Is soda water and sparkling water the same

Although most people are aware that both soda water and sparkling water have bubbles of carbon dioxide in them, did you know that the two are actually quite distinct in terms of source and processing? So, if you’ve ever wondered what is the difference between sparkling water and soda water, here’s our ultimate guide.

Soda water is created from plain water, which could be sourced from absolutely anywhere! The water may be flavoured with a range of additives (such as sodium citrate or sodium bicarbonate) and has carbon dioxide bubbled through it artificially in order to provide the “fizz”. The taste of soda water varies, depending on the added ingredients and original source of the water. In bygone days, soda water was made at home, using a soda syphon which enabled carbon dioxide to pass through it. You may also find soda water sold as seltzer water or club soda.

Sparkling mineral water offers a natural alternative

In comparison with soda water, naturally sparkling water is water that draws its unique flavour and slight effervescence from the minerals and compounds which are dissolved into it, along with a little additional carbonation if required. Often bottled directly from spring water, sparkling water includes substances that naturally carbonate the water, as well as provide it with a distinctive taste. Depending on which type of mineral water you opt for, it’s possible to enjoy a range of delicate yet exciting flavours, with a slight effervescence adding additional interest to the drink.

How should soda water be used?

Soda or seltzer water tends to have a fairly homogeneous flavour; in fact, some brands don’t have any added flavour at all – they provide textural interest to the palate with no discernible taste. Bland flavouring makes seltzer or soda ideal as a mixer for cocktails or to offer a longer option for spirits. Soda water can also make a pleasant soft drink when mixed with cordial or fruit juice over ice. Whilst not unpleasant to drink, soda is usually considered too bland to drink alone.

Sparkling mineral water – the premium option for people who prefer water!

The major advantage of a mineral water is its taste. Filled with a blend of minerals and compounds (Beloka Water, for example, contains chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, potassium, sodium and silica among others), mineral water offers an exclusive taste experience that needs little enhancement. Popular at any occasion where water is a preferred beverage, sparkling water can be served on its own, or with a slice. Bottled in convenient, individual servings, the sparkle is captured and retained, ensuring that drinkers are delighted by the fresh, effervescent nature of their beverage.

Beloka Water sparkling water – proudly Australian

When it comes to a sparkling water that offers a unique taste that’s been shaped by time and the Snowy Mountains, Beloka Water is the obvious choice. Our water is sourced from an unspoiled spring deep in the Kosciuszko National Park. The water is drawn from a subterranean aquifer – the end of its journey through the ancient rocks of this beautiful area. Along the way, it becomes infused with a mixture of minerals and elements that give it its special, delicate flavour. Every drop of Beloka Water is sourced from our spring and the flavour is created by the natural landscape rather than human intervention. Ideal for any occasion where the unspoiled, fresh flavour of a naturally sourced water is preferred, sparkling water such as Beloka Water is a responsibly sourced, sustainable beverage solution for restaurants, hotels, conference venues and similar businesses.

Hydration and Sleep: Is There a Connection?

