When does ovulation occur after your period

When planning a baby, a couple needs to make sure that they are having regular intercourse and that it is at the correct time in a woman's menstrual cycle. Awareness of your fertility window increases your chances of conception.

The so called fertility window is the days in the menstrual cycle when conception is possible. This is from the day the egg is released (ovulation) and the five days prior.

The reason for this is that sperm can survive for up to five days and the egg for only 12-24 hours.  We recommend tracking your cycles and aiming for intercourse at least every second day during this time.

If you have irregular cycles, we recommend you aim for intercourse every second to third day.

How to track your cycle

Working out your fertility window can be helped by tracking your menstrual cycle. You can simply mark your periods on a calendar or try some of the many apps available online (none of which are proven or endorsed by Fertility PLUS).

The average menstrual cycle is 28-35 days. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days prior to your period starting. We recommend you track two to three cycles and work out the average length of your cycle. From this you can work out the average time you are likely to ovulate.

  • If your cycle is 28 days, ovulation should occur on day 14. Therefore aim to have regular intercourse from 10 days after your period has started.
  • If your period is 35 days, then ovulation should occur at 21 days and intercourse should be from 17 days after your period started.


There are bodily signs that change over the month that can help you to identify if you have ovulated.

Signs of ovulation

  • Change in cervical mucus: Just before ovulation your cervical mucus changes to become clear and slippery, this is to allow the sperm to pass through the cervix. After ovulation the mucus becomes thicker and changes to a white/yellow colour, and hinders sperm transport.
  • Changes in bodily hormones: Measuring a woman's luteinising hormone (LH) can help indicate ovulation, as the LH increases one to two days prior to ovulation. LH can be measured in the urine and is the basis of commercial ovulation kits. These are generally used for five to six days prior to your expected ovulation day. Commercial ovulation kits should be used with caution as there is limited evidence of the effectiveness in improving fertility outcomes.
  • Changes in body temperature: Measuring your 'basal temperature' has been used to help identify if ovulation has occurred. Fertility PLUS does not recommend this technique as it is often inaccurate and can increase your stress levels. It is a retrospective test, so once your temperature has increased, you have already ovulated, potentially missing your fertility opportunity.

Ovulation typically occurs once a month. It usually happens halfway through the menstrual cycle, but the timing can vary, depending on the cycle’s length and regularity.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from one ovary. This occurs once in every menstrual cycle. After the egg is released, it travels down a fallopian tube to the uterus.

During this part of the menstrual cycle, the person’s reproductive system is ready to receive sperm for fertilization. If fertilization does not take place, the person gets a period.

In this article, we explore the timing and signs of ovulation and how it affects fertility.

The average menstrual cycle is around 28 days. However, every person’s is different, and cycles may vary from 21–35 days.

Ovulation typically occurs halfway through a menstrual cycle. But the actual timing can vary from person to person and month to month. It may happen anywhere from 13–20 days into a cycle.

After ovulating, a person usually gets their period within 14–16 days, unless they are pregnant or have a health condition that affects their period.

The menstrual cycle is the monthly hormonal cycle that the body undergoes as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy. Each month, ovulation takes place — an ovary releases an egg, which travels down a fallopian tube into the uterus, where it can be fertilized. If it is not, the uterine wall starts to shed its lining, and the body releases this as a menstrual period.

Each new menstrual cycle begins on the first day of a period. Keeping track of these first days can help a person figure out the average length of their cycle and its typical midpoint, when they are likely to ovulate.

Recognizing the signs of ovulation can help a person track their fertility. Five signs that a person may notice include:

Changes in cervical fluid

When ovulating or approaching ovulation, the body produces more estrogen, causing an increase in cervical fluid secretion. When a person is fertile, the cervical fluid in their vagina may be:

  • clear
  • wet
  • more slippery
  • stretchy
  • the consistency of raw egg whites

This type of cervical fluid helps sperm swim into the uterus and fallopian tubes to fertilize the released egg.

To test the cervical fluid’s consistency:

  1. Wash the hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Insert one finger into the vagina near the cervix.
  3. Extract some fluid.
  4. Check it for the above characteristics.

If the fluid is stringy, the person may be close to ovulation. After ovulation, there is less cervical fluid and it thickens.

Changes in basal body temperature

Basal body temperature (BBT) is the temperature of the body at rest. For the most accurate reading, a person should take it as soon as they wake up.

During ovulation, this temperature may slightly increase as the body secretes progesterone, a hormone that helps thicken the uterine lining in preparation for the implantation of an embryo.

