Where to buy trophy wife beer

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Trophy Wife
Trophy Brewing


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Notes: Session IPA

Light and approachable this beauty shows off a bright and clean finish.

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Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by lastmango from Pennsylvania

3.85/5  rDev -3.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75

Poured a nice orange-amber color with a one finger white head that quickly dissipated to nothing. No lacing. Citrus malt an hop nose. Taste follows the nose. Moderate body and carbonation feels nice. Overall, a nice drinkable beer.

Jul 02, 2021

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by Radome from Florida

4.02/5  rDev +1%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4

Poured from a 12 oz can bought in North Carolina.

L - Dark gold color is almost copper. A bit dark for the style, but it's a good looking beer; nice and clear with a billowing, off-white head.

S - Crisp, fresh hop aromas are classic for a West Coast Pale Ale. I get pine, strong grapefruit and lower tropical fruit, maybe pineapple. There may be a hint of bready malt, but it's a much lower level than the hops.

T - Flavors are strong West Coast hops: pine and grapefruit. Without the tropical note from the nose, the flavor is harsher than the aroma leads you to expect. Very cleanly fermented, without any yeast contributors to the flavors.

F - Medium body with a bit of silkiness. Low carbonation. High hops bitterness for a Pale Ale, more IPA-like. Light alcohol presence.

O - This is a fresh, crisp Pale Ale in the classic West Coast tradition. Very enjoyable.

Jun 06, 2021

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by hman43 from North Carolina

3.96/5  rDev -0.5%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Look: It pours golden and clear. It has a white head with excellent head retention.

Smell: It has strong aromas of grapefruit and citrus. There are background elements of floral and grass.

Taste: It has grapefruit flavors with some other citrus. There are some low floral elements and a low level of grainy sweetness.

Feel: It has a medium body with a strong, hoppy aftertaste.

Overall: It has a nice balance and plenty of citrus and grapefruit.

Jul 03, 2020

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by mbbm from North Carolina

5/5  rDev +25.6%
look: 5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5

Worth trading in the old wife for. Let's not overcomplicate it. Couldn't care less about the way it pours, the residue it leaves, or the color. Delicious. My COVID-19 go to.

May 21, 2020

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by Foyle from North Carolina

4/5  rDev +0.5%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Poured from 12 oz can into schooner glass. A 1" sudsy white head falls slowly with moderate lacing. Color is light orange with plenty of streaming carbonation. Aroma packs a grapefruit punch along with pine apple and white bread dough. Mouthfeel is medium, crisp, and resiny with a slowly drying finish. Flavor follows the aroma with a puckering hop presence that coats the tongue in hop oil. Grapefruit, pine, pineapple, with yeasty bread far in the background. Overall: very good.

Jan 16, 2020

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by BeerAndGasMasks from Virginia

3.93/5  rDev -1.3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

From the can, it pours a hazy amber with a large, just off-white, head that slowly diminishes. Lacing. In the nose, it is bit of malt and hops. In the mouth, it is more malt than hops, altogether pleasant.

May 16, 2019

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by biiru_ojisan from Japan

3.03/5  rDev -23.9%
look: 4.5 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3

Pours a picturesque clear gold to light amber with an off white and rocky head.

The nose is fresh, juicy hops. Notes of guava, citrus, and cotton candy. Some underlying bread notes, but they are hard to pick out.

The palate is like the nose, with a strong hop character, and weak malt flavor. Cotton candy and citrus rind in the flavor. Some light bready and biscuity malt notes. Has a bit of an Orangina character to it. Pouring in the dregs brings a bit more of the malt profile forward and rounds the beer out a tad. Sweet throughout, but the bitterness at the end rounds it out.

The mouthfeel is a bit chewy with a north of medium body. The carbonation is high, but not aggressive. There is a touch of alcohol warmth, but it goes largely unnoticed.

Overall, this beer comes across as a session NEIPA, without the haze. While it did get more enjoyable as I sat with it, the weak malt flavors hold this beer back a bit. Still, not a bad beer, just not one that'd be worth grabbing a sixer of.

Feb 24, 2019

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by snaotheus from Washington

4/5  rDev +0.5%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

12oz can served in a tulip. 5/9/18. No idea where I got this beer. If I don't think it's at least decent, I'll not review it, since it's past what I would consider a reasonable timeframe.

