Numerology name and date of birth compatibility

Wonderful session. I was extremely worried and confused regarding a lot of things and the session helped me in more than one ways. After trying a lot and with nothing going right for me, it was reassuring to know that things will change for good. The readings were absolutely accurate and so were the predictions I highly recommend Dr Prem kumar Sharma if you are also going through tough time in your life.
Swati shrivastav

I met Dr. Sharma for the first time in 2003. I didn’t open up much but it was amazing to see how he could just expose everything about my life. His knowledge is deeper than an ocean and higher than the sky. His way of expressing is marvelous. He is blessed with a special spiritual power. I meet him on every visit to India and feel like meeting a best advisor, path viewer and a Guru.
Navdeep Singh Bhatia

I met Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma in the month of November 2011 for the first time though the reference of my aunt. I had some family problems at that time & met him as an astrologer but I found him a very humble, genuine & much more than an astrologer. His guidance & predictions are remarkable. I feel very good when I sit in his office & the way he handles the situation or any problem is beyond my imagination. He tells us small Upayas which not only changes your state of mind but your whole personality. I have got full confidence in him.
Ms. Meera Gupta

A gem of a person who is blessed with a connection of divine. His predictions and guidance around them are very apt. I went to him five years ago and my life has changed like a miracle. He is mentor who always uses patience and emotional intelligence while dealing with me. So blessed to have him, Jai Matadi!!
Priyanka Khandelwal

Baby Name Numerology Calculator

Lucky Baby Name Numerology Calculator online is a systematic tool that can help parents to find a suitable name for their kids.

We all want our babies to be lucky since their birth. However, luck depends on multiple things their Birth Chart, Date of Birth i.e. Birth Number or Destiny Number and finally their name.

Nowadays people take a conscious decision to have their baby on a particular date and time after consulting it with an Astrologer or a Numerologist. This can happen only when a baby is born after surgery, for normal deliveries (non-surgery) we can’t plan a time or a date.

So the parents who have the option to choose their child’s birth date and time, it gets easy. However, in every other case parents are dependent upon the cosmos to provide their kids with a good birth chart, birth number or a destiny number.

Though the majority of the parents can not control the fortune of their kids which manifests due to the birth number, destiny number or horoscope.

Still, parents have an option to shape the future of their kids to some extent, and how does that happen?

It happens by providing an auspicious, lucky or favourable name to their child.

How to Use Baby Name Numerology Calculator

Here is a tool using that any parents can evaluate the Chaldean & Pythagorean values of the baby names they are selecting for their kids.

They can enter the DOB of the baby (dd-mm-yyyy) and the name/names they want to check.

At a time parents can check up to 3 names (max). We have given this option of three names so that parents can quickly analyze multiple names and select a good name for their kids.

After entering DOB & name (all the options) click on the ‘Submit Now’ button and you will see the result below.

Baby Birth Number will show the values of Birth Number & Destiny Number. And, Name Values (Name 1, Name 2 & Name 3) will show the Chaldean & Pythagorean values of the names being evaluated.

Lucky Baby Name Calculator

Baby Birth Number - //



Name 1 Value-

Name 2 Value -

Name 3 Value-


How To Read the Results?

When you will use the Baby Name Numerology calculator you will notice that there can be four instances in matching thebaby name number to birth number or destiny number:

  1. Both the Chaldean & Pythagorean values of Baby Name Numbers are friendly to the birth number and/or destiny number. (amazing Compatibility)
  2. Both the Chaldean and Pythagorean values of the Baby Name Numbers are not friendly to the birth number and/or destiny number. (worst compatibility)
  3. Only the Chaldean value of the Baby Name Number is friendly or neutral but the Pythagorean value of the Baby Name number is neither friendly nor neutral to the birth number and/or destiny number. (good compatibility)
  4. Chaldean does not match but only Pythagorean matches the birth number and/or destiny number. (low compatibility)

Note: Check these values in ‘Mutual Relationship of Numbers‘ table

Why Is Baby Name Number Important?

Children with a name matching to their Birth or Destiny number or both tend to get better opportunities throughout their lives. Baby name compatibility with the concept is focused on providing babies with a name that can give them a headstart from the very beginning of their lives.

What is Unique about our Lucky Baby Name Numerology Calculator?

You would come across multiple numerology numbers calculator by name so you would think what is unique about another lucky Baby Name Numerology Calculator.

Let us explain what is unique about the numerology calculator name tool:

1. Years of Research: We have come up with this calculator after 19 years of experience and research on thousands of Date Of Births.