Hydration and Sleep: Is There a Connection? You must have heard that drinking water is necessary for good health. The US Geological Survey found out that water makes up to 60% of the human body and helps in internal functions, including cell growth, waste elimination, and digestion. So, is there a connection between hydration and sleep? Yes, hydration impacts rest and sleep also impacts hydration. Dehydration can make it difficult for you to sleep, and not getting enough sleep might make you more dehydrated. At the same time, too much fluid intake might lead to excessive urination that could disrupt your sleep. If you find the correct fluid balance, you might feel and sleep better without visiting the toilet frequently or waking up dehydrated. Effects of Dehydration on Sleep The common symptoms associated with dehydration might make it challenging to get a good night's sleep. Very dehydrated people often experience the following: • Extreme tiredness or fatigue • Headaches and dizziness • Dry mouth and nasal passages • Muscle cramps and spasms • Early morning thirst You will most likely struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep with any of these symptoms. Pain from migraine and muscle aches may wake you up in the middle of the night, or you may have to wake up exceptionally early to quench your thirst. Drink plenty of good quality water throughout the day for better sleep at night. Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Hydration The body loses most of its water through urination, but it also loses fluid through the skin and respiration. A significant portion of water loss from breathing occurs when sleeping, though the quantity varies depending on whether a person breathes mostly through their mouth or nose. Because you do not take water during sleep to compensate for insensible water loss, it is thought that the body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, steps in to maintain a healthy level of hydration. Circadian signals make the body release a hormone called vasopressin, which promotes water retention in the late stages of sleep. According to research, this natural process may be affected if sleep is shortened, interfering with the hormone signals that cause water retention. As a result, insufficient sleep may directly contribute to dehydration. Effects of Excess Hydration on Sleep Drinking excess water in the evening can cause sleep disruption because you may need to use the bathroom several times to urinate in the course of the night. Nocturia refers to the frequent night trips to the bathroom. Nocturia becomes a more significant issue for people who struggle to continue sleeping after the disruption. While there are several advantages to drinking water before bed, doing so too close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. To avoid dehydration and excessive water intake at night, drink adequate water throughout the day. Tips to Stay Hydrated for Better Sleep Too much hydration disrupts your sleep, and so does dehydration. So, how can you strike a balance to avoid washroom trips in the middle of the night without getting dehydrated? It will help if you try these tips to get a good night's sleep without hydration issues. 1. Give Your Sleep the Attention It Deserves Getting enough rest is a crucial aspect of avoiding dehydration. During sleep, the body goes through many processes. Allowing these processes and your circadian rhythm to maintain your body's fluid levels better is made possible by sleeping the required dose. It would help to start by recognizing that your sleep is a priority. The most common principle of sleep hygiene has a consistent sleep schedule to help you obtain the sleep you require. Other good sleep hygiene includes: • Limiting late-night electronic device use • Having a soothing bedtime routine • Sleeping on a good mattress 2. Drink Enough Water Throughout the Day If you're thirsty at night, it's possible that you weren't hydrated adequately during the daytime . You'll have less concern at bedtime if you stay adequately hydrated during the day. Here is how you can stay hydrated during the daytime. • Drink hydrating fluids regularly. • Create an alarm if you have trouble remembering to hydrate • Use a bottle to keep water close at hand • Drink water as your primary beverage • Avoid sugary drinks such as soda or juice • Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverage • Eat a well-balanced diet with lots of good fruits and vegetables. 3. Control Your Room Temperatures Sweating at night causes water loss . If your room is too hot or you sleep warm, heavy sweating might make you more likely to wake up dehydrated. You can avoid night dehydration from sweating by maintaining a suitable temperature all night long. Many experts advise you to keep your room thermostat set to a lower temperature. You can also avoid excess heat by wearing light and loose pajamas and using breathable bedding. 4. Avoid Habits That Favor Frequent Night Urination Finding how to keep hydrated when sleeping without getting up frequently to urinate is a common difficulty. There are things you can do to prevent dehydration and frequent trips to the washroom: • Reduce your fluid intake a few hours before bedtime. • Stay away from alcohol and caffeine at night since they have a diuretic effect. • Raise your legs a few hours before going to bed to allow your system to absorb fluid from your legs, which causes urination • Drain your bladder as part of your bedtime ritual to reduce the likelihood of a powerful urge to urinate during the night. In some instances, it may be inevitable for you to get up at least once during the night to pee. It is more common in older people or individuals with medical issues or medications. It's critical in these circumstances to find ways to help you get back to sleep after emptying your bladder. Water Is Life! Hydration is essential for our day-to-day activities , including sleep, hence the famous adage that 'water is life.' Getting the right amount of hydration at the right time will improve your quality of life through better sleep. Need more information? Click here to schedule a meeting!

Sparkling Water and Weight Loss: The Truth and Myth Behind Switching To Sparkling

