University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency

Beacon Internal Medicine East

Hours of operation

8:00am - 5:00pm


3370 Jenkins Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37421


phone: 423-648-8005

University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency

Physicians at This Location

Eileen Boroughs, MD

University of Tennessee School of Medicine
East Tennessee State University- Family Medicine Residency
Board Certified

University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency

Dan Drinnon, MD

University of Tennessee School of Medicine
University of Tennessee School of Medicine-Chattanooga (residency)
Board Certified

University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency

Richard A. Peters, MD

University of North Carolina
University of Tennessee School of Medicine-Chattanooga (residency)
Board Certified

University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency

Kirk Rogers, DO

College of Osteopathic Medicine
University of Tennessee School of Medicine-Chattanooga (residency)
Board Certified

University of tennessee chattanooga internal medicine residency



ORSP manages a limited number of internal grants to support research, scholarship, and creative activities at UTC. Please visit the InfoReady Review portal for the UTC campus to view a list of open competitions and apply. More information about InfoReady Review can be found here. Please contact [email protected] with any questions about the application or review process.

Open Publishing Support Fund

The Open Publishing Support Fund (OPSF) covers article processing charges for eligible peer-reviewed, open access journals. Funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis, with a maximum award of $2500 per request. Requests for funding should be made immediately after an article is accepted for publication. Visit the InfoReady Review portal to preview the application and apply.

New Centers & Institutes 

The Offices of the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research accept preliminary applications for new research and instructional centers on a rolling basis. Investments in centers are considered in relation to UTC’s Strategic Plan, campus priorities, and the demonstrated capacity of each proposed center to rapidly achieve and maintain sustainability with predominantly external funding. Prior to submitting a Center proposal, it is strongly recommended that applicants schedule a meeting with the VCR or designee and the Provost or designee (for instructional centers) to discuss your proposed concept, timeframe, and anticipated source(s) of funds.

Biomedical Research Initiation Collaborative (BRIC) Grants

The UT College of Medicine Chattanooga (UTCOM-C), Erlanger Health System and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga are partnering to support an inter-institutional grant program designed to increase collaborative biomedical research activity. The Biomedical Research Initiation Collaborative (BRIC) Grants seek to foster health research collaborations and to strengthen the research relationship between the University of Tennessee Chattanooga and the Erlanger/UTCOM investigators by providing seed funding to collaborative teams embarking on new lines of biomedical research inquiry.


This funding opportunity will support collaborative projects that bring together teams of investigators, at least one from UTCOM/Erlanger and one from UTC, focused on all phases of biomedical research along the continuum from bench to bedside to community. BRIC grants will support collaborative scientific studies for one year to enable the development of preliminary data that will serve as the foundation for submission of competitive, extramural research grant applications and result in high-impact peer reviewed publications. These grants are not intended to provide the investigator with additional or extended support for an existing study already supported through intramural or extramural funds. Although the participating investigators may have collaborated in the past, the research project proposed must be novel and not part of ongoing research. The full solicitation and application templates are attached below.


To be eligible for consideration, all proposals must include Co-PIs – at least one representing UTCOM/Erlanger and one representing UTC.

  • For UTC, eligible Co-PIs include tenured or tenure-track faculty. Faculty in non-tenure roles, staff, and post-doctoral research fellows may participate as a research team member.
  • For UTCOM/Erlanger, eligible Co-PIs include all faculty members, residents, and clinical fellows.

The investigators from each of the participating sites must have a significant, defined role in the research project. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.


The program will fund up to $25,000 per award total (UTCOM + UTC) over a 12 month-period beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023. Four awards are anticipated. Funding may not be used to support faculty salaries or overhead. Please see the RFP for a full list of allowable and unallowable costs.


  1. Attend the Workshop & Research Networking event on September 14, 5-6pm to be held in the POB Dining Room of the Erlanger Medical Mall. UTC faculty who are interested in the BRIC program and do not have an established UTCOM/Erlanger collaboration are strongly encouraged to attend this event. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] by September 9.
  2. Work with your UTCOM/Erlanger collaborator(s) to develop the proposal and budget. Please see the RFP for a full list of application requirements.
  3. Submit the proposal by 5pm on November 4, 2022. Applications must be submitted via email to [email protected]. Proposals received after 5:00pm on the deadline will be returned without review.


For programmatic-related questions, contact Dr. Giuseppe Pizzorno, Associate Dean for Research at [email protected] or 423.778.6956.

For questions related to UTC budget items or current and pending support, please contact an ORSP grant specialist.


  • BRIC RFP 2022
  • BRIC 2022 Cover Page
  • BRIC 2022 Budget Template
  • BRIC 2022 Biosketch Template
  • BRIC 2022 CPS Template
Additional Resources

UTC offers other internal grant opportunities to support a wide range of faculty development activities including student - faculty research collaborations, curriculum development, technology and equipment acquisition, and conference travel support. These internal grants are administered by various units on campus. While these internal grants do not operate under the auspices of the ORSP, we encourage new faculty, faculty changing from one research field to another, and those interested in developing a funding or research track-record to consider these options as part of a long-term external funding strategy. To learn more about UTC's internal grant opportunities, visit the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning's website.

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs