Someone posted a picture of me on facebook without my permission

This was a few years back when I was still, reluctantly, using Facebook. My old roommate thought it would be funny to post (what he thought) was an embarrassing picture of me on his timeline.This person knew that I never posted pictures of myself online. EVER. But he decided the joke was worth violating my privacy.

It was a huge blow up. He never understood what he did wrong, and refused to apologize for it, and we never spoke again.

Anyone else every go through such a thing? Are you just as protective of your image online? Or am I the asshole here?

Can I stop someone posting pictures of me on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings. Scroll down to Audience and Visibility and tap Profile and Tagging. Tap Who can post on your profile?

What to do when someone posted a picture of you?

4 Steps to Take if Someone Posts Non-consensual Intimate Photos....
File a police report..
Get the photo taken off social media/website..
Consult with an attorney..
Know your resources..

Can you stop someone from posting pictures of you?

If you discover that someone posted either photos or videos of you or your family on a social media site without your permission, the first thing to know is that it is illegal. Keep in mind that every platform has a different privacy policy, so the individual that posts may think they did nothing wrong.