08 Sep, 2022

Sparkling Water and Weight Loss: The Truth and Myth Behind Switching To Sparkling Sparkling water has long been a go-to drink for dieters. It combines the texture and flavor of soda with fewer calories. Some people love it, while others think it doesn't hold a candle to soda and other high-calorie beverages. Others think that this magic water isn't all it's cracked up to be and has associated risks. So, is it good for weight loss? While it may not burn fat, there are plenty of ways it can help you lose weight. What Is Sparkling Water? The idea of sparkling water can be a bit confusing. It goes by many names like club soda, seltzer, and carbonated water. However, these are all different names for the same thing. It's regular water that contains carbon dioxide to create bubbles in the water. In addition, many people confuse it with a similar beverage called Tonic water which is also carbonated. However, it is made with quinine, an extra ingredient that makes it more of a soft drink than sparkling water. Weight Loss Benefits of Sparkling Water Sparkling water has many benefits for weight loss; though none are directly linked to fat burning, they support the journey. Much of its effects on weight loss are considered anecdotal. There is some science behind why and how it works to cut calories and pounds. Fewer Calories Carbonated water, specifically Natura Water, typically have zero calories. The ones that do have calories are often a fraction of sugary drinks like juice and soda. So by replacing those other drinks with carbonated water, you get the same mouthfeel. However, it saves an untold number of calories, leading to natural weight loss. Keeps You Hydrated Sparkling water may have bubbles. However, it is still water and digested the same way, so it hydrates the cells like regular water. When dehydrated, your body can send mixed signals telling you to eat when you are thirsty. Eating when your body doesn't need the calories to convert to energy leads to weight gain, so drinking low to no-calorie sparkling water instead of eating those calories will lead to weight loss. Proper hydration levels also make you feel better and have more energy to burn more calories through activity throughout your day. Fills You Up A mixture of water and carbonation can trick your stomach into thinking it's full, so you don't reach for that mid-day snack. Drinking it before or during a meal will help you feel more full, so you eat less. Empties You Out Constipation is uncomfortable, but it can also add pounds to the scale and make your clothes not fit properly. Some information suggests that it helps to increase the regularity of bowel movements which will not only clear your system but make you generally feel better at the same time. Flush Out Water Weight It may seem counterproductive to drink more water to get rid of water weight, but there is science behind it. When you don't drink enough water, your body tends to hold on to as much water as it can to keep your organs functioning, leading to water retention. By drinking sparkling water regularly, you tell your body that it doesn't need to hold onto that water, and you may shed a few pounds in excess fluids. Boosts Metabolism Drinking cold sparkling water forces your body to heat it, boosting metabolism. It also activates your body's digestive process, helping break down foods better and get them through your system faster. Sparkling Water Myths Sparkling water has plenty of weight loss benefits and few potential negatives, but plenty of myths surrounding this carbonated beverage unjustly turn people away. Health Myths For years people believed that sparkling water could affect pregnancies or may be bad for the kidneys, but neither has seemed to correlate with sparkling water . Another widely-spread rumor is that sparkling water affected bone density which has since proven false. The phosphorus in sodas affects bone density, so switching to sparkling water could preserve bone density. Does Sparkling Water Cause Cellulite? For years we didn't know the cause of cellulite, and there were many things attributed to it, including drinking carbonated water. However, that is not the case, and there is no correlation between cellulite and sparkling water. Does Sparkling Water Cause Heartburn? There is a sliver of truth to this one, as sparkling water could exasperate already occurring heartburn by creating pressure in the stomach. However, sparkling water will not cause heartburn in an individual who is not already suffering from it. Are There Any Actual Health Concerns? If you are drinking sparkling water to lose weight, you want to ensure that you aren't making the problem worse or causing other adverse health effects. Luckily, there is no evidence suggests that carbonated or sparkling water is bad for you. Is It Worth It? Sparkling water is an excellent option for people looking to ditch high-calorie sodas and juices but who get bored with plain water. Not only does sparkling beverages help to cut out sugars and calories, but they have stand-alone health benefits that you won't get out of other drinks, even regular water. Sparkling water isn't just a healthy alternative; it is a legitimate weight loss tool that, when combined with other measures, will help you reach your goals and have you looking and feeling better while doing it. Need more information? Click here to schedule a meeting!

Is Your Heathy Lifestyle Destroying The Planet?

14 Apr, 2022

Does the very idea of your heathy life choices having anything to do with the environment sound like nonsense to you? Then consider this: daily water intake is just one, small part of healthy living, and if you’re getting that water from single-use plastic bottles, the environmental effects are devastating. We’ll show you. While there is no formula or consensus on how much water a person should drink each day, let’s start with the typical advice you’re likely to hear, which is “drink eight glasses of water per day.” Assuming those are 8-oz glasses, that would be 64 ounces per day. (A person who is exercising daily probably needs much more, but we’ll go with it.) A person would need to drink more than three 20-oz. single-use plastic bottles per day to reach this ideal. Given that the standard size of single-use plastic bottles has shrunk to 16.9 ounces, it would be closer to four bottles, but we’ll stick with three of the 20-ouncers. Those seemingly harmless three bottles per day add up to 1,095 bottles per year. For just one person. What impact does that have on landfills and bodies of water? Let’s add it up. Empty, one plastic bottles weighs 23.8 grams. The total weight of those 1,095 discarded bottles is 26,061 grams. There are 453.9 grams in one pound, meaning those 1,095 bottles weigh a staggering 57 and half pounds. All from a single person trying to be healthy.

Can I use sparkling water instead of soda water?

You can use either sparkling water or club soda interchangeably to make any of these drinks. We use the term “soda water” in our recipes to mean seltzer, but club soda is so similar that you can use it as a substitute.

Which is healthier soda water or sparkling water?

Sparkling water provides true hydration, and it's a much better option than drinking regular soda or even diet soda, which doesn't provide adequate hydration. If a person's not hydrated, they may always feel hungry because the body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst.

Is sparkling water and sparkling soda the same?

The difference between sparkling waters and club soda is simple: additives. Club soda is not only infused with carbonation, it can also have trace amounts of sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, disodium phosphate and sometimes sodium chloride — aka table salt — added to it.

Does sparkling water and soda water taste the same?

Flavour. Sparkling water has a more distinctive flavour than compared to soda water. This is because it has a slight flavour of minerals.


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