2. Chaldean & Pythagorean Numerology: We are the only lucky baby name numerology calculator online in India and the rest of the world that offers both Chaldean Numerology and Pythagorean Numerology in one place.

3. Check multiple Baby Names: Another unique feature in our lucky baby name numerology calculator is that you can check up to 3 baby names in one go, so you don’t have to check individual names using regular numerology numbers calculator by name.

Numerology name and date of birth compatibility

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Numerical Value of Alphabets according to Chaldean & Pythagorean Numerology?

Chaldean :  AIJQY = 1, BKR = 2, CGLS = 3, DMT = 4, EHNX = 5, UVW = 6, OZ = 7, FP = 8

Pythagorean AJS = 1, BKT = 2, CGLU = 3, DMV = 4, ENW = 5, FOX = 6, GPY = 7, HQZ = 8, IR = 9

How to calculate Manually (e.g Child Born on 19 Aug 1991)?

 Birth Number 1 & Destiny Number 3

A couple decides to name their child Chetan Sharma (child’s DOB is 19 Aug 1991).  When we calculate the numerology for Chetan Sharma,  it comes out to be 3 for both Chaldean & Pythagorean.

  1. Now Birth Number 1 shares a friendly match with the Name Number 3 (both Chaldean & Pythagorean)
  2. Coincidentally, destiny number is also 3, so the name Chetan Sharma proves friendly to both Birth & Destiny number. This kid will have a smooth life, without much struggle.

Usually, children with this kind of combination reach the top echelons in their lives. However, this doesn’t happen with everyone, not every child has a name that matches with both Birth & Destiny numbers.

In fact, not every child has a DOB that shows compatibility in the Birth Number & Destiny Number. That is the reason most children when group up, end up struggling in their lives.

Even if your kid’s chart does not promise a good life and you can still try to match your child’s name number with his/her Birth Number and Destiny Number to reduce the struggle to some extent.

And, if you want to ensure that your children should make the most out of their name then you must give your child a name

  1. That carries the lucky or favourable number.
  2. Starts with a lucky or favourable letter
  3. Carries very high name vibrations (450+ out of 498.81)

Lucky Number & Favorable Numbers are calculated with the help of Astrology. And name strength is calculated with a sophisticated system that calculates the frequencies on which a name vibrates.

A name with very high vibrations provides a head start to the name owner.

In case you can not find a name that can provide a good start to your kid in his life then you must hire a consultant who can provide a name to your child that can make your kid’s life smooth.

So, don’t be penny wise and pound foolish, just take a chance and ensure a bright future for your child.

Which Numerology System is better Chaldean or Pythagorean?

Out almost two decades of experience say that both the systems are followed by Numerology Professionals worldwide. Surprisingly, both the systems work and you should try evaluating each name on both the systems to ensure that you don’t end up finding a Baby Name that is favourable on Chaldean Baby Name Numerology and unfavourable on the Pythagorean Baby Name Numerology system.

Can we use this Numerology Calculator for New Born Babies only?

Our Lucky Baby Name Numerology Calculator online is not limited to Baby Names anyone who wants to check the various combinations of their names can make use of this tool.

What if Baby Name is Favourable on one system and Unfavourable on another?

In case you are finding it difficult to come up with a name that is favourable on both the systems using our lucky baby name numerology calculator we would suggest you contact our team of professionals to find a name according to your needs.

What is my numerology name by date of birth?

How To Calculate Life Path Number?.
Consider your complete birth date. For instance – October 19, 1982..
Bring down the month, day and year to a single digit number by adding them. Month: October, or 10th month. Add 1+0 = 1. Day: Day 19. Add 1+9=10. ... .
Add the resultant single digits to get your life path number..

How do you know if numerology is compatible?

How to find your numerology compatibility.
One way to calculate your numerology compatibility is by using the digit sum of the day of the month you were born, referred to as your base number. ... .
Base numbers range from 1–9, so if you were born on one of those days of the month, that is your base number..

How can I choose my name in numerology?

So for example, if the numbers of a name come to a total of 24, the numerological value of the name is 6..
1 - A, J and S..
2 - B, K and T..
3 - C, L and U..
4 - D, M and V..
5 - E, N and W..
6 - F, O and X..
7 - G, P and Y..
8 - H, Q and Z..

How do you match a couple name?

This list of names will help you choose the best one suited for you both..
Sweetie Pie and Cutie Pie..
Yin and Yang..
French Fries and Ketchup. Save..
Caramel and Popcorn..
Butter and Popcorn..
Cheese and Fries..
Nutella and Strawberry..
Chocolate and Fudge..