Pain under my right rib after eating

Do you experience sharp pain under your right rib cage and are unsure whether to take it seriously? The part of your body below your right rib cage is the upper right quadrant (RUQ). Pain in this area can affect nearby organs, including the right kidney, gallbladder, and liver. Although not every kind of pain is anything to worry about, it’s essential to know what is causing it and when to see a doctor.

Pain under the right rib cage: Should I get medical help?

Ask yourself the following questions if you have pain under the right rib cage:

  • Is the pain severe or persistent?
  • Do you also have a fever?
  • Are you short of breath?
  • Is there blood in your stool?
  • Did you cough up blood?
  • Is your urine darker and stool lighter than usual?
  • Do you have jaundice?
  • Have you lost weight?

Immediately visit a doctor if you answer “yes” to any of these questions because these symptoms could be a sign of a serious medical condition. But if your answer is “no” to these questions, read along to know the possible causes of the pain below your right rib cage.

Sudden Sharp Pain Under Right Rib Cage: Causes

As mentioned earlier, there are several important organs just below the right side of your rib cage, including the gallbladder, liver, right kidney, pancreas, and intestines. Sudden pain in the RUQ is not always a point of concern. Some people experience this pain because of gas accumulation in the large intestine (known as a hepatic flexure) near the rib cage. This could be a reason, especially if you often suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort.

Another reason for this pain could be strained or injured intercostal muscles. These muscles facilitate the movement of your rib cage. For instance, if you’ve turned or twisted your body and pulled up the muscle, you can experience pain under your rib cage. In this case, you should rest to alleviate symptoms.

Pain below the right cage: When is it an emergency?

Sometimes, sharp pain in the right upper quadrant can signify a serious medical condition. In most cases, people have developed gallstones when they experience excruciating pain after eating a large meal. This condition occurs when there’s excessive cholesterol in the bile.

Liver problems can also cause pain near the right rib cage. They can be due to an abscess formation, hepatitis, or cancerous growth. Their symptoms typically include nausea, fever, tenderness near the affected area, dark urine, and fatigue.

You can also experience this pain due to kidney problems, including cancer, infection, and kidney stones formation. Symptoms include fever, nausea, fatigue, blood in urine, and pain while urinating.

If you notice any of the mentioned symptoms, visit a qualified health professional as soon as possible.


If you face sharp, sudden pain in the right upper quadrant or under the right rib cage, please visit Epic Heart & Vascular Center. We will diagnose your issues and address whether you require urgent treatment. Call us today at 832-432-1951 Houston and 832-952-1951 Willowbrook for an appointment.

Medically Reviewed By Megan Soliman, MD

— Written By Healthgrades Editorial Staff

Updated on January 27, 2022

Rib cage pain may feel like a sharp, dull, aching, or stabbing pain around the chest area, along the sides, or in the back. Pain under the rib cage may come on suddenly, such as after an injury. Rib cage pain that develops over time may indicate an underlying medical condition. Rib cage pain can be due to issues or injuries affecting the rib cage itself, such as a fractured rib or a strained muscle. Pain felt under the rib cage may be from one of the internal organs that the rib cage protects.

This article looks at rib cage pain in more detail, including causes, what you can do for rib cage pain, and when to call your doctor.

What is rib cage pain?

Pain under the rib cage can result from problems with the rib cage itself or with organs in the chest or abdomen. It can feel sharp, dull, aching, or stabbing.

The type of pain you experience and where you feel the pain are important clues for finding the cause.

Types of pain include:

  • Acute pain: This comes on suddenly. It may be due to an injury to the ribs.
  • Chronic pain: This lasts for weeks or months and may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as osteoporosis.
  • Referred pain: This starts in one area then travels to another area where you actually feel the pain.

Other symptoms may occur along with rib cage pain. Pain is never normal, but it is not always serious. Sometimes, pain in your rib cage requires treatment.

What causes pain from structures of the rib cage?

The rib cage consists of 12 ribs on each side. Of these, 10 attach to the spine in the back and the breastbone in the front. The bottom two are floating ribs. They have attachments in the back but not in the front.

This system of bones supports your skeleton and protects your internal organs, including the heart and lungs. Ribs play a critical role in breathing.

Injury or inflammation affecting the rib cage can result in pain. However, pain can also occur without injury.

Rib cage pain can stem from various parts of your rib cage, such as the:

  • connective tissue between the ribs and the breastbone (costochondral cartilage)
  • membrane that lines the inside of the chest (pleura)
  • muscles between the ribs (intercostal muscles)
  • nerves of the chest wall

The sections below discuss conditions that cause pain related to rib cage parts.


Costochondritis refers to inflammation of the cartilage that attaches a rib to your breastbone. The cause may be an injury, a viral infection, or something unknown. The pain may be acute and sharp, and taking a deep breath can make the pain worse.

If a viral infection is the cause, you may have a fever and cough. Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve the pain.

Muscle sprains or strains

Sprains and strains of intercostal musclescan cause sharp or dull rib cage pain. There may be an obvious stretching and tearing injury.

