I used monistat 3 while pregnant reddit

My OB said it’s just fine to use an OTC for a yeast infection. I prefer to use the 1 day treatment just due to the convenience and the fact it has worked for me in the past. The doctor did not specify but the MA made a passing comment to use the 7 day instead of a 1 day but then moved on to something else and I was in a brain fog and didn’t think to ask.

Any reason to not use the single day treatment? It’s the weekend and no ones in office and I’d like to pick something up from the drug store today. I’m in my third trimester if that makes a difference. Google isn’t telling me anything aside from “if you need to, treat the infection, OTCs are generally safe”.

Hello everyone! I am currently only 6 weeks, and I have a yeast infection. I had the typical signs of itching and thicker discharge for about a week. However, it actually started to feel better so I didn’t call the doctor. However, after intercourse it began to burn and the discharge continued. I called my doctor and they prescribed terconazole over a 7 day period. I made the mistake of reading the pamphlet and it states: “Since Terconazole is absorbed from the human vagina, it should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy unless the physician considers it essential to the welfare of the patient.”

This has me a little freaked out. Of course the yeast infection is annoying but I can survive waiting if it will hurt the baby. Has anyone else had experience with this? My doctor knew I was pregnant when prescribing this and stated it was the least invasive route.

Sooo I went for my monthly prenatal appointment last week and mentioned to my nurse that I had been experiencing a pain in my pelvic region after emptying a full bladder. Little did I know, that pelvic region is where my bladder is and turns out I have a UTI. I have been on antibiotics (ampicillin) for two days now and now I think I have a yeast infection?! I've gathered that it's a yeast infection from googling my symptoms, itching and unusual discharge. Google also revealed that being on antibiotics on top of being pregnant will make you more apt to getting a yeast infection.

I also have never had a UTI or yeast infection prior to being pregnant either. This is my second time on meds for a UTI during this pregnancy also. The first was back at thanksgiving, now I'm 17 weeks.

I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow but I need you guys' advice! What can I do for the itching?! Do you think this may go away on its own with help from the UTI antibiotics orrr will they want to see me again and put me on more meds?

I used monistat 3 while pregnant reddit

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A bit TMI but I contracted a yeast infection the first or second week of January. I’m 39+4 now and I STILL have said yeast infection. It hasn’t gone away even after multiple rounds of monistat and a variety of different creams prescribed by my OBGYN, even after antibiotics. A culture was done on my perineum to detect any kind of BV - came back negative. I had a blood test to check for Chlamydia and other STDs and that also came back negative. I still have this stubborn yeast infection!! I’ve only had one other yeast infection before and it barely lasted a week. This one has been over 6 months!!

I understand yeast infections can be more common during pregnancy but come on....I’m starting to think it’s from blood sugar or something but my blood sugar keeps coming back normal too. Anyone else experience this?

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The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email

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Can Monistat 3 affect pregnancy?

by Drugs.com Yes, you can use Monistat during pregnancy. The CDC recommends that only topical preparations are used to treat vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy, and Monistat is available as a vaginal cream in a prefilled applicator or a vaginal suppository with an applicator.

Is Monistat 3 or 7 better while pregnant?

For patients who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, recommend MONISTAT® 7 for vaginal yeast infection. MONISTAT® 7 meets CDC Guidelines for treating vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) in pregnant women. Fluconazole does not.

How fast does Monistat 3 relieve symptoms?

When using MONISTAT® as directed, you may start to get relief of symptoms in a few hours. If your symptoms do not get better in 3 days or symptoms last more than 7 days, these may be signs that you may have a more serious condition.

What happens when you use yeast infection cream while pregnant?

Answer From Yvonne Butler Tobah, M.D. You can safely treat a yeast infection during pregnancy with various over-the-counter antifungal vaginal creams or suppositories. However, it's best to confirm with your health care provider that your symptoms are actually due to a yeast infection before starting treatment.