What helps with diarrhea and upset stomach


By Nancy Kupka, PhD, RN Apr 13, 2021 • 4 min

Having an upset stomach or diarrhea can make you feel miserable.

While these symptoms are unpleasant, in many cases they aren’t serious and resolve on their own. Learn how to avoid and ease these common digestive issues.

Upset stomach

Dyspepsia is the medical term for indigestion or upset stomach. It causes multiple types of symptoms or complaints, including nausea, stomach pain, stomach ache or stomach burning between your belly button and upper belly during or after eating.

To reduce your chance of an upset stomach, eat more slowly, eat smaller amounts of food at a time, and avoid high-fat, greasy or spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. Not smoking and reducing stress can also help prevent indigestion. If your stomach is already upset, following the BRAT diet can help you feel better. The BRAT diet involves limiting your food intake to bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of clear soft drinks or chamomile or peppermint teas can also frequently quell an upset stomach.

See your healthcare provider if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach upset that lasts more than two weeks
  • Symptoms that suddenly get worse or happen more frequently
  • Blood in your stool or vomit
  • Sudden, unexpected weight loss
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes


Diarrhea is defined as passing loose or watery stools at least three times in 24 hours. In most cases, diarrhea occurs due to infections and treatment isn’t needed. Though it’s uncommon, when severe diarrhea is left unchecked, it can result in hospitalization or even death.

Changing your diet can help get you through a bout of diarrhea or stomach cramps. Avoid eating:

  • Fried and greasy foods
  • Gas-producing fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, peppers, beans, peas, berries, prunes, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables and corn
  • Caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks
  • Dairy products if they make diarrhea worse or cause gas or bloating

The BRAT diet can also help relieve diarrhea. Over-the-counter medications, such as Loperamide (Imodium), are available as well. Probiotics may also help. Probiotics contain bacteria similar to the naturally occurring beneficial bacteria in the human gut. They are effective for antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children and adults. However, if you have a compromised immune system, talk to your healthcare provider first before taking probiotics.

Contact your healthcare provider if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea that worsens or does not get better in two days for infants and children, or five days for adults
  • Severe stomach pain or repeated vomiting
  • Blood or mucus in your stool
  • A temperature of 101.3ºF or higher

In most cases, an upset stomach or diarrhea will get better on its own. But if either symptom persists or becomes severe, contact your healthcare provider. They may recommend treatment for the underlying cause of the problem or suggest ways to help you stay hydrated and comfortable.

Diarrhea is when you have frequent and liquid bowel movements—three or more loose stooles in a day. Many things can cause it, including:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria and parasites
  • Medicines such as antibiotics
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Fructose or artificial sweeteners
  • Digestive disorders such as celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome

It is a common condition that most of the time doesn’t require treatment. It usually lasts only a couple of days, whether you treat it or not. But medicine can help you feel better. It especially helps if you also have cramping or stomach pain.

If you have a history of frequent or chronic constipation, be careful about using anti-diarrheal medicines.

If you have diarrhea with several abdominal pain that is not crampy, contact your doctor.

What types of OTC medicines treat diarrhea?

You can buy over-the-counter (OTC) medicines without a prescription from your doctor. Some OTC medicines can help you feel better if you have diarrhea. These are called antidiarrheal medicines. Antidiarrheal medicines include:

  • Loperamide (1 brand name: Imodium).
  • Bismuth subsalicylate (2 brand names: Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol).

Bismuth subsalicylate can also be used for an upset stomach.

Path to Improved Wellness

How do OTC antidiarrheal medicines work?

Loperamide slows down how fast things move through your intestines (bowels). This allows more fluid to be absorbed into your body. This helps you have less diarrhea and more formed stools.

Bismuth subsalicylate balances the way fluid moves through your intestines. It reduces inflammation. It keeps bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea from growing in the stomach and intestines.

How do I safely take OTC antidiarrheal medicines?

Before you take an OTC antidiarrheal medicine, read the directions on the drug facts label. This will tell you how much medicine to take and how often to take it. If you have any questions, call your family doctor or pharmacist. Keep a record of which OTC medicines you are using and when you take them. If you need to go to the doctor, take this list with you.