Sometimes, the injury is not obvious, only the pain. The pain may worsen when you cough or take a deep breath. It may also be painful to press over the injured area.

Resting the muscle, icing the area, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers can help.


Pleurisy refers to inflammation of the lining inside your rib cage and over the surface of your lung. The pain may be worse when taking a deep breath.

Fluid can build up inside the pleural linings. This can collapse the lung and cause difficulty breathing.

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the pain.


Shingles is a viral infection that causes acute, sharp, and stabbing nerve pain. Before the pain starts, you may have a fever, headache, chills, or nausea.

Shingles usually cause a blister-like rash on one side of the rib cage where the pain appears. The rash usually forms a line across the chest. Sometimes, the pain can become chronic, lasting for months. Shingles can also affect other areas of the body.

Antiviral medications can treat the infection to help shorten it and reduce its severity.

What causes referred rib cage pain?

Rib cage pain may start in one area but travel to an area nearby where you actually feel the pain. This is known as referred pain. For instance, a disease or disorder in your abdomen can cause referred pain under your rib cage.

The sections below list some abdominal organs and conditions that affect them that may refer pain to the rib cage.


Gallbladder disease, or gallstones, causes pain in the right upper abdomen. The pain may be sharp and acute and may radiate to the back or under the ribs. The pain may develop after you eat a fatty meal.

Other symptoms may include clay colored stools, jaundice, and fever.

Surgery is often necessary for symptomatic gallstones.


Liver diseases, including liver cancer and liver infection, can cause pain in the right upper abdomen. The pain may be dull and chronic. You may feel the pain under your right ribs.

Other symptoms may include:

  • nausea
  • jaundice
  • fatigue
  • dark urine
  • swollen feet and ankles
  • bruising
  • weight loss

Treating liver disease depends on the underlying cause.


Pulmonary embolism (PE) can cause chest pain or pain that feels as though it is in the lungs. The pain can be sharp, and it may occur with breathing or deep breathing.

Other symptoms may include rapid breathing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and coughing up blood.

A PE is an emergency that requires immediate medical care. Treatment involves taking medications to dissolve the clot or limit its growth. Sometimes, a procedure to remove the clot is necessary.


Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, causes acute and sharp pain in the left upper part of the belly that you may feel under the left ribs. The pain will likely be constant.

Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and fever. 

Pancreatitis usually requires treatment in a hospital.

Pancreatic cancer causes pain that is dull and chronic. There may also be nausea, jaundice, and weight loss.

Pancreatic cancer treatment involves destroying or removing cancer cells and undergoing therapies to help with general health and managing the symptoms.

Other conditions

Gastrointestinal conditions can cause pain that feels as though it is in the rib cage. These include:

  • gas
  • heartburn
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Chest pain can also be a symptom of a potentially life threatening condition, such as a heart attack. It is important to promptly report any acute or unexplainable rib cage pain to your doctor.

What can you do for rib cage pain?

To manage rib cage pain at home, your doctor may recommend the following:

  • Rest: Take a break from any activities that trigger or worsen your rib cage pain.
  • Ice: Apply an ice pack to the painful area for short periods to relieve rib cage pain and inflammation.
  • Heat: Sometimes, heat feels better to relieve pain than cold. If this is true for you, apply a heating pad or hot water bottle instead of ice packs for short periods.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) to ease rib cage pain. Ibuprofen is the better choice if inflammation accompanies the pain.

Other rib cage pain treatments will vary depending on the underlying cause. Getting a proper diagnosis will inform your treatment plan.

When to call a doctor

Contact your doctor immediately if you have severe or chronic rib cage pain, especially if the pain occurs with movement or breathing.

Always call your doctor if you have rib cage pain with:

  • cough
  • fever
  • jaundice
  • nausea
  • rash
  • shortness of breath
  • vomiting

Seek immediate medical care if you have severe rib cage pain with persistent nausea and vomiting. Go to the emergency room if you have rib cage pain with chest pain or difficulty breathing.


Pain in the rib cage has several potential causes, including injuries to nearby structures and conditions such as pleurisy and shingles.

If you are concerned about rib cage pain, speak with a doctor. They can examine you and provide an accurate diagnosis.

When should I be concerned about pain under my right rib?

Any pain you feel under your right rib cage isn't usually anything to worry about, but if the pain is severe or persists, you should see a doctor as it could be caused by an underlying condition.

What organ is on right side under ribs?

The right upper quadrant (RUQ) includes the pancreas, right kidney, gallbladder, liver, and intestines. Pain under the ribs in this area can indicate a health problem affecting one of these organs or the surrounding tissues.

What causes right upper quadrant pain after eating?

Gallstones and gallbladder problems This is called biliary colic and is typically a severe crampy pain in the RUQ shortly after eating a fatty meal. An infection may ensue, called cholecystitis, which will give you a more persistent pain in the RUQ, with a high temperature.

What causes your right side to hurt after eating?

Stomach pain after eating can also be attributed to gallstones, eating spicy foods, a stomach flu, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, Crohn's disease, and peptic ulcers. Stomach pain after eating may also be the result of a blocked blood vessel.