Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz

Quartz vs Granite Countertops: What Is Better for Your Kitchen

Quartz vs Granite Countertops — what should I choose?

This is a common dilemma for many homeowners. After much contemplation, you’ve narrowed your choices down to two options — quartz and granite countertops.

Having trouble deciding which one is better for you?

Read this article to learn what you can exactly expect with each, find out about their pros and cons, and understand their unique characteristics, features, and benefits they provide. Our experts help you to look at each more closely and understand them more fully. By the end of the article, you will know whether quartz or granite suits your unique needs and demands best.


  • 1 Quartz vs Granite Countertops — Engineered Stone vs Natural Stone
  • 2 Quartz vs Granite Countertops: Durability
    • 2.1 Granite Countertops Durability
    • 2.2 Quartz Countertops Durability
  • 3 Quartz vs Granite Countertops Hygiene Comparison
    • 3.1 Sealed Granite
    • 3.2 Sanitary Quartz
  • 4 Quartz vs Granite Countertops Maintenance Comparison
    • 4.1 Low-Maintenance Granite
    • 4.2 Easy to Clean Quartz
  • 5 Quartz vs Granite Countertops Appearance Comparison
    • 5.1 Gorgeous Looking Granite
    • 5.2 Custom Quartz
  • 6 Quartz vs Granite Countertops Price Comparison
    • 6.1 Granite Countertops Prices
    • 6.2 Quartz Countertops Prices
  • 7 Conclusion: What Should I Choose — Quartz or Granite?

Quartz vs Granite Countertops — Engineered Stone vs Natural Stone

Both quartz and granite add beauty and class to any home and also increase its value. Both are durable, sanitary, low maintenance, and versatile, with many designs, colors, and patterns options. However, each of these magnificent stone types also has its own, particular and unique strengths and upsides, as well as some downsides. Both quartz and granite are perfect for those looking for the elegant and modern finish to a new home or for the best remodeling option.

However, your preference in style, appearance, benefits, and features will determine your choice. Quartz vs granite doesn’t have to be a dilemma if you know what you need in your kitchen.

Learn more about Giallo Ornamental Granite.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz

For some, the choice between quartz vs granite countertops comes down to differences implied by their origin. Natural, authentic granite and engineered, man-made quartz bring different qualities to your kitchen. Crushed quartz (93%) mixed with resin, a resin binder, and color additives make quartz countertops. Quartz countertops feature a wide variety of colors, patterns, and styles. Often, they will imitate natural stone — granite or marble. Quartz countertops are predictable and thus will give you a streamlined and simplified look that has an elegance of its own.

Find a wide selection of granite and quartz countertops at MSI Countertops.

Granite countertops are 100% unique and one-of-a-kind. This material is mined in single, large slabs from quarries all around the world. Professionals cut these granite slabs down to manageable sizes and then polish them to a fine finish. Choosing granite is a perfect solution if you want a slab that no one else has. No two slabs of granite are alike. Granite is gorgeous in its uniqueness and even its imperfections are considered as unique qualities.

Explore the best Granite Countertop Colors.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Quartz vs Granite Countertops Comparison Infographic

Quartz vs Granite Countertops: Durability

Both quartz and granite are great options when you’re on the lookout for a durable, long-lasting countertop surface that will serve you for years to come. Here are more details about quartz vs granite countertops durability characteristics.

Granite Countertops Durability

Granite has a holocrystalline structure. Instead of developing on their own, the crystals grow into each other. The resulting interlocking structure gives granite a tremendously durable quality. Granite is hard to scratch and heat resistant. This ensures that it will last a lifetime. Granite is so hard that it can dull knife blades. It can even be used outdoors because of its ability to withstand various weather conditions — feezing temperatures as well as sun. You can be assured that your granite won’t fade or weather outside.

However, granite has a porous nature, so some staining is possible if you leave spilled liquids to sit. High impact blows can also damage granite countertops. If your heart is set on granite but you’re worried about its resistance to liquids and stains, make sure to seal your granite correctly and regularly by a professional. This is how you make sure your granite countertops stay stain and liquids-resistant.

Learn more about Typhoon Bordeaux Granite.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Granite slab on a kitchen island.

Quartz Countertops Durability

Quartz countertops are man-made with a specific use in mind, which means they are actually harder and more durable than granite countertops. The fact that you don’t need to seal quartz countertops says a lot about their durability and stamina. Synthetically made of ninety-three percent natural quartz stone and seven percent resin, quartz countertops are scratch-resistant and nearly indestructible. Also, quartz countertops aren’t porous so they are easy to maintain and keep them bacteria-free.

