Is it okay to drink protein shakes without working out

Protein shakes are all the rage among the sweaty set, but they can be of benefit to sofa sloths, too. Protein is one of the building blocks of your cells, and it's needed for your body to function. Unfortunately, most mass-produced protein shakes are little more than liquid candy – high in fat, sugar and calories. Making your own helps ensure that you load up on nutrients without also packing on the pounds.

Why You Need Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient made up of amino acids. These chain-like compounds can be broken apart and put back together in a nearly endless variety of patterns which are used to create different kinds of cells. Your body can make some of these amino acids on its own, but not all of them. The complete proteins found in animal products are your best source of the essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. So, aside from being needed to build and rebuild muscles, protein is required to create new cells.

That doesn't mean that you should be putting meat in your protein shakes. Dairy products are also high in protein, as are certain green leafy vegetables and alternative sources such as whey powder. Too much protein can put a strain on your kidneys, so if you're using protein shakes to lose or maintain weight without working out, you need to balance your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and between 32 and 64 ounces of water per day.

How to Use Protein Shakes

Fad diets aside, you shouldn't try to replace all meals with protein shakes. Your body requires a varied diet which includes roughage as well as protein. One way to incorporate protein shakes into your diet is to have them for breakfast. Many people who don't work out aren't hungry when they first wake up, but skipping breakfast is an ineffective way to start the day and can lead to poor food decisions at lunch.

Consider replacing your lunch with a protein shake if you're able and willing to eat a healthy breakfast. Keeping protein shakes on hand can help fill you up during a busy day so you aren't tempted to hit the vending machine, snack stash or nearby fast-food place. When you're not working out, it's especially important not to get too hungry, because you won't burn off the extra calories you couldn't resist.

People who work late might consider having a protein shake instead of dinner. Coming home tired and hungry makes you more likely to either grab a too-large portion of whatever's in the refrigerator or to binge on snacks instead of cobbling together a meal. Eating unwisely late at night can cause weight gain, especially if you're not working out the next day. A creamy, low-calorie protein shake is also soothing and scrumptious enough to feel like dessert or a decadent bedtime snack.

How to Buy Protein Shakes

Nothing is more important than reading the labels on mass-produced protein shakes. It's best if they contain no sugar, but a low amount of natural sugar is okay. Since you're not working out, you don't need huge amounts of protein, so look for around 25 milligrams per serving. If you can't find a protein drink that low, dilute it with low-fat milk or soy milk. Whey protein is best to find on the ingredient list because it's easiest to digest.

How to Make Protein Shakes

Making protein shakes yourself is the best way to ensure that you're not wasting calories on added sugar, fat and artificial ingredients. Start with milk, soy milk or a nut milk like almond or cashew. Add some low-fat yogurt for extra protein and to up the creaminess factor. One of the simplest protein shakes is soy milk, vanilla yogurt, two bananas, a healthy scoop of peanut butter and a squirt of pure maple syrup if you like it a little sweeter. Peel, break into chunks and freeze bananas for a thicker shake that will stay cold longer.

Start with your milk and yogurt base and add mixed berries, bananas and a scoop of whey powder. You can also add spinach or kale. Any fruit will work, so buy what's in season. You can either peel the fruit or strain the protein shake if you like a smoother texture. The trick is to keep the nutrition factor high and the calorie count low if you aren't exercising to burn off extra calories.

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  • Benefits of protein shakes
  • Effects of drinking protein shake without working out
  • Can You Drink Protein Shake Every Day?
  • Take Away

Protein shakes are a pre-and post-workout drink. Many bodybuilders and athletes very well know the importance of these shakes. But the question here is, how healthy is drinking protein shakes without working out or exercising?

Protein shakes mainly act as muscle repairers by helping the body’s muscle protein synthesis process. 

Additionally, taking these shakes comes with other various health benefits. With these things in mind, certain people get compelled to take more protein shakes. 

