What does it mean if your glucose high

High Blood Sugar and Diabetes

Blood sugar control is at the center of any diabetes treatment plan. High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is a major concern, and can affect people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes . There are two main kinds:

  • Fasting hyperglycemia. This is blood sugar for patients who have diabetesthat's higher than 130 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) after not eating or drinking for at least 8 hours.
  • Postprandial or after-meal hyperglycemia. This is blood sugar that's higher than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after you eat. People without diabetes rarely have blood sugar levels over 140 mg/dL after a meal, unless it’s really large.

Frequent or ongoing high blood sugar can cause damage to your nerves, blood vessels, and organs. It can also lead to other serious conditions. People with type 1 diabetes are prone to a build-up of acids in the blood called ketoacidosis.

If you have type 2 diabetes or if you’re at risk for it, extremely high blood sugar can lead to a potentially deadly condition in which your body can’t process sugar. It's called hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS). You’ll pee more often at first, and then less often later on, but your urine may become dark and you could get severely dehydrated.

It's important to treat symptoms of high blood sugar right away to help prevent complications.


Your blood sugar may rise if you:

  • Skip or forget your insulin or oral glucose-lowering medicine
  • Eat too many grams of carbohydrates for the amount of insulin you took, or eat too many carbs in general
  • Have an infection
  • Are ill
  • Are under stress
  • Become inactive or exercise less than usual
  • Take part in strenuous physical activity, especially when your blood sugar levels are high and insulin levels are low


Early signs include:

  • Thirst
  • Headaches
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent peeing
  • Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
  • Weight loss
  • Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL

Ongoing high blood sugar may cause:

  • Vaginal and skin infections
  • Slow-healing cuts and sores
  • Worse vision
  • Nerve damage causing painful cold or insensitive feet, loss of hair on the lower extremities, or erectile dysfunction
  • Stomach and intestinal problems such as chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Damage to your eyes, blood vessels, or kidneys

How Is It Treated?

If you have diabetes and notice any of the early signs of high blood sugar, test your blood sugar and call the doctor. They may ask you for the results of several readings. They could recommend the following changes:

Drink more water. Water helps remove excess sugar from your blood through urine, and it helps you avoid dehydration.

Exercise more. Working out can help lower your blood sugar. But under certain conditions, it can make blood sugar go even higher. Ask your doctor what kind of exercise is right for you.

Caution: If you have type 1 diabetes and your blood sugar is high, you need to check your urine for ketones. When you have ketones, do NOT exercise. If you have type 2 diabetes and your blood sugar is high, you must also be sure that you have no ketones in your urine and that you are well-hydrated. Then your doctor might give you the OK to exercise with caution as long as you feel up to it.

Change your eating habits. You may need to meet with a dietitian to change the amount and types of foods you eat.

Switch medications. Your doctor may change the amount, timing, or type of diabetes medications you take. Don’t make changes without talking to them first.

If you have type 1 diabetes and your blood sugar is more than 250 mg/dL, your doctor may want you to test your urine or blood for ketones.

Call your doctor if your blood sugar is running higher than your treatment goals.

How to Prevent It

If you work to keep your blood sugar under control -- follow your meal plan, exercise program, and medicine schedule -- you shouldn’t have to worry about hyperglycemia. You can also:

  • Know your diet -- count the total amounts of carbs in each meal and snack.
  • Test your blood sugar regularly.
  • Tell your doctor if you have repeated abnormal blood sugar readings.
  • Wear medical identification to let people know you have diabetes in case of an emergency.

Have you ever felt like no matter how much water or juice you drink, it just isn’t enough? Does it seem like you spend more time running to the restroom than not? Are you frequently tired? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have high blood sugar.

High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, primarily affects people who have diabetes. It occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough insulin. It can also happen when your body is unable to absorb insulin properly or develops a resistance to insulin entirely.

Hyperglycemia can also affect people who don’t have diabetes. Your blood sugar levels can spike when you’re ill or under stress. This occurs when the hormones that your body produces to fight off illness raise your blood sugar.

If your blood sugar levels are consistently high and left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. These complications can involve problems with your vision, nerves, and cardiovascular system.

You generally won’t experience any symptoms until your blood sugar levels are significantly elevated. These symptoms can develop over time, so you may not realize that something is wrong at first.

