What is replacement cost on homeowners insurance

House insurance replacement cost: Your questions answered

What is home replacement cost?

An important number to check in your home insurance policy is the replacement cost (sometimes called blanket amount). This is the amount of insurance provided to rebuild your home from the ground up if it were devastated by fire, weather events or other perils. The amount of insurance for replacement is listed in your home insurance policy. Many policies break down coverage into dwelling (the building), detached structures (a shed or garage), and personal property.

What is the difference between market value and replacement cost?

Homeowners often confuse market value with replacement cost. The market value of your home is the price you would get for your home on the real estate market, which includes the land. Replacement cost covers the cost to rebuild and does not include land. For example, you may be able to sell your home for $500,000, but it may only cost $250,000 to rebuild.

What factors affect my home’s replacement cost?

  • Size and square footage.
  • Custom features and quality of finishes.
  • Finished basement or garage.
  • Age: Older homes may have features that are more difficult to repair or replace.
  • Exterior home features such as the siding, windows and roof.
  • Fixtures, cabinets, flooring and appliances.
  • Renovations: Notify your insurance company if you do renovations so they can update your home’s replacement value. And make sure your renovation project is appropriately insured.
  • Furniture and valuables: Keep a home inventory. It will help if you need to make a claim.

What are the types of insurance coverage?

When it comes to your home’s replacement value, the type of coverage you have will affect the insurance amount you receive in the event of a claim:

  • Guaranteed replacement cost means your home is covered for the full cost to replace your dwelling without depreciation, even if it exceeds the replacement cost limit in your policy. You’ll need to meet some conditions to be eligible for this coverage, and it’s important to make sure your home’s insured value is up to date.
  • Actual cash value is equal to the replacement cost, minus depreciation. You pay a lower premium for an ACV policy, but you also receive less money in the event of a claim than you would with a replacement cost policy.
  • Specified limits means your insurer will reimburse you for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home, up to the coverage amount written in your policy.

Does the replacement cost amount affect my insurance premium?

Yes. A lower replacement value will reduce your home insurance premiums. However, if this amount is too low, you may not have enough coverage to replace or rebuild your home.

Is my house replacement value accurate?

The cost of rebuilding your home may have increased in recent years, so it might be time to get your home insurance valuation updated. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Talk to your insurance company: Your insurer calculates the replacement value based on the information you provide.
  2. Get a professional appraisal: You can have your home replacement cost assessed by an expert.

Replacement cost is not something to take lightly. If you think your home’s replacement value needs to be updated, contact The Personal to review your policy.

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Update your Insurance Replacement Cost

All About Home Insurance

Replacement cost vs. market value: What you need to know

Do you know how much it would cost to rebuild your home after severe damage? We explain the difference between replacement cost and market value to help you make sure you have the right amount of home insurance coverage for your needs.

What is replacement cost on homeowners insurance

Obtaining insurance for your home is a basic part of homeownership and a decision that often happens quickly during the closing process. However, for what is likely your most valuable asset, it’s worth taking the time to consider your coverage options and determine the right amount of insurance for your home.

Studies show that nearly 60% of homes in the US — that’s two out of every three — are underinsured by at least 18%.1 This means that if there is a total loss, such as a fire, the homeowner may find they are responsible for a significant portion of the rebuilding cost. Working with an insurance advisor to navigate your home valuation considerations will help eliminate confusion and help ensure an appropriate settlement in the event of a loss.

Replacement Cost Coverage

Replacement cost is how much it would cost to reconstruct your home as it is now, and most homeowners policies offer replacement cost coverage. However, if you don’t insure to the full value of your home, you may find yourself responsible for a significant portion of the rebuilding costs in the event of a loss. Also, some insurers may provide only functional replacement cost, which may not cover the cost to rebuild your home with materials of like kind and quality.

When you insure your home to 100% of its replacement cost value, some insurance companies will offer the benefit of extended replacement cost. This provision will pay beyond your policy limit should the amount at the time of loss not be adequate. Most policies require that you insure your home to at least 80% of the amount of rebuilding cost in order to get a replacement cost settlement. If you are insured for less than that at the time of loss, you may receive an actual cash value settlement — which factors in depreciation related to the property’s age and condition — or be required to pay a proportionate share of the loss. If you have financed the purchase of your home, your lender will likely require that you insure your home for at least the amount of your mortgage. It’s important to talk to your insurance advisor regarding your policy details and stipulations.

