My little pony a new generation fandom

convincing her to go after Sunburst. Plenty of Sunburst/Starlight reunion fics are also out there too, a plot that was eventually covered by the episode "The Crystalling".
  • The Movie is often subjected to fics that shorten it significantly given how easily the Mane 6 were able to beat the Storm King and his troops. Having this happen in the prologue would have saved us a movie.
    • The ton of Tempest Shadow atonement fics after the movie's ending. Most of them have her be Twilight's new student and/or personal guard captain, while facing scrutiny and angry mobs from the ponies thanks to her causing the events of the movie in the first place. Bonus points if the ponies never let her live down the events of the movie even more than Starlight Glimmer thanks to the whole slavery thing.
    • There is a rare niche of fics that avert the Downer Beginning in the prologue by disabling the Worf Effect on the rest of Equestria and include plot elements up to the end of Season 7 but still have the Mane 7 go beyond Equestria and find the Hippogriffs anyway after an Exposition Dump by Celestia on the Storm King.
  • There are several fanworks delving into Celestia and Luna's lives prior to their ascensions and what they did to ascend.
  • Celestia giving a someone a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown while delivering a "No More Holding Back" Speech.
  • Since "Grannies Gone Wild" implied that Trixie's father is Jack Pot and Word of God suggested that Trixie was raised by a single mother, many fan works have sprung up about Jack and Trixie meeting her estranged dad. Oftentimes he doesn't even know of Trixie because she was a One-Night-Stand Pregnancy.
  • Twilight Sparkle grows old. This is a common topic as both her mentor and her little brother/assistant can expect to outlive her by centuries. Then she became an alicorn at the end of Season 3, and the stories shifted to how Twilight will outlive her friends, and sometimes even Spike, Luna, and Celestia. However, the latter got Jossed by Word of God shortly afterwards stating that "Twilight will not outlive her friends". And then the "The Last Problem" aired and despite Word of God stating that Vague Age is in play, the sight of Twilight’s new body post-Time Skip compared to her friends (Twilight still looks young-ish aside from having elongated limbs like Celestia and Luna, while the rest of the Mane 6 have slight wrinkles, making them look much older) reopened the question as to whether or not she will once again outlive her friends or even grow old at all.
  • Some stories and comics have the premise that Alicorns occasionally turn back into babies, kind of like how phoenixes get reborn. Usually, this happens to Celestia in the story, which is logical, given that she's the eldest.
  • There are several fics revolving around Celestia and Rainbow Dash having a mother-daughter relationship. These fics generally either have Rainbow Dash be taken in as Celestia's apprentice instead of (or in addition to) Twilight, sometimes rewriting her as a Unicorn in the process, have Celestia straight-up adopt Rainbow as a child, or in some cases even have Rainbow be Celestia's long-lost biological daughter or descendant. While Rainbow has canonical parents, the last one isn't too absurd, since RD and Celestia both have similar eye and mane colors).
  • Any story centering on Zecora will usually be an attempt to answer the questions "Where does she come from?" or "Why does she speak in rhyme?" For the former, some people have speculated an arid area populated by zebras, which is sometimes given the name "Zebrica". For the latter, some people think that all zebras rhyme, some think it has to do with her job, and some think that it's a curse, the effect of the poison joke plant, or similar. The season 10 comics would eventually explain some of these, revealing Zecora is from a land called Farasi, and that she began speaking in rhyme as a part of her personal studies into magic.
  • A lot of fics explore the pre-Equestrian history of the pony tribes, in particular the Pegasi. This is not surprising, as of the short glimpses we get of their culture, the Pegasi's Proud Warrior Race-Greek-ish definitely stands out. These fics often focus around commander Hurricane and his carrier and personal relationships before the founding of Equestria.
  • It's common in fics that deal with political intrigue to have Twilight and, slightly rarer, Rainbow Dash be members of noble houses of Canterlot and Cloudsdale respectively, usually with them preferring to stay out of their family business but being forced to for whatever reason. Rainbow Dash being noble took a hit after her family was shown as living in a humble house, but it's still not completely out of the question.
  • Fanfics about Applebloom or Sweetie Belle being discovered as Applejack's/Rarity's daughter instead of their sister are easy to come across. Not as popular as some of the other examples above, but they're out there.
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        Equestria Girls 