Follow these tips to make sure you are taking the right amount of medicine:

  • Take only the amount recommended on the medicine’s label. Don’t assume that more medicine will work better or quicker. Taking more than the recommended amount can be dangerous.
  • If you take prescription medicine, ask your doctor if it’s okay to take OTC antidiarrheal medicine.
  • Don’t use more than one OTC antidiarrheal medicine at a time unless your doctor says it’s okay. They may have similar active ingredients. These could add up to be too much medicine.

How can I safely store OTC antidiarrheal medicines?

Store all medicines up and away, out of reach and sight of young children. Keep medicines in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent them from becoming less effective. Do not store medicines in bathrooms or bathroom cabinets. They are often hot and humid.

Things to Consider

Healthy adults usually don’t experience side effects from antidiarrheal medicines. But side effects may be a concern if you are older or have health problems. Call your doctor if you notice any side effects.

Loperamide side effects may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Bismuth subsalicylate side effects may include:

  • Constipation
  • Blackened stools and/or tongue
  • Ringing sound in the ear (called tinnitus)

Who shouldn’t take OTC antidiarrheal medicines?

Don’t take antidiarrheal medicines if bacteria or parasites are causing your diarrhea. If you have a “stomach bug,” your body needs to get rid of the bacteria or parasite that is causing the diarrhea. Stopping the diarrhea in this case can actually make your condition worse. Talk to your family doctor if you think you have a bacterial or parasitic infection.

Loperamide may cause serious or life-threatening changes in your heart rhythm, especially in people who have taken more than the recommended amount. Tell your doctor if have or have ever had a prolonged QT interval (a rare heart problem that may cause irregular heartbeat, fainting, or sudden death), a slow or irregular heartbeat, or a low level of potassium in your blood.

Don’t give loperamide to children 2 years of age or younger unless your doctor says it’s okay. It increases their risk of serious breathing and heart problems. Check with your doctor before using loperamide for older children, as well.

You shouldn’t take loperamide if you have a fever. Don’t use it if you’ve ever had a rash or an allergic reaction after taking it. Don’t take loperamide if you have bloody or black stools. These may be signs of a more serious problem, such as a bacterial infection.

Some people are allergic to aspirin or other salicylate medicines. They should not take bismuth subsalicylate. Don’t give bismuth subsalicylate to children 12 years of age or younger. Don’t give it to children or teenagers who may have the flu or chickenpox. This increases their risk for Reye syndrome. This is a serious illness that can lead to death.

Can OTC antidiarrheal medicines cause problems with other medicines I take?

Taking certain medicines with antidiarrheal medicines can increase your risk for side effects. Bismuth subsalicylate also may affect some medicines, causing them not to work as well. Ask your doctor before taking loperamide or bismuth subsalicylate if you also take

  • Antibiotics
  • Antiviral medicines for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Prescription pain medicines
  • Blood-thinning medicines
  • Medicines for gout
  • Medicines for arthritis
  • Medicines for diabetes

Also ask your doctor before taking bismuth subsalicylate if you take pain relievers or cold medicines. These medicines may contain aspirin, which is a salicylate. You may get too much salicylate if you take more than one of these medicines at a time.

When should I call my doctor?

Talk to your doctor before taking an antidiarrheal medicine if:

  • You have diarrhea and severe abdominal pain that is not crampy
  • Your diarrhea lasts longer than 2 days
  • You have a fever
  • You have mucus or blood in your stools
  • You have a history of liver disease
  • You are taking prescription medicine

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  • What is causing my diarrhea?
  • How long will it last if I don’t treat it?
  • Will taking an OTC antidiarrheal medicine shorten the length of time the diarrhea lasts?
  • What can I be doing to treat my diarrhea in addition to taking OTC medicines?
  • Will antidiarrheal medicines make me constipated?
  • What side effects should I watch out for if I take antidiarrheal medicine?


International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders: Antidiarrheal Agents

National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Loperamide

What helps with diarrhea and upset stomach

Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians

This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.