Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

I've a Samsung SyncMaster B1930 Monitor. I've installed all the graphics drivers.

I'm unable to set or change the monitor brightness because it says that MagicEco is ON. I've also downloaded some of the drivers from Samsung's website but they doesn't seems to work too. Any Idea how should I set the brightness according to my requirement ?

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness


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asked Oct 8, 2014 at 9:58

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

You have two options:

  • To manually change brighness you have to disable MagicEco which is a powersaving option.
  • With MagicEco enabled you have to adjust the power saving mode (100 %, 75 %, 50 % and off) to change the brightness.

Read the manual to locate those settings. If locating those settings is the problem, please leave a comment.

answered Oct 8, 2014 at 10:09

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness


1,2687 silver badges14 bronze badges


How to Locate Settings :

  1. Go To Menu.
  2. Go to "Setup and Reset" option.
  3. Go to "Magic Eco" Option.
  4. In magic Eco option Select "Power saving Off" Option.
  5. Go to your Brightness Setting.

    It will enabled and you can change the Value.

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

answered Jun 9, 2017 at 5:58

I have just been through this annoying hoop of not being able to adjust the brightness. This much might help you - The five way button under the screen works on brightness and a couple of other functions if you just press one of the edge buttons from a normal screen and don't press the middle button to get into any kind of menu. As far as I can work out you have to use the side to side (dimmer) control at least a couple of clicks on both in order for your changes to stay. I also found a lock menu function and you might have that on - in menu screen press the right button for a second or two and then the left button for five seconds until the menu disappears. That seems to lock or unlock the settings made. it shows a padlock at the top of the menu if it is locked.

answered Aug 13, 2021 at 8:26

Well as stated from the Samsung website this "MagicEco" feature “makes saving energy easy. It adjusts Samsung monitor’s brightness based on how much energy you want to save."

So I would assume there would be a setting on your computer based on as mentioned how much energy you are willing to save, so you could lower that requirement which in theory should allow you to change the brightness setting.

As for the drivers not working, I guess you could of downloaded the wrong version or something, here is the link to their site, let me know what errors you are having

answered Oct 8, 2014 at 10:13

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness


3871 silver badge11 bronze badges

We have a different Samsung monitor which also was blocking any way to adjust brightness - did a System-Reset All and then the option was no longer grayed out/blocked.

answered Jul 12, 2021 at 3:43

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

Sceptre make many different high quality monitors that typically work really well. From time to time you can have issues with the screen on your monitor. In this article, I will cover the most common issues with Sceptre monitors and how to fix them.

Overall, it can either be a hardware or software issue. A hardware issue can be fixed by restarting your Sceptre monitor, and checking the cables are plugged in all the way. But, a software issue needs a few different fixes such as adjusting the refresh rate, explained below.

A Sceptre monitor is unique from other monitors because it has multiple users, so some options such as the brightness, and contrast won’t be able to be changed by default. Below, I will explain everything there is to know about troubleshooting a Sceptre monitor that isn’t working correctly.

Once a Sceptre monitor is configured correctly it shouldn’t have any issues for long stretches of time. But, like all electronic devices they can have a glitch or something can happen that causes the screen to not work properly. Here’s where to start and what to do when you have issues with your Sceptre monitor.

As a general rule, start by restarting your monitor, and then check all of the cables are plugged in all the way. A restart is done by unplugging your monitor and then holding down the power button for 10 seconds. After that, plug it back in while holding down the power button.

First things first, unplug and plug in the cables that go from your computer to your monitor. It’s common for them to come slightly loose. When you plug them back in make sure they’re pushed in all the way.

But, don’t press them in too hard. And be careful when you do it, to plug it in very accurately as you can damage the port, or pins. Depending on what kind of cable you’re using.

If you have some spare cables, such as an HDMI cable, or VGA cable, swap out your existing cables for these, to see if it’s the cable that is faulty. Also try plugging the cables into different ports on both the monitor and your computer. Some ports can have frozen, or not work at all.

Also, restart your computer. Ports can sometimes have a glitch where they freeze, and don’t send a signal. Restarting your computer can get the port to work again.

This article and its contents are owned by Ready To DIY and was first published on 06/16/2022.

Update the display drivers for your graphics card

If you’re a regular computer user like me you likely don’t do anything with the drivers on your computer unless you run into an issue. The graphics card drivers also called display drivers can be out of date. This will cause a mismatch with the version of Windows you’re running and can be a cause of the flickering issue.

Check and install an update for Windows

To check for a Windows update, open the start menu on Windows by clicking the bottom left of the screen. Or, by pressing the start button on your keyboard. The type in ‘check for updates’.

An option will show at the top of the start menu that says check for updates. Click on that and it will open a new Window, it will automatically start checking for an update. It will typically begin installing it automatically.

