Western union money order customer service phone number

Contact us

If you have questions and would like to contact us, please use one of the options below.

By Phone:

Please call 1-809-200-7380 or 802-532-7382

Incase of fraud call: 1-800-448-1492


Contact your nearby Western Union Agent location.

For customers outside the Caribbean, please select your country's Web site from the drop down at the bottom of the page and call the local number on that country's Contact Us page.


Contactgegevens van Western Union Nederland

Als er iets verkeerd is gegaan met uw overschrijving, dan kunt u:

  • Contact met ons opnemen via 0800 022 8781.

Online Dispute Resolution (online geschillenbeslechting, ODR) biedt een eenvoudige, efficiënte, snelle, voordelige geschillenbeslechting waar geen rechtbank voor is vereist, voor geschillen die gerelateerd zijn aan online overschrijvingen. Ga voor meer informatie naar: //ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Telefonisch contact

Als u vragen heeft over online transacties:

  • Bel in Nederland naar 0800 022 8781 (dagelijks bereikbaar van 8:00 tot 11:00 uur)
  • Bel buiten Nederland naar +32-(0)2 639 7106.

Engels/Nederlands/Spaans/Frans: Dagelijks, van 9:00 tot 12:00 uur EET
Chinees: Dagelijks, van 8:00 tot 12:00 uur CST

Contact per post

Western Union Processing Nederland
Lithuania UAB
J. Balcikonio Str 7, Vilnius, Litouwen LT-08247

Betaaldiensten van Western Union
Ireland Limited (kantoor Duitsland)
Solmsstr. 18
60486 Frankfurt

Contact Information

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have

Can’t find what you need in our FAQs pages? Get in touch with our Customer Care representative.

Contact information for Western Union

Please contact customer service if you believe an error has been made on your transfer, you have an enquiry in relation to the service or you have a complaint:

  • Call +43 (0)0800 297 579
  • Send an email to Customer Care

An acknowledgement of your complaint will be sent to you within 5 business days of when we receive it. We will investigate your request and provide you with regular updates on its progress. The acknowledgement will contain the date of receipt plus a reference number, which should be used in all further communications with Western Union.

We will always aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible, if it is not possible, we will send you written acknowledgement within five business days. We aim to resolve most complaints within 15 working days, if we have not been able to do this, we will contact you regularly to keep you informed about the progress.

As soon as we have established all the facts and completed our investigation, we will provide you with a final response, no later than 35 working days, which will set our findings and explain our final position.

If you are dissatisfied with the resolution proposed by Western Union, you have the right to refer to:

  • The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), which offers a simple, efficient, fast, low-cost, and out of-court solution to disputes related to online transfers. Visit: //ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
  • Or you can file a complaint with the bank mediation service (www.bankenschlichtung.at)

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have

Can’t find what you need in our FAQs pages? Get in touch with our Customer Care representative.

Contact Us

If you have questions and would like to contact us, please use one of the options below.

By phone
For online transfer inquiries please call 0808 234 9168 (for UK residents only).
For online transfer inquiries if you call outside of UK +32-(0)2 639 7103.
For all other customer inquiries or concerns please call 0800 833 833.

English: 24×7
Polish: Mon-Sat, 9:00am – 9:00pm EET
Chinese: Mon-Sat, 8am-12am CST

By Mail Online Transactions Only
Western Union Internet United Kingdom
PO Box 8252
United Kingdom

In case of complaints, we continually strive to find the best resolution for you. If you feel your issue was not resolved, you have the opportunity to file a complaint with the: Financial Ombudsman Service (//www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/)

Contact Information

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have

Can’t find what you need in our FAQs pages? Get in touch with our Customer Care representative.

Contact us by mail

Customer Care
Western Union Financial Services (Canada) Inc.
100 Yonge Street, suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 2W1

In case of fraud
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, please contact us at 1-800-448-1492.

How do I speak to a Western Union money order?

Get in touch with our Customer Care representative for assistance on online money transfers..
Customer Care (US): 1800 325 6000..
Website Care: 1877 989 3268..
For TTY users: 1800 877 8973..

How do I get a refund on a Western Union money order?

Send the notarized form, including the required documents* showing you as a purchaser, by email to RMO@westernunion.com or by fax at 1-720-865-0477..
Open the Money Order Refund Request form..
Enter the details and attach your receipt..
Accept the terms and conditions and select Submit..

Is Western Union online 24 hours?

With Western Union, you can send money online 24/7. Your receiver can pick up the money as cash at a Western Union agent location. In certain countries, money can be deposited in a bank account or received in a mobile wallet.

Why would a Western Union money order be declined?

Occasionally, money transfers may be declined. This is due to a variety of reasons, such as WU being unable to confirm your identity. WU is required to comply with regulatory standards and internal policies. If these are not met, your money transfer may be declined.


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