However, nearly indestructible isn’t 100% indestructible — excessive heat and hot pots and pans can damage your quartz countertop. If your heart is set on a quartz countertop but you’re worried about its resistance to heat, make sure to use trivets and pads for hot pots and pans at all times.

Explore White Quartz Countertops.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Quartz countertop kitchen

Learn How to Choose the Right Kitchen Countertop Material.

Explore Pental Quartz and Silestone Quartz Countertops options.

Quartz vs Granite Countertops Hygiene Comparison

Both granite and quartz are safe for your health if you clean them and take care of them correctly. However, each stone has some specific characteristics in this area as well.

Sealed Granite

If sealed, granite does not harbor bacteria. Cleaning it is simple and doesn’t require lots of effort. Granite’s sleek surface has no pores which means that it is bacteria-resistant. The ease and simplicity of cleaning granite countertops keep your kitchen sparkling like new and free from bacteria, mold, and odors.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Granite Countertops Hygiene Characteristics

Sanitary Quartz

Quartz is created to be non-porous and it is also bacteria-resistant. Cleaning it is as simple as wiping with soap and warm water. In this respect, sealed granite and quartz are equally simple and sanitary.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Sanitary quartz countertops

Learn How to Match Backsplash with Granite Countertops.

Quartz vs Granite Countertops Maintenance Comparison

Both quartz and granite won’t require lots of cleaning and care. There is only one difference — granite needs to be sealed regularly, which is very simple and easy to do, although best by a professional.

Low-Maintenance Granite

Granite countertops are very low maintenance. They rarely need repairs. If anything happens, repairs for granite are relatively easy. Granite countertops do have to be sealed, on a regular basis. With this minor effort, they will remain in top condition easily. To make your granite hygenic and looking beautifully at all times, clean it daily using soap or a mild household cleaner and warm water. Never use abrasive cleaners, acids, and oils as they can stain granite. Every year, make sure to reseal your granite countertops as this will protect them from absorbing wine, lemon juice, tomato spills. Sealing granite is the best solution for preventing stains. If granite is sealed, but not sealed properly, it puts the household in danger of harboring bacteria.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Seal your granite countertops once a year

Easy to Clean Quartz

Quartz is also easy to maintain. It is naturally bacteria-resistant. Quartz does not require sealing or any other routine maintenance to resist wear and tear and look and perform at top quality for years. However, you shouldn’t let spills sit on quartz countertops either. Wipe them down as soon as possible.

Quartz countertops maintenance routine includes daily use of soap or a mild household cleaner and warm water. And that’s it! No need to seal them either because they have a solid surface. This also means that quartz won’t hold bacteria and viruses. Many homeowners are attracted by quartz’s ability to handle coffee, juice, tomato, wine, and oil spills. It’s true, with quartz countertops you can be more relaxed, but you should still remove spills as soon as possible.

Also, have in mind that quartz countertops can feature various finishes and some, like leather or concrete finishes will require more maintenance and care.

Learn everything you need to know about Calacatta Quartz and Carrara Quartz.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Quartz countertops don’t require sealing

Quartz vs Granite Countertops Appearance Comparison

The difference between quartz and granite countertops in the look, style, and appearance is significant. The beauty is in the eye of a beholder and both granite and quartz have their strong points. If you love uniform, streamlined look, you’ll love quartz countertops. Granite countertops will most surely be your pick if you prefer the extraordinary, singular look. Explore the options each offers below.

Gorgeous Looking Granite

Each granite slab is different and unique, so if you want versatility, a wealth of choices, and a one-of-a-kind appearance countertop in your kitchen, choose granite. Granite is formed after the processes of cooling and solidifying of molten materials are done. These natural processes make granite so unique and gift it with an endless number of patterns, colors, and hues. Whether you’re looking for subtle looking slabs for your entire kitchen, or for a slab of striking appearance for your kitchen island, you will find an endless selection of granite countertops, in a wide variety of colors, patterns, veining, and swirls. Granite colors range from black and gray to white, and even orange and red.

If you’re looking to complement the traditional style of your kitchen, look for brown, green, and burgundy granite color options. In case you prefer modern, minimalist style kitchens, but you still insist on a unique appearance slab, look into white granite types. They are never simply white like quartz can be, but they are stunning and will successfully complement your contemporary kitchen.

Explore Black Granite Countertops.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Gorgeous looking granite countertops

Custom Quartz

Quartz is manufactured synthetically. This means that coloring is included in the process. Quartz countertops are far more consistent than granite countertops. At times, slabs can even be made to order with the exact texture, color, and pattern that you want. The main benefit here is the control this gives to the homeowner.