Or, click the option that says install update. If your version of Windows is up to date it will say ‘up to date’. And you don’t need to do anything.

Restarting your Sceptre monitor

Restarting your Sceptre monitor is done by unplugging it at the wall. After it has been unplugged, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. This will drain any electricity in your monitor.

Then plug it back in while holding down the power button. If the issue persists, refer to the fixes for more specific issues explained in the subheadings below.

Sceptre Monitor Flickering Cause and How to Fix

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A monitor can flicker in a few ways, it can blink on and off briefly at random times, or turn on and off very fast constantly. When this is happening with your Sceptre monitor, here’s why it happens and the troubleshooting steps you should take to fix it.

In general, it’s caused by the refresh rate being set incorrectly, the cables are slightly loose, your monitor needs to be restarted, or a program on your computer is causing a problem. Start by checking all of the cables, and restarting your monitor.

The refresh rate for Sceptre monitors is 60 Hz by default. Typically, your computer will already be set to this.

But, if you used an older CRT monitor before using your Sceptre monitor, the refresh rate can be set too low. To see what the refresh rate is and change it if necessary do the following:

Right click on an empty space on your desktop

  • A menu will pop up select ‘properties’
  • There are tabs at the top of the window that open select ‘settings’
  • Then click on the button that says ‘advanced’
  • After that click on that tab that says ‘monitor’
  • See what the refresh rate is, and change it to 60 Hz if required
  • Press apply to save the changes and then close the window.

There is also a recommended resolution for each Sceptre monitor. If the resolution is set differently on your computer it can cause flickering. Typically the resolution should be set to 1920 x 1080.

But, it differs based on the monitor model. The recommended resolution is stated in the owner’s manual. You can view an online version by putting in your model number on this page of the official Sceptre website.

If it still hasn’t stopped it from flickering, check to see if it’s a specific program that’s causing the issue by entering the task manager. To do that press the ‘Ctrl’, ‘Shift’, and ‘Esc’ button on your keyboard all at the same time. When the issue is with a specific program on your computer the task manager window that opens will be solid, and the rest of the screen in the background will flicker.

If that happens, close all the programs that are open, and then try to isolate what program is causing it by opening the programs you use one by one. You can also try to remember if you recently installed a program that caused the issue.

This article and its contents are owned by Ready To DIY and was first published on 06/16/2022.

For example, you recently installed a program and then the flickering started. In that case you should uninstall the program to fix the flickering issue for now.

Sceptre Monitor Blinking Blue Light Cause and How to Troubleshoot

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

The light at the bottom of a Sceptre monitor gives information about the status of your monitor. When the light is blinking blue nothing will show on a Sceptre monitor. This is what causes this to happen, and how to troubleshoot this issue.

As a general rule, there is no signal. The signal cable has come loose, or is set to the wrong device. Check all of the cables are plugged in all the way. Then check the display settings in Windows to make sure the output is set to the right device. How to do that is explained below.

The light will be solid blue when it’s turned on and functioning correctly. If the light is red it means the monitor is turned off. Blinking blue means there is no signal.

There is a cable that goes from your computer to the monitor. Unplug it at both ends and plug them back in again. Making sure they’re plugged in all the way.

Also, inspect them when you do to see if you can see any physical damage to the pins or connectors. If there are, then this is likely the issue. And you should get a replacement cable.

But, before doing so, double check the settings in Windows are set to send the signal to a monitor. This is commonly the case on a laptop, where you are sending the screen to your Sceptre monitor.

After that reset the monitor, and your computer.

This article and its contents are owned by Ready To DIY and was first published on 06/16/2022.

Sceptre Monitor Flashing Colors Cause and How to Fix

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A Sceptre monitor can have an issue where the whole screen turns one color, then switches to another color, and cycles through different colors over and over again. For this issue, here’s why it happens, and how to fix it.

In general, this indicates a hardware issue with the monitor and the internal component needs to be replaced. But, you can try resetting your monitor by unplugging it, holding down the power button for 10 seconds, then plug it back while holding down the power button.

If that doesn’t work, then you should contact Sceptre support. They can advise you if the repair or replacement is covered under warranty.

Sceptre Monitor Brightness Greyed Out Cause and How to Troubleshoot

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A common issue with Sceptre monitors is you need to change the settings for your monitor using the monitor, but some of the options are greyed out. This is due to the fact that Sceptre monitors are set up slightly differently to other monitors. This is how to change some settings on your Sceptre monitor so the brightness is no longer greyed out and can be changed.

Overall, press the menu button on the back of your monitor and then select ‘quick start’. After that select ‘preset’, and then change it to ‘user’. This sets the user account, and the brightness will no longer be greyed out.

Copyright protected content owner: and was initially posted on 2022-06-16.

Some Sceptre monitor models are set by default to have a user selected. After you’ve set the user you won’t need to do it again.

