Baking soda cold water cut the stove on scrape the side meaning

This guide lays out simply a pretty easy process for using the tried and true spoon method. It is by no means the only way, best way, or most efficient way and I encourage other more experienced people to offer suggestions, improvements, alternatives or corrections to make this thread as informative as possible. This guide is just looking to put the basics out there to help others.

Video: this video is not a perfect cook, but gives a good idea of the process and the result was certainly enjoyable, perhaps one day it will get updated with a more refined method. This cook was cut short just before oil was fully done clearing out the crap. It needed a drop or 2 more water at start and a little more once it went oil, the oil and water were still slightly cloudy. You want to keep cooking until water and oil are mostly clean of bubbles, solids and any milky/cloudy stuff for the cleanest, tastiest rocks. You can stop cooking and collect oil at any point after the foamy reaction, but the earlier you pull it the more impurities it will have.


Here's some pics of process:


What you need:

Large metal spoon or soup ladle (anything metal with rounded bottom)

Gear ( .3g or more)

Distilled water (or any clean filtered water, tap water last resort)

Fresh Baking Soda (Must be sodium bicarbonate)

Digital Scale

Collection Tool: Penny (pre-1982 are 95% copper, post 1982 are 95% zinc, crack loves copper) or knife or nail or anything metal

Heat source: lighter, torch, candle, gas stove

Cooling: Ice Cube, wet towel, cup filled with cold water

You can do this just holding the spoon or can find somewhere to secure the spoon on an edge of something, like a table or bookshelf and put duct tape or something heavy on the end so that spoon aint going nowhere. Bend the spoon so that the bowl is flat on your table.

Crush gear like you would for bumps, finer the better

Weigh out soda to be 30% of your gear (so 1g would get .3g soda)

Put powder in spoon, spread it out a little bit and make a couple channels through the middle, evenly sprinkle soda on top

Add distilled water, about 1ml for half g, add drop by drop around edges of powder and a few in middle and mix until its all wet and a white foamy mass with just a little extra water around it.

Add heat evenly around the bottom of spoon, try to not let any one spot get too hot. Keep flame down about 1/2" or so to start and find what distance works for your heat source. For better results you can use 2 lighters for spoon or 3-4 lighters for ladle.

You will begin to see reaction bubbling and rising, once the reaction is really going with massive bubbles forming in a semi-solid foam you can move flame down just a little to not overheat while it does its thing. With experience, you'll be able to listen to the sizzle to know when to reduce/add heat.

Once the foaming slows down and is like a spongy white dome bring flame back close and apply heat evenly around bottom. If you used a lot of water and heat then the foam oil mixture will likely just already be floating. If you used less water in beginning, you'll have a dry foam mass, you need to drop a few drops of water around the edges of the foam dome while heating the edges.

Keep gentle even heat as the foam continues dissolving into oil and water. Even heat around spoon edges will help oil to collect naturally in middle spoon.

Keep gentle heat until all the bubbles and cloudy shit is out of the oil and the oil is mostly clear with only a few small bubbles. You can carefully poke at the blob and tease out any stubborn crap in the middle. Also need to cook until water is mostly clear, if still cloudy you need to keep gently cooking and maybe add a drop or two of water.

If you have crap collecting on sides of spoon, it usually indicates you need more water or more heat on edges. you can heat the sides and tilt spoon so water pulls that stuff back in to dissolve or you can scrape it back in to water with a tool.

DO NOT OVERHEAT, rushing and putting too much heat will make it violently bubble and spit oil everywhere, and will eventually vape the gear and waste it. If you see a lot of steam that smells like cocaine or if the water starts boiling or the the oil starts really spitting everywhere, pull heat off and wait a few seconds. It's nice to have a wet towel handy to put on bottom of spoon if you need to rapid cool. Swishing the oil around will also help protect it from overheating.

Make sure there is always enough water to have oil floating. If water is low, add a few more drops. Sometimes the water will evaporate or you didnt start with enough, so just keep that shit floating and not touching that hot fucking spoon. If you have too much water, the oil will be insulated by the excess water and becomes difficult to get the right amount of heat to the oil without overheating.

Now that you have the beautiful oil, floating like a sexy little egg yolk, you can just let it chill and cool naturally, or you can take the bottom of the spoon and place it, carefully, on the surface of room temp water in a glass, just enough to cool spoon but do not let water overflow in to spoon, or wet towel placed on bottom of spoon, or you can take an ice cube or 2 in your clean fist and as they melt drip that ice water down an extended finger around edges of the oil. If you have a bunch of crusties on edge of spoon keep it for later and after a few collections put that shit in a spoon, add some water and cook to oil and get whatever goodies are in there, though this is mostly cut and soda, some crack is hidden in there tho.

Wait a minute or two, you will begin to see the clear oil turn opaque and slowly harden.

Now take your metal object (penny is best cuz crack likes copper) and scoop up the semi-hard semi-gooey blob. Avoid stirring or scraping the spoon itself cuz that's where the crap is. If you did no rapid cooling then the oil will still be runny, use your tool to carefully dab the blob, gently pulling it a little bit of the water and also roll the edges in. Keep doing this and after a min or so it will begin to thicken and stick to tool, you can pull now and let air dry or can keep playing with it in spoon until it rocks but you will also end up picking up some crap from the water as well.

Now take the penny glob and put it on a clean surface to harden. In front of a fan or open window helps.

While it hardens you can take a paper towel and dab the edges to soak up water.

Let it sit for as long as it takes to get hard as fuck. The longer you wait the better and crispier it will be. Around 10-45 min is typical, but if you have the patience 12 hours is ideal, the dryer it is the easier it will vape at lower temps and you will blast off so much better. If its taking a loooong time then you probably did something wrong or the gear is crappy and loaded with other cuts that also converted to a base. You can always take slow drying goo and roll it around on a clean surface and it will harden within a minute or two.

If it is kinda hard but stays kinda damp, or mushes easily or leaves a lot of white powder on fingers or violently bubbles and spits when you light it and makes your filter wet, make it overheat and black and wet/gooey then it usually means you have too much soda/water still in the rock, or cuts or your chore is too tight or you are hitting it with too much heat. If it's the hard, then crush up and put back in spoon with just enough water to submerge powder. Recook (no soda), just heat and stir or swish spoon around and it will turn back to oil, keep cooking and you will see the oil bubble out the excess soda in there. Add water if necessary to keep room for oil to float. Be patient with heat, the powder will take a min or two to become oil, again, if you rush, you will overheat and burn your goods.

For better or for worse, you've now made crack, so go enjoy that shit!


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