

As your pregnancy progresses, it may get harder to keep up with your normal physical activity. Do not exhaust yourself. It’s important to listen to your body and take a break when you need to. Remember that exercise does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial.

Read more about staying active in pregnancy.

Preparing for your newborn

You can start making a list of what you need for your newborn baby. This will include some clothes, somewhere for your baby to sleep, a pram, car seat and other essentials.

There’s no need to buy it all at once. Most things, apart from the basics, can wait until you and your baby are home.

We have a lot more information about after the birth to give you the confidence you need to find your feet as a new parent. 

What’s the best position for me to lie in?

Research shows that lying on your side reduces the risk of stillbirth. Read more about the safest position to lie in during pregnancy, including during daytime naps and when you’re sleeping at night.

If you’re not sleeping very well, these tips could help.

What is a caesarean section?

A caesarean section is an operation where an obstetrician makes a cut near your bikini line and womb and lifts your baby out through it.

You may have a planned (elective) c-section if you know you will need a c-section before you go into labour. Some people may have an unplanned (emergency) c-section if this is the safest way to deliver your baby.

Find out about your birth options if you’ve had a caesarean section before.

You at 30 weeks pregnant

Your health professional will continue to check your blood pressure at every antenatal visit.

You might be getting more heartburn and reflux, as baby takes up more and more space. And your breasts might still be getting bigger too.

You might be finding that your sleep patterns are disrupted – you’re waking in the night and can’t get back to sleep. It might help to know that this is common but tiring. Try to rest when you can during the day. And remember to go to sleep on your side.

Child car seats
Babies aged under 6 months must be seated in a properly fastened, adjusted and approved rear-facing child car seat. It’s illegal to travel with a baby in a car without one.

You might be able to hire an approved child car seat from your local council, an ambulance service or a private company. Ask your midwife about options in your local area.

If you’re not planning to buy a child car seat, now’s a good time to book one for hire. It needs to be fitted correctly, which can be done at a local fitting station. Do this soon in case baby is born early.

Your baby when you’re 30 weeks pregnant

This is what baby is up to:

  • Baby measures around 27 cm from head to bottom and weighs about 1.3 kg.
  • Baby is growing important fat stores beneath the skin, making the skin look smoother.
  • The lanugo – the fine covering of hair on your baby’s body – is starting to decrease. But if your baby was born now, they would still have quite a lot of lanugo covering their body.
  • Some babies can suck their thumbs.

How many weeks pregnant is 8 months?

What Happens at 8 Months of Pregnancy? 32 Weeks Pregnant.

Is 30 weeks pregnant considered 8 months?

At 30 weeks pregnant, you're in your third trimester, and you could be about seven or eight months pregnant, – this range is because the weeks of pregnancy don't fit neatly into months.

How many months is 31 weeks pregnant?

If you're 31 weeks pregnant, then you're approximately 6 months and 3 weeks pregnant.

What week is 7 months in pregnancy?

Your 3rd trimester starts during your 7th month of pregnancy, on week 28.


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