Sceptre Monitor Too Bright Cause and How to Fix

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A monitor that is too bright hurts to look at, and using a monitor that is too bright can cause your eyes to hurt after you stop using your computer. To turn down the brightness on your Sceptre monitor here’s what to do.

In general, turn the brightness down on either the monitor, on your computer or both. If it’s still too bright no matter what you do, then your video card may be too old. Steps for how to adjust the brightness on your Sceptre monitor, and your computer are explained below.

To adjust the brightness on your Sceptre monitor itself press the ‘M’ button on your monitor. This will open the onscreen menu. Use the up and down buttons to change what’s selected.

These are labeled with up and down arrows. To make a selection press the ‘M’ button again. Select ‘Quick Start’ which is the option at the top of the menu.

There will be a list of options. Select ‘Brightness’ and then turn it down. Very old graphics cards are sometimes not compatible with the newer Sceptre monitors. And it’s not possible to turn down the brightness on a Sceptre monitor.

This is rare, however, unless your computer is very old, and your Sceptre monitor is brand new. To change the brightness from your computer, many computers have keyboard shortcuts. You can press the ‘function’ key, if your computer has one on the bottom left of your keyboard.

This article and its contents are owned by Ready To DIY and was first published on 06/16/2022.

Then look for a sun icon with an arrow on your keyboard. It will be a different color. For example, if your keyboard is black and the symbols on the keys are white, the brightness button will be blue or green.

It’s typically located on the ‘Home’ and ‘End’ buttons. If your computer doesn’t have one of these then open the start menu, and type in ‘Settings’. Then click the Settings app, which will show near the top of the start menu.

Copyright article owner is for this article. This post was first published on 2022-06-16.

This will open a new window. In the menu it has a range of different options. Click on ‘System’ in the top left.

Doing so opens another window. In this window there are some options on the left.

Click on Display. Then there will be an option near the top that lets you turn the brightness up and down.

Sceptre Monitor Too Dark Cause and How to Troubleshoot

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A monitor that is too dark is difficult to look at, and can be hard to make out what is on the screen. The screen brightness can be controlled from a computer but also on the monitor itself. Here’s what causes a Sceptre monitor to be too dark, and how to troubleshoot it.

As a general rule, turn up the brightness in the settings for Windows and/or on your Sceptre monitor. There is an onboard menu on Sceptre monitors. To open it press the ‘m’ button on the bottom of your monitor, then use the up and down arrow button on your monitor to navigate to brightness.

On certain Scepter monitor models the option to change the brightness is greyed out. Refer to the section above that says ‘Sceptre monitor brightness greyed out’. It explains step by step how to make the brightness adjustable.

Another way to do it is in the Windows settings. Or, the settings on your Mac. Do a search on for how to adjust the brightness in Windows or Mac for instructions for how to do that.

Sceptre Monitor Blurry Cause and How to Fix

Sceptre monitor cant adjust brightness

A blurry screen makes it difficult to make out what’s on the screen, and when a Sceptre monitor is functioning normally it should be very clear. Here’s what causes a Sceptre monitor to be blurry and how to fix it.

As a general rule, the resolution is set to low. Change the resolution to make it higher in the settings for Windows. From the start menu, type in Settings, and select the Settings app. After that, click on ‘System’, and then ‘Display’. Scroll down and there’s an option to change the resolution.

Change it so the numbers are higher. After it loads it will show what the resolution is. Some of the resolutions are the wrong size, or the text will be too small.

This article and its contents are owned by Ready To DIY and was first published on 06/16/2022.

Try a few different ones until the resolution is what’s comfortable for you. Sceptre monitors also have a native resolution. This is the resolution that looks the best for the size of the monitor.

This is written in the owner’s manual for your Sceptre monitor. Or, you can Google search the native resolution of your Sceptre monitor model numbers.

Generally, you should first try restarting your monitor, and checking all of the cables are plugged in all the way on both ends. Restarting a Sceptre monitor is done by unplugging it from the power when it’s turned on, then turning it on while holding the power button.

Sceptre Monitor Not Working

ReadyToDIY is the owner of this article. This post was published on 2022-06-16.

Sceptre Monitor Not Connecting To Laptop/Mac/PC

How do I change the brightness on my Sceptre monitor?

i.e. If you want to adjust brightness, you would highlight brightness and press [2] to begin adjusting brightness. This button acts as hotkey for selecting source.

Why wont my monitor let me change the brightness?

Check Power Options. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Power Options and check that your power options aren't affecting the brightness on your screen. While there, check that the brightness isn't automatically adjusted by your PC or laptop. Update your display drivers.

How do I fix my Sceptre monitor?

Reboot your HDCP video device but turning them off and unplugging the power cord. Wait up to 8 minutes to plug the power back in to see if it works or not. 2. If you are still experiencing issues, turn the TV off for 10 seconds then turn it back on.