    • Characters from the Equestria Girls universe going to Equestria.
    • Sunset Shimmer received attention similar to the rest of the villains, where she's given a Freudian Excuse for her actions, though usually Sunset is shown to redeem herself by the end of these. After Sunset really did redeem herself in Rainbow Rocks, half of these plots shifted to focus less on her redemption and more on her being The Woobie for being Reformed, But Rejected.
      • Going off of the Freudian excuse angle, most fanfic writers operate under the assumption that Sunset was orphaned as a filly and raised by Celestia, with whom she developed a close daughter/mother relationship (hence why she desired so much to become an alicorn herself). Of course, there are also fanfics where she just plain is Celestia's biological daughter.
      • There's a bevy of fics where both Sunset and Celestia display a lot of remorse for how things ended between them, with Sunset being terrified of talking to her old mentor out of guilt and Celestia just wanting to see her student again and let her know she's loved. Such a thing would become Ascended Fanon in Forgotten Friendship, where Sunset returns to Equestria and apologizes for being a Spoiled Brat to Celestia (even though that wasn't the primary purpose of Sunset's visit).
    • There are a ton of Accusation Fics and Betrayal Fics based on the Anon-A-Miss incident from the Equestria Girls Holiday Special. The darker ones tend to go the extra mile in The Woobie department, with it being popular to either have Sunset get beaten down physically or make her suicidal, in order to pile on the guilt for both the CMC (for starting everything) and the Humane Five (for abandoning her). Even a good chunk of the lighter ones shift into Betrayal Fic territory and have Sunset break ties with the others, before finding new friends at CHS (usually a popular background character like Derpy) and/or transferring to Crystal Prep (where she's likely to re-encounter and befriend the Dazzlings), if she doesn't decide to return to Equestria.
    • Given the sheer lack of information on Sunset's human counterpart, many fics like to either have them meet or explain how she replaced her alternate self.

        Outdated by Canon 

    These plots used to be popular before events in canon completely invalidated them or provided a more interesting piece of Fanfic Fuel to play with. Either way, after the show told a certain story, fans stopped writing these stories:

    • Before Season 2, stories about the Mane Six having to face the "Elements of Discord/Disharmony/Chaos", Evil Counterparts to their Elements of Harmony, were quite common. And then the Season 2 opener happened and made it sort-of canon with the reveal of Discord. And years down the line, Season 8 gave us the Mean 6, clones created by Chrysalis who are opposites of the originals.
    • After Season 2 and the reveal of Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony, stories abounded with Discord escaping from his can again, either to continue to wreak havoc... or somehow falling into Defeat Means Friendship, despite him being one of the few purely evil characters in the entire series. The second of these became Hilarious in Hindsight given the premise of the Season 3 episode, "Keep Calm and Flutter On".
    • Prior to his reformation, Discord was a prime choice for an God of Evil-type entity when one was needed to act as the Big Bad of a story, due to his nature as a god of chaos and disharmony and even now being one of the most powerful characters in the series. A key part of this was how, in terms of sheer power, he was shown outclassing even Celestia and Luna, who had been the most powerful beings in the show (and by extension, in most or all fanons) before he appeared.
    • An Enemy Mine type where Discord is forced to join with the Mane Six. Bonus points if it turned out the thing created Discord, or at least Discord knew what it was.
    • It's popular to pit the gang from Friendship is Magic against updated versions of G1 villains, such as Tirek from "Rescue at Midnight Castle", the Smooze from the movie, and Grogar from "The Return of Tambelon". The show would eventually come to make use of all these villains to varying degrees.
    • Trixie was a common target for Hurt Comfort Fics and Dark Fics, and multiple fics exist for her being taken in by (and often shipped with) every single member of the mane cast, but especially Twilight.
    • Trixie becoming a laughingstock and forced into destitution following the events of "Boast Busters" and seeking revenge on Twilight. Bonus points since this plot became canon in the episode "Magic Duel".
    • It used to be common for Derpy (now officially named Muffins) to be The Woobie, having a speaking disorder that typically made her speak gibberish and being The Klutz, which caused her to be ostracized by other ponies. This plot has since faded out, with more fans (and the show itself) preferring Muffins as just being a klutz with strabismus
      My little pony a new generation fandom
      (with optional vision problems) instead of being mentally disabled, and the only remainder of it is her new name and calling Dinky "muffin."
    • "Luna reintegrates into Equestrian society" stories became endemic in the fandom almost since day one, even after the actual episode which featured it, with Progress only being the most well known. Almost all contain some form of The Atoner mixed with Endearingly Dorky, No Social Skills, and Fish out of Temporal Water, and most draw some sort of parallel to Twilight's situation, if not outright having Twilight help her adjust. "Luna Eclipsed" confirmed all of these and further strengthened their prevalence, although later ones drop the fan-made Shrinking Violet portrayal and adopt the official Large Ham portrayal.
    • "Character X was a changeling all along" fics exploded in popularity after the changelings were introduced, though their ubiquity made them something of Dead Horse Trope before long.
    • There's a good number of fics revolving around a Changeling turning up in Ponyville sometime after the Royal Wedding... and one can safely bet that Fluttershy will be the first to find said Changeling. One fiction parodies this concept in general (though it was written as a parody of one specific fic), by making everypony a changeling (except Celestia). A three-way changeling civil war ensues. A changeling eventually showed up in "Slice of Life" as a sight gag, and a more plot-relevant case occurred when Spike (not Fluttershy) befriended a benevolent changeling in Season 6.
    • A seventh Element of Harmony being revealed. If an OC is involved, it usually requires a retcon of what happened when they were first used. When an OC wasn't involved, Trixie was a common candidate. After the Tree of Harmony was introduced, these stories died out for the most part. That said, while one doesn't exist for Friendship is Magic, Word of God states that Sunset Shimmer is the seventh element for the Equestria Girls side of G4's continuity (representing "empathy").
    • Due to the lack of visible family, "Scootaloo is discovered to be orphaned/abused/etc. and gets adopted" is practically a genre unto itself. Rainbow Dash is popular as someone to adopt Scootaloo, but there are adoption stories with each of the Mane Six, pairings among the Main Six, Ms. Cheerilee (it helps that in G3, Scootaloo is Cheerilee's little sister and their personalities don't change overly much for FIM) Lyra and Bon Bon, Original Characters, fellow classmates of hers who are aged up for the story, Celestia, Luna, and even Discord. These fanworks became less common when a book revealed that Scootaloo's parents are around but busy, with Scootaloo being predominantly reared by her two aunts. An episode in the final season would confirm this information definitively by showing both of Scootaloo's parents, on-screen and very much alive. This episode ended up killing off the "Scootaloo is an orphan" stories for good.
    • Vinyl's eyes turn out to be red (a common theory among the fandom before her actual eye colour was revealed to be a magenta similar to Rainbow Dash's) and she wears glasses all the time to cover them up. She may have been bullied because of them in her youth, and revealing her eye colour to Octavia (in the more shippy fics) is a big sign of her trust and love for Octavia.
    • There are countless fanfics where Changelings are made out to be the noble, majestic master race, and more often than not victims of an increasingly demonized, hate-filled, fascist and Balkan-esque genocidal Equestria. We're not sure whether or not these authors have been replaced by Changelings. This concept isn't quite so far-fetched now that the entire Changeling race has reformed themselves into majestic creatures as of the Season 6 finale.

      What Happened to My Little Pony new generation?

      My Little Pony: A New Generation was released on September 24, 2021, by Netflix. The film was originally slated to be released theatrically on the same day by Paramount Pictures. However, eOne sold the distribution rights to Netflix in February 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while retaining them in China.

      Who is fluttershy's daughter?

      Starlight Sparkle, (Twilight's daughter) Snowflakeshy, (Fluttershy's daughter) Pearl J…

      What is fluttershy gender?

      Fluttershy is a female pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony: Pony Life.

      Will my little pony next generation have a series?

      February 17, 2022 (New York, NY): Hasbro, Inc. debuts all new animated MY LITTLE PONY content in 2022–a weekly YouTube series, a Netflix series, and two Netflix Specials, giving fans almost 500 minutes of brand new PONY adventures!