Benefits of protein shakes

Before knowing about this further, you must have an idea of some of the benefits of drinking protein shakes. 

Whey protein is the most studied and researched supplement used worldwide.

According to the various studies done, this protein offers high nutritional value.

It provides various health benefits like it is a good source of high-quality protein, which can be easily digestible and absorbable. 

It also boosts muscle growth and maintenance and helps in reducing blood pressure

Moreover, it gives you satiety, which is a feeling of “fullness,” thus minimum hunger.

If you want to put on some healthy weight, increased consumption of protein shakes will help you get there. 

Effects of drinking protein shake without working out

  1. Increases energy

It is not recommended that you consume protein shakes without working out. However, there are some positive benefits linked to it. 

Research conducted by the University of New Castle shows that taking shakes as a diet pro meal lower insulin spikes. 

Therefore, you will have more energy and improved focus during your daily activities. 

  1. Satiety

Satiety is the feeling of fullness, sometimes even when you have not consumed any food. Drinking enough protein shakes gives you satiety, which as a result, curbs hunger.

  1. Beneficial for elders

Human studies conducted on the elderly show that they have an issue of decreased appetites. They, however, need more proteins than younger people. 

Shakes are flavourful compared to solid foods. So it becomes easier for them to consume these protein shakes. 

Therefore, older people will benefit more from drinking protein shakes without even exercising. 

  1. Source of fibre

Your body needs lots of fibre, and it’s already hard to find foods that are high in fibre. The high protein content is a good source of fibre. 

According to an article, the more proteins you intake, the more fibre your body gets. 

  1. No quality mass gain

Protein shakes are usually taken to help your muscles recover after workouts. They also boost muscle protein synthesis, which reinforces muscle growth and repair. 

You gain muscle mass only by challenging your muscles and the way to do that is by working out. 

So if you take these shakes without working out, you won’t have any substantial muscle growth. 

  1. Unwanted weight gain

Usually, most protein shakes have about 110 calories, which is above board. Thus, if you take these shakes together with other whole foods, you will be increasing your belly fat as well as body weight. So avoid blindly trusting these protein shakes without working out.

  1. Developing kidney problems

One of the main roles of the kidney is to metabolize excess proteins. By taking excess protein shakes that you need even without exercising, you will be slowing down your kidney’s metabolism. 

  1. Increased risk of some health conditions

Too much of everything can be dangerous for overall health. More so, when it is not being taken with workouts.

Taking excess protein shakes without working out might cause osteoporosis and cancer.

  1. Speeds up the body ageing process

Excess proteins in the body can be acidic, which is harmful to the body in two ways.

You might develop hyperaminoacidemia which is a condition associated with uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhoea and nausea. 

Excess acids in the body impact your body’s ageing process which will make you age faster. 

  1. Nutrient Deficiency

If you become too obsessed with taking these protein shakes, you will not be providing your body with the essential nutrients it needs as protein shakes don't have the essential nutrients that whole foods contain. 

Once you drink a protein shake without exercising or working out, you stay fuller for most of the time. Due to this, you won’t be able to consume whole foods. Eventually, you will be lacking your body of nutrients. 

Can You Drink Protein Shake Every Day?

Depending on the goals you want to achieve, you can consume protein shakes every day. If your goal is to add some weight, then you can consume the shake every day, though working out will produce better results. 

However, if your plan is to gain muscle, drinking protein shake without any exercise will be of no benefit. The ideal recommended consumption rate is 56gms for men per day and 46gms for women. Therefore, you can have a protein shake every day but ensure you don’t go over the recommended intake rate. 

Take Away

Protein shakes are an excellent way of building strong muscle. They are a strategy, but it only works when you stick to a certain plan. 

The best plan to build the muscles is to drink your protein shakes regularly and work out properly. 

Drinking shakes and not working out is just like adding certain food to your system and expecting the outcomes to be great.