Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward

Picture Quotes

  • Added Date - Oct 17, 2016

    Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward

    When facing challenges in your life it may feel like you are not going anywhere because you aren't making great leaps and bounds. Thankfully, your speed doesn't matter forward is forward. Never look back, this is what people always tell you. As long as you are looking in a new direction, then you will achieve different results. Make sure that you are always going to new paths, and learning from the things in your life and you will have a better future.

    You also want to make sure that you don't get caught up on the progress that you create. It isn't about how far you move forward as long as you are moving. Any progress is good progress, and change is the opposite of stagnation. Make sure that you recognize the small victories in life instead of focusing on how far you have moved. Every major life change begins with a small step, and by the time you look back you will see just how far you have come.

Quote of the Day

You know it makes me unhappy what's that When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy.

Lyfe Jennings

Picture Quote Topics

Forget The Past , Work , Haters , Feeling Lonely , Being Disappointed , Life Sucks , Relationship , Negative Friendship , Lies , Insecurity , Actions Speak Louder Than Words , Adventure , Boldness , Life Journey , Astronomy , Navy Wife , Thinking , Sadness , Heartbreak , Humor , Distance , Creativity , Control , Lost Love , Technology , Boss , Limits , New Years Resolutions , Poverty , Uniqueness , Kiss Facebook Status , Bad Girl , Ethics , Public opinion , Concern , The World Today , Reciprocity , Going around in Circles , Long Distance Friendship , Mental Health

Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward

If you read my previous post then you know we received our CTD diagnosis at 9 months old.  If you didn’t… well, now you know.  If you’re reading this post, odds are your child also has just gotten a diagnosis, and I know one of your biggest questions is “When will they hit this milestone? How far behind are they gonna be?” Well, I can give you the answer to that when you show me two identical purple snowflakes.
Each kid is so very different. Don’t compare, you’ll go crazy. What I can tell you to do is quickly get in touch with special angels called Physical and Occupational therapists.

Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward
I have come to find out that in Lilah’s case we were lucky. We were one of the fortunate few who got a referral for early intervention. How early? 5 months old.

Did I think I was lucky at the time? No. Did I enjoy letting strangers work my baby girl so hard that she cried in pain during sessions? Absolutely not. Was I happy that as soon as the people who were supposed to help her left she would fall asleep?  Well… Yeah kinda, I mean I do work a full-time night job so… We like naps! (Haha) But knowing that it took so much out of her that she would just lay down on the floor and go to sleep hurt my heart a little. Do you know what happened a month after we started therapy? Lilah could sit all on her own! At 6 months! We hit that milestone relatively on time!  Now could she get herself into sitting from laying? No. That took us another 7 months to master. You see these kids teach you patience.

Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward
Now I am not a very patient woman and I easily get frustrated and vent. Who do I vent to? Her therapists. She has both a physical and an occupational therapist. Two of the kindest women I’ve ever met.

Recently we approached our 1 year anniversary with them. A year ago these strangers came into my house and fell in love with my daughter. They would do anything to see her thrive. When she does something for me that we just worked an hour on with them, I’ll text them with videos and pictures, and you know what’s amazing? These strangers are just as elated, proud and joyous as I am as her mother. I share my ups and downs with these women. Not only have they always been there for Lilah, they have always been there for me as well.

Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward
They showed me how to use her arm immobilizers to strengthen her arms enough to push up and hold her own body weight. The first time Lilah pushed up she was 6 months old, and at 13 months she could support herself in hands and knees (crawling position)… it’s slow progress, but it’s progress.

They showed me how to use her leg immobilizers to help teach her to stand. At 15 months my daughter stood for 8 seconds ALL BY HERSELF! I can finally… FINALLY… hold my baby’s hands and help her take 4 or 5 steps without any equipment!

They celebrated with me when at 9 months old she finally learned to roll from belly to back! They REJOICED with me when at 16 months she took her first steps forward in a walker!

Your speed doesn t matter forward is forward
I have been taught so many things by these wonderful people who care so much about my daughter! But the most important lesson they remind me weekly of is, “Progress is progress, it doesn’t matter how much.  Forward is forward, it doesn’t matter the speed.”

I’m forever indebted to these angels, these special caregivers, these strangers who helped push my baby girl to where she is now.

If there is any “advice” I can give… if you’re noticing delays, FIGHT for therapy. Once you’re in therapy STOP comparing your child to your sisters, cousins, or neighbors baby. PUSH your child to their limits when YOU work with them because lord knows they will push you right back. It’s OK to cry, whether your child hurts from therapy, or the baby a year younger than yours started crawling today, just don’t DWELL there. NEVER get frustrated with progress.

“Progress is progress, it doesn’t matter how much. Forward is forward, it doesn’t matter the speed.”

October 15, 2020

Who said keep moving forward quote?

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King, Jr. This quote has been in front of me for more than two years.

Can we fast forward time quotes?

You cannot fast-forward time, you cannot rewind it, and you cannot pause it; you can only waste or benefit from it.