Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Of the 365 days in each year, there are usually a few special days that mean more to us than the rest. Mom’s birthday is one of those extra-special days. Your mom means the world to you and letting her know how much you appreciate her on her special day would definitely make her day. But coming up with the perfect words to express how you feel can sometimes be challenging. So if you find yourself struggling with what to write in a birthday card for your mom, this is the go-to guide you can always count on.

It contains a few tips and well over 100 thoughtful messages that’ll definitely inspire you. Depending on what emotions you are looking to convey with words, I hope you’ll find a theme below that captures that. But before we get into the messages, here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Tips
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom: Simple Messages
  • Sweet Birthday Messages for Mom
  • Heartfelt Happy Birthday Messages for Mom
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom: Express Admiration
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card for the Always-There-For-You Mom
  • Birthday Messages From Across the Miles
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card to Say Thank You, Mom
  • You are Amazing, Mom
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom, as a Parent
  • Religious Happy Birthday Messages for Mom
  • What to Write in a Birthday Card for My Single Mom
  • Funny Birthday Messages for Mom
  • Inspiring Birthday Quotes for Mom
  • Open Birthday Letter to Mom on Her Birthday
  • Warm Closings


1. Talk about what you value most about your relationship with her. Think about this: How would you describe your mom if you were speaking to me now? Would you say she’s your closest friend? Is she the most thoughtful person you know? Has she been the constant voice of reason in your life that you’ve grown to trust and rely on? Is she the first person you talk to in the morning and the last person you talk to at night, and you can’t imagine what your life would be like without her in it?

2. What is it about your mom’s personality or character that you’ve come to really appreciate? Now is a good time to appreciate her for who she is.

3. Think about specific things that you’d like to thank your mom for What has she done that you haven’t really thanked her for? Don’t miss this opportunity to show gratitude to your amazing mom.

4. Include a birthday wish in your card. If she’s one to appreciate it, share a word of prayer for her as well.

Still in need of some inspiration on what to write in a birthday card for mom? Check out these 100 thoughtful birthday messages.

Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom: Simple Messages

  • Happy Birthday to one fierce Mama Bear. Growing up would have been un-bear-able without you!
  • A remarkable mom like you deserves a truly remarkable day. I hope every minute of this day is as delightful as you are!
  • Love, love, and more love is being sent your way today. Hope you’re feeling it! Hugs and kisses, Laura.
  • A birthday hasn’t gone by in the last X years that I didn’t feel special to you. I am wishing the same for you today, Mom!
  • Your birthday outshines all the other 364 days of the year. Let the b-day fun begin!
  • To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the whole world. Have a fabulous birthday, Mom!
  • Happy Birthday to the single coolest Mom in the universe. The world thanks you for producing me, the only person cooler than you.
  • There is no gift in the world that could ever compare to the gift you gave me – the gift of life. And for that, I’d always be in your debt, mom. Happy Birthday!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Sweet Birthday Messages for Mom

  • Happy Birthday to a woman who sacrificed so many precious moments in her life so I could have them in mine.
  • Being able to call you mom is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. I could not have asked for anyone better!
  • With you being so beautiful, it’s hard to wish you a more beautiful birthday than you are. Hope today is every bit as beautiful as you are!
  • Three things I cannot live without: Food. Water. My mom. You mean so much to me, Mom, and I’m infinitely grateful for the gift of you!
  • The perfect birthday in my opinion is for you to have a celebration that is as beautiful as you are. Hope today lives up to my lofty expectations. Have a blast, mom!
  • When I was little, I used to look up at you and think I had the most beautiful mom in the world. Now you’re older, I’m taller and my opinion hasn’t changed one bit. Happy Birthday, Mom!
  • I still need my mom, I still love my mom, I still appreciate my mom and I would always celebrate my mom, this day and every day. Happy Birthday!
  • Maybe it’s just me, but after all these years, you look just as beautiful as I remember from growing up. Happy Birthday to my stunning mom and may your birthday be every bit as beautiful as you are!
  • Mom, I spent years wishing you would one day get off my back. How naive I was! Today, I realize you’re the only one who really ever had my back. Thank you for everything you do!
  • As a little child, you helped me learn to walk. As an adult, you’ve helped me stand firmly on my two feet. All I am and ever hope to be, I owe to you, mom. Happy Birthday!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Heartfelt Happy Birthday Messages for Mom

  • Happy Birthday, Mom! To the world, you are a mother. But to me, you are the world. From your darling daughter, Pam!
  • Looking back now, I realize it didn’t matter that we didn’t always have everything we wanted as kids. What matters is that we had a mama who loved us more than anything in the world. 
  • For someone who’s spent the last 35 years [insert your age] making me feel so special, I can only pray that every second of today feels every bit as special as you are. Love you, Mom!
  • From the little girl you taught how to sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, and do a whole lot of other things, I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Love you loads, Mom!
  • Dear Mom, thank you for giving me a wonderful life. I’m way ahead of my peers because of the head start you labored to give me and my siblings. Thank you for being better than everything I could ever have hoped for in a mother. All my love, Carl.
  • I’ve often heard the saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got til’ it’s gone.” Although I don’t say it as often as I’d like, on this special day, I want you to know that you mean the world to me and I would never trade you for anything. 
  • On this special day, I want to remind you that nothing you ever did for me was ever wasted. Thank you for all the pain, tears, and sacrifice that went into raising me. I celebrate you for all that and more today and always. You’re my hero, mom!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom: Express Admiration

  • The word mother isn’t just your title, it’s your legacy! Happy Birthday to a woman most worthy of being called Mom. I love you endlessly!
  • Today, I celebrate you for being the woman I admire, the friend I enjoy, and the mom I can never do without. You are a thousand shades of amazing!
  • The more time goes by, the more grateful I feel to have you for my mom. I am more excited about celebrating you this year than I have ever been.
  • You are my hero, mom! Thanks for always been a source of inspiration to me and the breath beneath my wings that makes me believe I can fly.
  • Mom, you are genuine, supportive, caring, loving, and the hardest working woman I know. I would never have expected all those qualities to be found in a single individual but you embody them all. And today and always, I feel extremely proud to call you mom!
  • Happy Birthday, Mom! Thank you for inspiring me to be kind, honest, patient, diligent, and most importantly to never stop believing the best in myself and others. You are one-of-a-kind, an enigma, a diamond among coal, and a breath of fresh air. I love you with all of my heart!
  • Yay! It’s your big day, Mom. No amount of words would ever be able to fully express the love and admiration I have for you. You are everything I ever needed in a mother, and some more! Happy B-day!
  • I admired your love until I got to know your strength, I admired your strength until I got to know your gentleness, I admired your gentleness until I got to know your courage, I guess I would never stop admiring all that you are, mom! Have a wonderful birthday celebration!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What to Write in a Birthday Card for the Always-There-For-You Mom

  • No matter how old I get, I would never grow out of needing you, Mom. Thank you for always being there for me.
  • It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world to know that no matter what happens, you will always have my back. Thank you for your unwavering love & support, Mom!
  • The years go by, but some things haven’t changed. You haven’t stopped being there for me and I haven’t stopped feeling that I’m the luckiest daughter in the world to have a mom like you. 
  • I hear most people my age talk about how independent of their moms they have become. No matter how independent I become, your wisdom and strength is something I’d always need in life. Thanks a lot for always been there.
  • Like a mother eagle, there have been times when you lifted me up, many more times where you carried me, and a few times when you threw me at life. It’s the last one I’m most grateful for because that’s what has made me the strong man I am today. Happy Birthday, Mother Eagle! Keep soaring!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Birthday Messages From Across the Miles

  • Wishing you a very happy birthday from many miles away! Even though I can’t be there this year, I’m thinking of you on your special day and miss you loads. Enjoy yourself, mom!
  • This birthday card is so lucky. It gets to be there on your birthday while I’m here, hundreds of miles away from you. Wish I was there, Mom but I hope you are having a blast nonetheless. Happy Birthday!
  • Cheers to you on your birthday, Mom! Even though I can’t make it this year, I’ll be raising a glass in your honor. Maybe two,  three, or even four…Let the b-day fun begin!
  • Whether it’s ten or fifty candles on your cake this year, I hope every single one is a birthday wish that comes true. You deserve nothing but the very best! Wish I could be there with you as well.
  • I believe in angels, I believe in superheroes, I believe in miracles, and I believe in blessings all because of you, mom! Thanks for being my everything! Happy Birthday from across the miles!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom
  • For your large heart, and your welcoming smile, for your deep compassion and your nurturing hands, I just want to say thank you, mom.
  • Thank you for being a happy mother despite all the challenges you had to face as a single mom. You’ve taught me more about happiness than all the books in the world ever could. All my love, Cherry!
  • For good advice, for warm hugs, for delicious meals, and for infinite wisdom, I’m so grateful to be your daughter.
  • Luck is showing up as a baby in a world you knew nothing about only to find that you have the sweetest, bravest, most caring mom to nurture and guide you through it all. Thanks, Mom, for being all these and more!
  • My whole life, I have not known a better encourager, a stronger pillar of support, and a closer confidant and friend than you, Mom. Thank you for everything you do – and Happy Birthday!
  • For all the honest advice, tough love, and unconditional support you have given me over the years, I just want to say,  “Thanks, Mom!” You are worth more than words could ever express!
  • I’m braver, bolder, stronger, wiser, and because I was raised by the Lion Queen herself. Thank you for giving me a great start in life. I owe all I am and have to you. Happy Birthday, Mom!
  • Over the years, I’ve gotten to know you in so many roles. I’ve known you as a mom, as a teacher, as a coach, as a disciplinarian, and now I’m getting to know you more as a confidante and friend. Thanks for being my everything, Mom!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

You are Amazing, Mom

  • Wife. Mom. Chef. Coach. Nurse. Party Planner. The list is endless. I don’t know how you do it all, Mom, but you do it all incredibly well.
  • If you were not my mom already, I would have been extremely jealous of whoever was your son. You’re exceptional, Mom. I love you!
  • I can’t decide whether you’re a better Mom or Grandma. Let’s just say you are awesome at everything you do. Hope every moment of today is as awesome as you are, Mom! 
  • I can’t imagine how many times I’ve been asked the question, “How did you become so strong and confident?” My response has always been, “If you knew who my mom was, you’d understand how.” Thanks, mom for raising me to be the woman/man that I am.
  • It takes a special woman to raise a strong-willed, independent daughter like me. You’re the reason I turned out to be the best version of myself. Thanks, mom, and Happy Birthday!
  • Here’s the best description I’ve found to describe you: a woman with a backbone of steel and a heart made of pure gold. Mom, you are more than words could ever express and I love you to infinity!
  • It takes the right amount of love, patience, kindness, discipline, humility, and gentleness to make an amazing mom. I don’t know how you do it but you’ve got it all in just the right proportion! 
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What to Write in a Birthday Card for Mom, as a Parent

  • I thought being a mom was easy until I became a mom. Now I appreciate you so much more for being the amazing mom you are.
  • You are the reason for everything good in my life. Max, the kids, and I are celebrating you today & every day!
  • The only thing better than having you for a mom is my children having you for a grandma. Hope you have an awesome birthday!
  • I’m grateful for every experience I’ve had with you as my mom because it’s helped shape the mom I’ve become today. I cannot quantify the depth of your impact on my life. Thanks, mom – and happy birthday to you!
  • I wonder if you know that while you were busy raising me, caring for me, loving me, and sacrificing for me, I was busy learning life’s most important lessons from you. I am a better parent thanks to you!

Religious Happy Birthday Messages for Mom

  • Happy Birthday, Mom! May every prayer said over you today receive speedy answers from God and may the Lord satisfy your mouth with good things and renew your youth like the eagles. Sending you love on this birthday!
  • May the goodness and mercy of the Lord follow you as you turn a new year and bring you countless happy moments to rejoice about. Have a splendid birthday!
  • Happy Birthday to the most godly woman I have ever had the privilege to know. May God give you what your heart desires and may He fulfill all your plans both now and forever. Lots of love, Ashley!
  • The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace both today and all through the new year. 
  • Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than rubies. Thanks for being a true Proverbs 31 woman. I love and honor you, mom!
  • Dear God, please bless my mom always, and especially today. Make this day special for her in more ways than she could ever imagine, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What to Write in a Birthday Card for My Single Mom

  • Raising a child is such a difficult task that no one should ever have to do it alone. Not only did you do it alone, but you also did a terrific job. I feel immense pride that I get to call you mom. Happy X birthday!
  • Moms everywhere deserve special credit. Single moms like you deserve even greater credit. It’s hard to find the words to say how much I love and appreciate you. Happy Birthday, Mom!
  • It’s hard growing up without a father, but it’s easy when you have a fantastic mother who plays both roles excellently. You’re one in a million!
  • “Being a single mother is twice the work, twice the stress, and twice the tears, but also twice the hugs, twice the love, and twice the pride.” Unknown
  • Only the genuinely strong can do all you’ve done. I feel privileged to have been raised by one of the strongest women alive. Happy Birthday, Mom!

Funny Birthday Messages for Mom

  • Happy Birthday to the best Mom I’ve ever had.
  • All moms give birth to a child. Except for my mom, she gave birth to a legend! You are the best mom, Happy Birthday!
  • I remembered your birthday! Aren’t you proud? Now keep that in mind while I tell you about your gift…
  • Just imagine all the pretty things you’d like to hear on your birthday and then pretend I said them. Love you, mom!
  • Mom, we have an amazing mother and daughter relationship. You are my mother & I am amazing! 
  • I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I know that hearing from your favorite son is already a step in the right direction. Happy birthday, Mom!
  • I have put so much thought into getting you the perfect gift that I don’t have the time anymore to get it. I hope you don’t mind, after all, it’s the thought that counts. Hip Hip Hooray!
  • Congrats, Mom! You’re one year closer to that senior discount at [insert Mom’s favorite store].
  • I find it strange that we celebrate you on the anniversary of a day when your mom did all of the work. Just kidding…Happy Birthday Mom!
  • Forget the past and forget the future. And by all means, please forget the present because I forgot to get you one. Happy 50th Birthday!
  • I remember you always said that all you’ve ever wanted for your birthday was to hear “I love you” from your kids. That’s such a relief seeing I’m broke this year. I LOVE YOU MOM – and Happy Birthday!
  • Happy Birthday to the one woman who never failed to act impressed by every crappy gift I ever made for her, and still tell me it looked great! I appreciate you, Mom.
  • Happy Birthday to the woman who always said “Good Job” to every lousy artwork I ever made. Thanks, Mom for always making me feel appreciated.
  • Mom, I was going to bake you a cake for your birthday. But then I realized that, with my baking skills, not baking you a cake would be an even better present. You’re welcome – and Happy Birthday!
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Inspiring Birthday Quotes for Mom

At times when words are hard to find, I turn to quotes for inspiration on what to write in a birthday card for my mom. There’s no shame in taking inspiration from quotes that already express what’s on my heart.

  • “She’s the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence that I could ever possibly write.” — Michael Faudet
  • “My identity rests solely and firmly on this: I am my mother’s daughter.” — Spanglish
  • “I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me.” — Unknown
  • “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” ―Abraham Lincoln
  • “The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” —Jane Sellman
  • “A beautiful woman is like a painting and remains beautiful no matter how old she is.” – Chloe Thurlow
  • “I love my mother as trees love water and sunshine. She helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights.” – Terri Guillemets
  • “Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” – Unknown
  • “Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.”
Things to write on a birthday card for mom

Open Birthday Letter to Mom on Her Birthday

Dear Mom,

Today is your birthday and I want to thank you for always lighting the way.

Your kindness, strength, courage, and persistence are virtues I’ve come to appreciate and draw inspiration from over the years. 

Thank you for giving me such a strong example of what it means to be a mother.

On this special day, my hope is that you’ll feel the love of all, like me, who admire and adore you. I pray you have unending joy in your heart, peace in your soul, and a healthy body to carry you through the new year and beyond – with lots of cake to share.

Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you!

Warm Closings

  • Happy Birthday, Mom!
  • Lots of love,
  • Happy Birthday, Mama Bear!
  • Hugs and kisses,
  • All my love,
  • From your darling daughter,
  • Your son,
  • Celebrating you!
  • Birthday Cheers!
  • Hip hip hooray!
  • Let the b-day fun begin!
  • Let’s get the party started!
  • You’re the best, mom!
  • Enjoy yourself, mom!
  • Your daughter of X years,
  • Sending you love on this birthday!
  • Many happy returns of the day!

If you’d like a selection of beautiful note cards that you can use to pen your thoughtful birthday message to mom, visit our shop.

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Things to write on a birthday card for mom

What should I write on my mom's birthday card?

For Mom.
“Happy Birthday, with heartfelt thanks and lots of love, to my wise, wonderful, one-and-only Mom.”.
“You're the best, Mom. ... .
“Wishing a beautiful day for my beautiful mama.”.
“The more time goes by, the more grateful I am to have you for my mother.”.

What should I say on my mothers birthday?

Thank you for always providing me with hope, encouragement, joy, and support. You are the best, and I hope that your birthday is as unforgettable as you are. Everyday I learn something new from your grace, wonder, and compassionate soul. Here's to another year of invaluable life lessons.

What is a unique way to wish your mom?

"Dear Mother, I hope you're as proud of me as I am of you." After all, you're even more delicious than the cake we're about to devour! "From your daughter, happy birthday." "They say you're getting older, but we could pass for sisters!" So, in my opinion, you look better than ever. My best wishes, my incredible mom."

What do you write in a mums card?

Mother's Day Wishes.
Wishing you the very best day ever. ... .
Wishing you a day that's full of relaxation, love and your favorite dessert..
I wish you the happiest of Mother's Day. ... .
Wishing you a Mother's Day that's as wonderful as you..
Wishing you a day as special as you are..