Valuation Scenarios

Although there are various factors that go into determining the insured value of one’s home, purchase price is often not the most important variable. This often leads to questions regarding how valuation scenarios are determined.

“If I paid $500,000 for my home, why would it cost $600,000 to replace it?”

Insuring for more than the purchase price of a home may be recommended when the home has unique features such as a slate roof, plaster walls, or intricate molding or woodwork. It often costs more than the current market value to replace older, historic homes or high-end custom homes in order to match the original materials and craftsmanship as closely as possible.

“The market value of my home is $1.2 million. Why would I only insure it for $850,000?”

In addition to the house itself, a property’s market value includes the land value, and its location — the beach, a ski slope, a prime neighborhood — is a significant aspect of the market assessment. There are also other factors, including the local real estate market, area demographics, and condition of neighboring properties, to name a few.

Your insurance will cover the cost to rebuild the structure along with related fixtures and systems; the market value is not a key factor in determining its replacement cost.

“How could it cost more to reconstruct a home that was just built?”

Builders in new home construction take full advantage of economies of scale and preferential prices on materials for use in new construction and these cost savings are passed on to the purchaser. However, reconstruction after home damage, the contractor may not have access to the same materials at the same price. Further, the cost of materials, such as lumber and copper, as well as labor and transportation change frequently. Most carriers monitor inflation rates to account for these variations, which is also one reason why values on existing insurance policies may increase from year to year.

Expert Advice

The amount of homeowners coverage you choose is dependent on your specific needs. Insuring your home to its full replacement value will help avoid significant out-of-pocket expenses that could eat into your savings and alter your estate plan. In addition, one should also consider the home’s contents, other structures on the property, additional living expenses, liability, and more. Talk with your personal risk advisor about the appropriate amount of coverage for your home and the best way to structure your policy. They can help you consider options from various insurance companies so you can make an educated decision on the protection of your home.

The Insurer Makes a Difference

For high-value homes, coverage provided by standard carriers rarely provides the level of adequate protection. It’s important to work with premier insurers who understand the unique needs of exceptional homes.

Like Kind and Quality

Not all insurance companies will cover replacement with materials of like kind and quality to those originally used. Insurance companies that specialize in high-value property are more likely to cover specific characteristics, artistic craftsmanship, and architectural details that are often hallmarks of high-end homes.

Extended Replacement Cost

When you insure-to-value, some carriers will automatically provide extended replacement cost. If it costs more to rebuild the home than originally estimated, this type of policy will provide coverage above and beyond the amount of coverage, ranging from 125% to unlimited coverage (depending on your state and insurer). This will help account for increased costs due to inflation as well as the need to comply with building code ordinance or law changes.

Extra Services

Premier carriers not only offer policies with the appropriate coverage, they often provide additional services to help protect the home from loss. These services may include:

  • In-person inspections and appraisals to properly value the home and provide risk mitigation suggestions.
  • Engineering screenings to identify and correct potential causes of loss before they happen.
  • Detailed reports of your home’s unique features to help recreate them to exact specifications in the event of a loss.

Keep your Personal Risk Advisor updated if you plan to make any renovations or additions to your home. Even small changes can affect your homeowners policy and valuation. Plus, some insurers require notification if you’re making home improvements. 

1Marshall & Swift/Boeckh

What is the difference between actual cost and replacement cost?

While both types of coverage help with the costs of rebuilding your home or replacing damaged items after a covered loss, actual cash value policies are based on the items' depreciated value while replacement cost coverage does not account for depreciation.

What is a replacement cost coverage?

Replacement Cost Coverage — a property insurance term that refers to one of the two primary valuation methods for establishing the value of insured property for purposes of determining the amount the insurer will pay in the event of loss. (The other primary valuation method is actual cash value (ACV).)

Is actual cash value the same as replacement cost?

Actual cash value is equal to the replacement cost minus any depreciation (ACV = replacement cost – depreciation). It represents the dollar amount you could expect to receive for the item if you sold it in the marketplace.

Who determines the replacement value?

Determining Replacement Value The IRS determines the replacement value of an item by finding the estimated cost of a new, comparable item to the one lost. Then subtract an amount from the item based on its condition and desirability.