Quartz countertops give you many options to choose from — from pure colors to nature imitating slabs, like marble looking quartz and granite looking quartz countertops. This natural look is possible thanks to the process of crushing and blending quartz with resin or some other binding agent. The end result of this process is quartz stone that looks abundant, lavish, and luxurious, just like granite is. Cambria, Caesarstone colors and Silestone colors offer many options. A rich variety of many different colors and patterns gives homeowners and kitchen designers a lot of options to work with and choose from.

The appearance of quartz is one of the main reasons why it is so popular nowadays. It provides a gorgeous appearance of stone while allowing you to customize its design and style. Since there is a limited number of quartz countertop design options, choosing the right quartz slabs for your kitchen is much easier than choosing from an endless array of granite slabs.

Learn all about Marble Looking Quartz Countertops.

Which is better for kitchen counters granite or quartz
Streamlined and uniform appearance of quartz table tops

Quartz vs Granite Countertops Price Comparison

In general, granite is more affordable than quartz. The prices are lower for widely available options. If you’re into special finishes of quartz of highly exotic granite countertop slabs, you should know that they come with a higher price tag.

Granite Countertops Prices

The more available and common granite countertop slab design, the more affordable the price it will have. With its low maintenance, affordable granite countertops remain an economic choice throughout their existence. However, granite countertops have a wide range of prices. According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of granite with installation goes from $2,000 to $4,000. Some other sources say that granite price is between about $80 and $175 or even higher for a luxurious slab.

Granite countertops at Aqua Kitchen and Bath Design Center start at $34,99 per square foot installed for a single slab deal and go up to $54,99 per square foot with installation. The cheaper deal includes free sink cut-out, free estimate, and installation, and offers leftover slabs. Other deals include free installation, free estimate, free fabrication and edge treatment, free sealer treatment, and free stainless kitchen sink.

Exolore our Granite Countertops products.

Quartz Countertops Prices

How expensive are quartz countertops compared to granite?

Quartz countertops cost a bit more than granite because they are artificial and man-made. Manufacturers of quartz control the prices of quartz countertops which is different than what fabricators do dealing with raw granite material. According to HomeAdvisor, purchasing and installing quartz countertops costs on average costs between about $70 and $100 per square foot.

The price of quartz countertops at Aqua Kitchen and Bath Design Center here in Wayne, NJ goes from $54.99 to $64.99, and $85.00 These prices are for one slab only and may differ if more than one slab is needed.

Before investing in either quartz or granite, make sure to inspect and compare the fabrication, installation, and sealing costs. Often, these prices will be included, but sometimes they are not and can increase the overall cost significantly.

Explore our Quartz Countertop products.

Conclusion: What Should I Choose — Quartz or Granite?

Whatever you decide, one thing is sure — you cannot go wrong. Both quartz and granite offer premium features and benefits. Depending on your needs, habits, and style preferences, you will choose one or the other.

Most people get a few or only one chance at thoroughly remodeling their home and kitchen, so naturally, they want to get it right. If you have a busy lifestyle, love minimalist or simple, streamlined look, go with quartz countertops. But if you love to have something that no one else has, look into many options granite countertops offer.

What we know for sure, both granite and quartz will make a lasting impression on anyone that enters your kitchen. At the same time, both will serve you for years to come and provide exceptional functionality and ease of maintenance.

Here at Aqua Kitchen and Bath Design Center in Wayne, NJ, we will encourage you to choose what you love and what will suit your unique needs best. Our 8000 sqft indoor and outdoor showroom and professional, expert designers will make your process of selection easier and enjoyable. We carry over 100 granite colors and many varieties of quartz countertops in stock.

Which will you choose — attractive quartz or beautiful granite countertops? Let us help you. Contact us to get a free estimate from our professional team.

Which is more expensive granite or quartz countertops?

Quartz and granite countertops are priced similarly per square foot, with granite counters having the wider variation in price. Granite can be more expensive than quartz at times, based on the availability of a color and pattern. Sometimes quartz is more expensive due to the treatments it receives during manufacturing.

What looks better granite or quartz?

Granite has a more natural look but is often more expensive, while quartz is more budget-friendly but looks a little more artificial. Granite is more resistant to heat, while quartz is more resistant to staining.

What is the best countertop to put in a kitchen?

Granite has been the number one kitchen countertop option for homeowners for several years. While it has more competition than in the past, granite remains to be a top choice among homeowners because of its natural composition, exquisite looks, and designs that cannot be replicated.

Which stone is best for kitchen countertops?

Granite. Those familiar with interior design will not be surprised to find granite listed first here. ... .
Quartzite. ... .
Dolomite. ... .
Marble. ... .
Engineered Stone / Quartz / Porcelain..