Why does my lower back hurt when i lay down on my stomach

Why does my lower back hurt when laying on my stomach?

When individuals sleep on their stomach, the lumbar spine can go into excessive hyperextension. This jams the posterior elements of the spine together which can lead to pain.

Why does my lower back hurt when I lie on my front?

Intervertebral discs wear down and lose their ability to cushion the vertebrae. Discs can also become herniated or ruptured, causing a bulging disc that may compress spinal nerves and cause pain. The nerves may get more compressed when sitting, making back pain worse when lying down or sitting.

How do I make my lower back stop hurting when I lay down?

Sleeping Positions for Back Pain.
Lying on your side in a fetal position. ... .
Lying on your back in a reclined position. ... .
Lying on your side with a pillow supporting your knees. ... .
Lying on your stomach with a pillow below your pelvis and lower abdomen. ... .
Lying flat on your back with a pillow underneath your knees..

What's the best position to lay with lower back pain?

The best sleeping position for lower back pain is on your side with a partial bend in the knees7. Keeping the knees bent helps balance the body and reduces pressure on the lumbar spine. Many people find it helpful to put a small pillow between their knees to make this position more comfortable.