Early symptoms can include:

  • increased urinary frequency
  • increased thirst
  • blurred vision
  • headaches
  • fatigue

The longer the condition remains untreated, the more serious symptoms can become. If left untreated, toxic acids can build up in your blood or urine.

More serious signs and symptoms include:

  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • dry mouth
  • shortness of breath
  • abdominal pain

Your diet may cause you to have high blood sugar levels, particularly if you have diabetes. Carbohydrate-heavy foods such as breads, rice, and pasta can raise your blood sugar. Your body breaks these foods down into sugar molecules during digestion. One of these molecules is glucose, an energy source for your body.

After you eat, glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream. The glucose can’t be absorbed without the help of the hormone insulin. If your body is unable to produce enough insulin or is resistant to its effects, glucose can build up in your bloodstream and cause hyperglycemia.

Hyperglycemia can also be triggered by a change in your hormone levels. This commonly happens when you’re under a lot of stress or when you’re feeling ill.

Hyperglycemia can affect people regardless of whether they have diabetes. You may be at risk of hyperglycemia if you:

  • lead a sedentary or inactive lifestyle
  • have a chronic or severe illness
  • are under emotional distress
  • use certain medications, such as steroids
  • have had a recent surgery

If you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels may spike if you:

  • don’t follow your diabetes eating plan
  • don’t use your insulin correctly
  • don’t take your medications correctly

Learn more: Hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes »

If you have diabetes and notice a sudden change in your blood sugar levels during your home monitoring, you should alert your doctor of your symptoms. The increase in blood sugar may affect your treatment plan.

Regardless of whether you have diabetes, if you begin experiencing any symptoms of hyperglycemia, you should speak to your doctor. Before going to your appointment, you should note what symptoms you’re experiencing. You should also consider these questions:

  • Has your diet changed?
  • Have you had enough water to drink?
  • Are you under a lot of stress?
  • Were you just in the hospital for surgery?
  • Were you involved in an accident?

Once at your doctor’s appointment, your doctor will discuss all of your concerns. They’ll perform a brief physical exam and discuss your family history. Your doctor will also discuss your target blood sugar level.

If you’re age 59 or younger, a safe blood sugar range is generally between 80 and 120 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). This is also the projected range for people who don’t have any underlying medical conditions.

People who are age 60 or older and those who have other medical conditions or concerns may have levels between 100 and 140 mg/dL.

Your doctor may conduct an A1C test to determine what your average blood sugar level has been in recent months. This is done by measuring the amount of blood sugar attached to the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin in your red blood cells.

Depending on your results, your doctor may recommend routine home blood sugar monitoring. This is done with a blood sugar meter.

Your doctor may recommend a low-impact exercise program as your first line of defense. If you’re already following a fitness plan, they may recommend that you increase your overall level of activity.

Your doctor may also suggest that you reduce glucose-rich food intake. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet and stick to healthy food portions. If you aren’t sure where to begin, your doctor can refer you to a dietician or nutritionist who can help you establish a diet plan.

If these changes don’t help lower your high blood sugar, your doctor may prescribe medication. If you have diabetes, your doctor may prescribe oral medications or change the amount or type of insulin you’ve already been prescribed.

Your doctor will provide you with clear steps to follow aimed at lowering your blood sugar levels. It’s important that you take their recommendations to heart and make any necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health. If left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to serious, and sometimes life-threatening, complications.

Your doctor may recommend that you buy a blood glucose meter to use at home. This is a simple and effective way to monitor your blood sugar and act quickly if your levels have spiked to an unsafe level. Being aware of your levels can empower you to take charge of your condition and live a healthy lifestyle.

By being aware of your numbers, keeping hydrated, and staying fit, you can more easily manage your blood sugar.

Keep reading: How to lower blood glucose levels »

What does high glucose indicate?

High blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) may be a sign of diabetes, a disorder that can cause serious, long-term health conditions. High blood sugar may also be caused by other conditions that can affect insulin or glucose levels in your blood, such as problems with your pancreas or adrenal glands.

What causes a high glucose level?

Causes of high blood sugar feeling stressed. eating too much sugary or starchy food. being less active than usual. missing doses of diabetes medicine.

What should I do if my glucose is high?

drink plenty of sugar-free fluids – this can help if you're dehydrated. exercise more often – gentle, regular exercise such as walking can often lower your blood sugar level, particularly if it helps you lose weight. if you use insulin, adjust your dose – your care team can give you specific advice about how to do this.