Before ovulation, a person’s oral temperature is around 96–98ºF. This may rise to 97–99°F after ovulation. Because the increase is so slight, around 0.4 to 0.8°F, a person needs a special tool, a basal body thermometer, to detect it.

People are at their most fertile 2–3 days before their BBT is at its highest point and 12–24 hours after ovulation.

Because BBT only rises after ovulation, people may prefer other ways of checking their fertility, such as tests that measure levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine.

Also, it is important to note that other factors can raise a person’s BBT, including:

  • consuming alcohol
  • smoking
  • not getting enough sleep
  • having a fever

Increased sexual desire

Some people have a higher sex drive during ovulation. Increased libido tends to coincide with the rise in estrogen and the production of LH that causes the ovaries to release eggs.

Research suggests that the increase in sexual desire may begin 3 days before LH levels peak and last for around 6 days.

Breast tenderness

Breast or nipple soreness or tenderness may be mild to severe during ovulation or when it approaches.

Higher levels of estrogen and LH can cause breast pain in some people just before ovulation. After ovulation, however, the decrease in estrogen and increase in progesterone can also trigger breast and nipple tenderness.

Ovulation pain

Some people feel lower abdominal pain on one side during ovulation. This is known as ovulation pain, or mittelschmerz, and it typically occurs on the ovulating side.

Ovulation pain occurs in more than 40% of people during their menstrual cycles. It often happens as LH levels peak, when the follicle containing the egg to be released is developing but has not yet ruptured. The pain typically stops within 3–12 hours.

Tracking the “fertile window” and ovulation specifically can help a person figure out when they may become pregnant. The window refers to the days in a cycle when pregnancy is possible. Its duration can vary, depending on the length of the cycle.

A person can use an ovulation calculator to determine their fertile window.

People are more likely to conceive if they have sexual intercourse from 5 days before ovulation to 1 day afterward.

Generally, the closer to ovulation, the better the chances of conceiving. Once the ovary releases an egg, the egg dissolves within 24 hours if fertilization does not happen. Sperm can survive in the vagina for 3–5 days, which can influence when fertilization occurs.

For people tracking their fertility at home, urinary LH kits tend to be the most reliable method. Although fertility apps are growing in popularity, they are based on an algorithm and are not always accurate.

Some people avoid having intercourse during their fertile windows to prevent pregnancy, but this method is not reliable — research suggests that pregnancy occurs in

19% of cases


Anyone who wants to prevent pregnancy should discuss other approaches with a healthcare professional.

Sometimes, the signs of ovulation can instead stem from a health problem. For example, endometriosis can mimic ovulation pain. If any issues consistently arise halfway through a cycle, it might be a good idea to consult a doctor.

If pain does result from ovulation, a doctor can describe ways to ease it.

People should receive prompt medical care if they experience:

  • intense pain that lasts for several days
  • pain that interferes with daily activities
  • vaginal bleeding
  • a fever

Ovulation usually occurs halfway through a menstrual cycle. Some signs of ovulation include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, possibly on one side
  • breast tenderness
  • cervical fluid that is extra stringy or slippery
  • a higher sex drive
  • a rise in BBT

If intense, lasting pain or vaginal bleeding occurs during ovulation, a person should receive medical attention as soon as possible.

How many days after your period do you ovulate?

Ovulation: How Many Days After A Period Is It? Ovulation: How Many Days After A Period Is It? If your cycle is always exactly 28 days long, ovulation occurs about 14 days after the first day of your period. But according to the research, if your cycle is always exactly 28 days long, you’re practically a unicorn.

When does ovulation occur?

Ovulation usually occurs between day 11 and day 21 of the cycle, counting from the first day of the last period. Ovulation usually lasts one day, can happen any time during this window, and it’s not always the same each month.

What is my ovulation day on Day 8 of my cycle?

A 14-day luteal phase would put your ovulation day around Day 8 of your cycle. Keep in mind it’s normal for your cycle length to fluctuate from month to month, so this method is just an estimate. Also keep in mind this method assumes your luteal phase is 14 days long.

How do you calculate ovulation?

Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the last menstrual period or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP.

How do I know when I'm ovulating after my period?

the length of your menstrual cycle – ovulation usually occurs around 12 to 16 days before your period starts, so you may be able to work out when you're likely to ovulate if you have a regular cycle. your cervical mucus – you may notice wetter, clearer and more slippery mucus around the time of ovulation.

How many days after my period can I get pregnant?

Most women have a 28-day menstrual cycle. That means you have about 6 days each month when you can get pregnant. That includes the day that one of your ovaries releases an egg, called ovulation, and the 5 days before.