What does a 1099 b look like

We’ve provided a sample document of a Robinhood Securities 1099 to help guide you through what each category refers to. This is for informational purposes only and aimed at answering questions regarding the tax document you will receive from Robinhood. Robinhood does not provide tax advice. For specific questions, you should consult a tax professional.

Please note: Robinhood Crypto 1099s will look different and contain different info than the sample Robinhood Securities 1099 below.

What does a 1099 b look like

  1. Robinhood’s address and taxpayer identification number (TIN). You will need Robinhood’s payer TIN when you file your tax return.
  2. Your account information, including your account ID, address, and TIN. You’ll need your account ID to import your 1099 into your tax software provider, if applicable.
  3. Document ID. You’ll need your document ID to import your 1099 into your tax software provider, if applicable.
  4. Dividends and distributions (IRS Form 1099-DIV): Includes income from any dividends or distributions from an investment during the year.
  5. Miscellaneous income (IRS Form 1099-MISC): Includes any miscellaneous income during the year, such as referral bonuses or manufactured income.
  6. Summary of proceeds (IRS Form 1099-B): “Short” term refers to investments held for one year or less. “Long” term refers to investments held for over one year.
  7. Proceeds: This represents the gross amount of money you received in exchange for selling positions within the year.
  8. Cost basis: This is your cost basis, which may be subject to corporate actions or wash sales throughout the year.
  9. Wash sales loss disallowed: The amount of realized losses that are subject to the IRS wash sale rule.
  10. Net gain or loss: Total gain or loss of all positions sold during the tax year per Form 8949 category.

Reference No. 20220113-1987517-6119486

By now, you probably have a stack of tax forms from employers, banks, stockbrokers, lenders and more on your desk - or more likely, the kitchen counter. For some of you, those tax forms will end up in the hands of your tax professional (for more on hiring a tax professional, click here); the rest of you will input the information on those forms, box for box, into tax preparation software - maybe with a little swearing along the way. No matter how you plan to do your taxes this year, you likely don't know what all of the numbers, letters and other information on those forms mean. That's about to change. This is the next in a series of posts meant help you make sense of all of those forms.

Here's what you should know about the form 1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions:

A form 1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions, is issued to taxpayers to whom the broker has sold (including short sales) stocks, commodities, regulated futures contracts, foreign currency contracts (pursuant to a forward contract or regulated futures contract), forward contracts, debt instruments, options, securities futures contracts, etc., for cash; taxpayers who received cash, stock, or other property from a corporation that the broker knows or has reason to know has had its stock acquired in an acquisition of control or had a substantial change in capital structure reportable on Form 8806; or taxpayers who exchanged property or services through a barter exchange. That's a complicated way of saying that taxpayers who engage in certain kinds of financial transactions, like buying and selling stocks, will receive the form.

The form 1099-B according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) looks like this:

That said, these days, it's not unusual for banks and financial institutions to use their own forms so long as they comply with the IRS reporting requirements. Your form 1099-B may look more like your regular brokerage statement. The information associated with each individual box should not change.

The payer’s identifying information is reported on the top left side of form 1099-B while your identifying information is reported on the lower left side of the form. This includes your name and your address. Your Social Security Number – or just the last few digits - will also be on the form. The first digits of the number may be redacted for your privacy (this is a relatively new development for certain forms); no matter what your copy indicates, the issuer will report your entire Social Security Number on the Copy A provided to IRS.

Your account number may also be on the form: the number is optional and doesn't affect your return. The account number is, however, required if you have multiple accounts.

A nine digit Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) number is used to identify securities. You may see a CUSIP number or other applicable identifying number under your account number - if you have a long form 1099-B, then you'll likely see multiple CUSIP numbers.

Just above box 1 is the "Applicable Check Box on Form 8949." This box is used to help report information for the form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets. The codes are as follows:

  • Code A - Short-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is being reported to the IRS.
  • Code B - Short-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is not being reported to the IRS.
  • Code D - Long-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is being reported to the IRS.
  • Code E - Long-term transaction for which the cost or other basis is not being reported to the IRS.
  • Code X - Holding period is unknown.

In box 1a, you'll see the name and the number of shares or units exchanged. For stock, you'll see the class or classes of stock abbreviated as follows:

  • "C" for common stock
  • "P" for preferred
  • "O" for other
  • You'll also see abbreviations for any subclasses.

In box 1b, you'll find the date or dates when the shares or units were acquired. If you acquired the shares or units over a number of dates, this box may be blank or it may say "VAR."

In box 1c, you'll find the date or dates you sold or disposed of the shares or units.