Initially poured a clear pretty brassy gold with a huge head and lots of carbonation. Poured some more in after the head settled a bit and got a bunch of sediment. Smell is primarily a moderate grassy hops, some clear resin aroma.

Taste is nice. Clear hop profile, not overwhelming. Clean, maybe a slight hint of toast or biscuit to the malt.

Mouthfeel is light to medium, moderately dry. Overall, this is a good pale ale, which has held up surprisingly well to a pretty long period on the shelf. I wonder where I got this, and why it stayed in my fridge so long.

Jan 18, 2019

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by haines710 from Delaware

4.26/5  rDev +7%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.25

I had this on tap in Raleigh and also picked up a can at a bottle shop. Enjoyed that later. Nice easy to drink beer it still with enough flavor to be satisfying. Nice citrus smell and taste. I was surprised to see this listed as a session beer.

Dec 06, 2018

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by tone77 from Pennsylvania

3.74/5  rDev -6%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75

Well, this is quite a milestone for me. This is brewery #1,000 that I have reviewed a beer from. 49 states plus D.C. (damn you ND), and 77 countries that I have reviewed a beer from. O.K., I'm done patting myself on the back.

Poured from a 12 oz. can, and yes, that can came by way of woodychanlder, who has been a huge part of this milestone. Has an orange color with a 1/2 inch head. Smell is of citrus, mango. Taste is mango, peaches, citrus, malts, balanced and punching above it's weight at 4.9% abv. Feels medium bodied in the mouth and overall is a solid beer.

Sep 19, 2018

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by flagmantho from Washington

3.75/5  rDev -5.8%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75

Poured from 12oz can into a tulip. Canned 5/9/18.

Appearance: medium orange hue with a hint of haze and a thin layer of frothy ivory foam. Not too bad!

Smell: grassy, herbal, slightly fruity hops atop a rather sweet malt base. The overall effect is quite vernal; it's quite decent.

Taste: the hops are much danker than the aroma suggests; it's almost a super deep floral character, really. The malt is not as sweet as the aroma, either; it's got a more bready, substantial character. Bitterness is moderately strong; the overall effect is very earthy and quite different from the aroma. Interesting!

Mouthfeel: medium body with a pretty good carbonation and creaminess.

Overall: an interesting pale ale. It is not my favorite, but it's not without it's merits. It's definitely high on the dankness scale.

Jul 13, 2018

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by tillmac62 from South Carolina

3.92/5  rDev -1.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75

BBD 12/17/17. Almost clear, slightly cloudy, amber pour. World class head volume, lacing and retention.

Quite outstanding nose of tropicals (mango, pineapple) and tangerine over a softly sweet bready base with a hint of caramel. Underneath is a very subtle zest and spruce aspect.

Light body with a texture similar to water. Quite outstanding carbonation / body balance. The middle is prickly with effervescence while the finish is a bit more finely bubbled and delivers a prickly rush.

The flavor profile is borderline very good for a session IPA but lacks the rich complexity suggested by the aroma. Bitterness is rather mild and complexity is masked. However, balance is world class. The flavors never separate well due to lack of a contrasting sweetness. What does arrive is blended citrus with a hint of spicy spruce. Towards the finish, orange hints are provided. Flavor intensity is outstanding for a session IPA. It has no watery aspect whatsoever. The finish lingers with a note of tangerine zest.

Sep 21, 2017

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by buschbeer from Ohio

3.83/5  rDev -3.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75

12 FLUID OZ. can
Served in a becker glass

This beer pours amber in color with a slight haze and burnt orange highlights. It is topped with two inches of beige head that leaves little lacing.

It has a nice citrus aroma with hints of biscuit.

The taste is light citrus and tropical fruit with a pine finish. As with most session IPAs, it does have a watered down taste.

Thin mouthfeel

It is pretty good for a session IPA. I still much prefer a full flavored IPA or DIPA. I don't feel the need to drink a watered down version of a style all day long. Even though I am not a fan of session IPAs, this one is done as well as they can be done.

Aug 27, 2017

Where to buy trophy wife beer

Reviewed by Javaslinger from Virginia

4.58/5  rDev +15.1%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5

Phenomenal. This is a top 10 APA for me. There's a lot of APA's with great aroma. This has singularly terrific flavor. A bit murky and unspectacular in look, but who cares. For a session APA, it has great body and flavor. My favorite session APA by far.

Jul 28, 2017

Trophy Wife from Trophy Brewing

Beer rating: 89 out of 100 with 94 ratings