In box 1d, you'll see the gross cash proceeds received from all dispositions (including short sales) of securities, commodities, options, securities futures contracts, or forward contracts. If you had a loss, you'll see it designated as a loss by a parenthesis.

The amount shown will be reduced by commissions and transfer taxes related to the sale. If the amount is reduced by option premiums, you'll see the second box "net proceeds" in box 6 checked (otherwise, you'll see the first box "gross proceeds" in box 6 checked).

In box 1e, you'll see the adjusted basis of any securities sold unless the security is not a covered security and box 5 is checked. If box 5 is checked and basis is not reported, box 1e will be blank. You should only see a -0- in box 1e if the securities sold actually had a basis of zero. (For more about basis and a broker's obligation to report under the new rules, click here.)

In box 1f, you'll see the amount of accrued market discount.

In box 1g, you'll see the amount of any wash sale loss which was disallowed. A wash sale occurs when you sell a security (like stock) at a loss and then buy the same or nearly the same security 30 days before or after the sale. If you had a loss in that event, it's disallowed for tax purposes.

In box 2, you'll see whether the gain or loss is considered short-term or long-term. Typically, securities must be held for one year to be considered long-term: long-term gains are taxed at favorable capital gains tax rates . Securities held for less than one year are considered short-term: short-term gains are taxed at less favorable ordinary income tax rates. For more on holding periods, click here.

(To see the 2015 income tax rates, click here.)

For federal income tax purposes, long-term gains are netted against long-term losses and short-term gains are netted against short-terms losses. Then, the net long-term gain or loss is netted against the net short-term gain or loss. You'll report your long-term gains and losses at Part II of Schedule D and your short-term gains and losses at Part I of Schedule D on your form 1040:

(To download a copy of Schedule D as a PDF from the IRS website, click here.

If box 3 is checked, it means that basis has been reported to IRS.

Box 4 shows the amount of backup withholding. Generally, you’ll see an amount in this box if you did not furnish your taxpayer identification number (TIN) or you did not furnish the correct TIN to the payer. You’ll report this amount on your income tax return as tax withheld/paid.

If box 5 is checked, it means that the securities sold were noncovered securities. Generally, a noncovered security is stock purchased before 2011, stock in most mutual funds purchased before 2012, stock purchased in or transferred to a dividend reinvestment plan before 2012, debt acquired before 2014, options granted or acquired before 2014, and securities futures contracts entered into before 2014.

If the amount at box 1d is reduced by option premiums you'll see the second box ("net proceeds") in box 6 checked; otherwise, you'll see the first box ("gross proceeds") in box 6 checked.

If box 7 is checked, a loss is not allowed on the amount in box 1d. This generally happens because of a reportable change in control or capital structure.

Boxes 8 through 11 are not a typical concern for most taxpayers since they focus on Regulated Futures Contracts, Foreign Currency Contracts, and Section 1256 Option Contracts. If you have questions about amounts in these boxes, see your tax professional.

Box 12 is earmarked for sales of collectibles. It's empty for this year (2015) but next year it will look different as reporting requirements have changed.

Any amount in box 13 shows the value of cash or property credited to you as the result of a barter exchange. This amount is generally taxable.

If you had state tax withholding that amount will be reported in boxes 14-16.

To find out more about realized gains and losses, click here.

For more details on other tax forms, check out the rest of the series:

  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1098-T, Tuition Statement
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1098, Mortgage Interest Statement
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099, Miscellaneous Income
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-C, Cancellation Of Debt
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-INT, Interest Income
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-DIV, Dividends And Distributions
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-K,Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: 1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions
  • Understanding Your Tax Forms 2016: SSA-1099, Social Security Benefits

Do I have to report 1099

If you sold stock, bonds or other securities through a broker or had a barter exchange transaction (exchanged property or services rather than paying cash), you will likely receive a Form 1099-B. Regardless of whether you had a gain, loss, or broke even, you must report these transactions on your tax return.

Where do I find my 1099

All IRS forms, including Form 1099-B, can be downloaded through the agency's website. The link for Form 1099-B can be found here. 2022 1099-B.

What must Form 1099

In most cases, a 1099-B form provides information about securities or property involved in a transaction handled by a broker. This includes: A brief description of the item sold, such as “100 shares of XYZ Co" The date you bought or acquired it.

Is there a difference between 1099 and 1099

Form 1099-B is used to report sales of stocks, bonds, commodities, mutual fund transactions, etc. Form 1099-INT is issued to a taxpayer who receives $10 or more in interest income from a bank during the year.