How to word a 2 week notice email

Here’s a complete guide on How to Write Two Weeks Notice Letter for work, with useful tips, examples, and sample templates:

It is customary to give two weeks’ notice to your employer if you are planning to resign.

Although, in most cases, you are not obliged to give the notice, providing your employer with the notice will give your coworkers and employers enough time to find a suitable replacement for you.

Here we have explained a few sample examples for a short simple two week notice letter along with some effective tips to keep in mind while drafting the letter.

Let us begin!

What You Will Learn:

  • How to Write Two Week Notice Letter
    • (new Image()).src = ''; cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "d493855a-0d62-46c8-8552-26549ded5489" }).render("f1b665d743fc45cbac4851003ee8cd11"); });
    • What is a Two Weeks Notice
    • Why is a Two Weeks’ Notice Important
    • How to Appropriately Resign From Your Job
    • Tips for a Simple Two Week Notice Letter
  • Two Week Notice Letter Template
    • Sample #1 (For Letter)
    • Sample #2 (For Email)
    • Sample #3
  • FAQs About Short Two Week Notice Letter
  • Conclusion
    • Recommended Reading

How to Write Two Week Notice Letter

How to word a 2 week notice email

What is a Two Weeks Notice

You can leave your job for any number of reasons and before you leave, let your employer know of your departure. This period is called a notice period, and it gives you time to complete your pending work and hand over the rest to your coworkers. It also gives your employer time to rehire for your position.

How to word a 2 week notice email

[image source]

Before serving the notice, go through your employment contract to see if you need to give more than two weeks’ notice. In some cases, you are not legally obliged to tender a notice. But you still should, for the sake of etiquette and ease of the company you have worked for.

Why is a Two Weeks’ Notice Important

These are the three main reasons a two-week notice letter is important:

  1. It respectfully informs your employer about your leaving. You could leave for any reason and quitting suddenly can leave your employer in a difficult situation. It can also result in financial losses for the company. In such cases, if your new employer talks to your ex-employer for reference and feedback on you, it could paint you as irresponsible and heedless for the company.
  2. This notice will also give your employer sufficient time to settle your account and make sure you get your full and final financial information and settlement in time. They will also be able to use that time to hire your replacement so that it does not hamper the work.
  3. Finally, the two-week notice will serve as documentation of your resignation. It will also help your employer understand why their employees are choosing to leave and if there’s something they can do about it.

Regardless of the reason, you are leaving your current job, try not to leave a poor impression throughout the process of your resignation.

How to Appropriately Resign From Your Job

Before you tender a notice, here are some things you should do. It might help you resolve your issues with the employer, if any, and give them the right perspective on your need to leave the job.

#1) Meet your Direct Supervisor

Before tendering your resignation, take some time to meet with your direct supervisor in person or through video or phone conferencing, if possible. And make sure your manager knows about your leaving before your coworkers. It is a simple courtesy. Your aim should be to part on good terms.

#2) Prepare for the Conversation

Before you meet your supervisor, be prepared for the conversation. Calm your nerves and find a way to tactfully tell your employer your reason for leaving. For example, if you are leaving because you don’t see any growth opportunities for yourself, tell them you are pursuing a new opportunity that you find fitting for you and your future pursuits.

Try to stay focused on the positives. Make sure you thank your employer for the opportunities and resources they have given you for your growth. Be prepared to be talked down if you are a good and efficient employee. If you have your heart set on leaving, find a positive way to decline their offer. Tell them the last date of your employment.

#3) Send an Email if Meeting isn’t Possible

If you cannot meet with your supervisor or manager in person, draft an email. Keep the subject line clear, keep the body brief and positive, and attach a short simple two-week notice letter.

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Tips for a Simple Two Week Notice Letter

Here are some tips that will help you write a crisp and short two-week notice letter.

How to word a 2 week notice email

#1) Opt for Business Letter Format

How to word a 2 week notice email

[image source]

Your resignation notice is professional correspondence, hence a Business Letter Format is the best format to use. Your contact information should be at the top of the letter, then the date, and the contact information of your employer. Start the body with why you are writing, followed by a little detail and then a proper salutation.

#2) Last Date of Working

How to word a 2 week notice email

Make sure you mention your last working day in the company in your resignation notice. You can mention the exact date or just say that two weeks from your current date will be your last working day.

#3) Don’t put unnecessary information and say thank you.

How to word a 2 week notice email

Keep your resignation letter short and crisp. Just mention that you are resigning, your last working date, and express your gratitude for the chance to work in this organization in a line or two.

#4) Use Brevity and Be Positive

How to word a 2 week notice email

[image source]

Use concise and exact words and refrain from saying anything negative about the company, your coworkers, or your employer. You never know when you will meet and need in the future.

#5) Offer Your Help

How to word a 2 week notice email

Offer your help with the transition, like knowledge transfer or even training your replacement. Or, you can just offer your general help before your last date.

#6) Send it to the Right People

You should send this letter to your manager and HR so they have a copy of your resignation. If you have an immediate superior, send a copy to them as well.

#7) Go Through Samples

Check out a few two-week notice letters and emails to create your own. It will help you find the right words and format for your letter. Edit the samples according to your needs and make sure you proofread them before sending them.

Recommended Reading => Get to know how to write a Sample Cover Letter

Two Week Notice Letter Template

If you are wondering how to write a two-week notice letter, here are some templates you can refer to.

How to word a 2 week notice email

Sample #1 (For Letter)

How to word a 2 week notice email

Start with your information, then date, then details of the organization, followed by the proper salutation. Start the body by announcing your resignation, mentioning two weeks’ notice. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude in two lines, and in the last two lines. Thank them for the opportunity and offer your help. Finish with your signature and name.

Your Name
Address with Zipcode
Phone Number


Name of the person you are sending it to
Job Title of that person
Name of organization
Address with zip code

Dear (Salutation) with the last name,

Announce your resignation by mentioning your two-week notice.

Mention that it was hard to make the decision and that you have enjoyed working there. Put in a few good words about your team and coworkers in one line.

Thank them for the opportunity and offer to help during the transition.

Your signature (for the hard copy)
Your name (for a soft copy)

Further Reading => Learn How to Write Thank You Email After Interview

Sample #2 (For Email)

How to word a 2 week notice email

Enter the subject line mentioning your purpose. Start the body with a proper salutation and in the first line, mention that you are resigning and your last date. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude and thank them for the opportunity. In the last line, another paragraph, offer your help and wish your company well. End with your name.

Subject: Resignation – with your first and last name

Salutation(Mr./Mrs. Last Name)

In this line, mention that this is your formal notice of resignation from (mention the name of the company). Mention your last date.

Express your gratitude and thank them for the experience you have gained in your working years in two lines.

Ask how you can help with the transition and wish them well.

Best Wishes/Regards
Your First and Last Name

Sample #3

This is a simple two-week notice letter template you can use for both letters and emails. For the letter, start with your details (name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date and then details of the organization you are tending the resignation to.

For emails, simply put out the subject line.

Then comes the salutation. Mention that you have accepted a position at another company and that this is your resignation letter in one line. In the next line mention your last working date. In the next paragraph, express your gratitude in one line and offer your help in another.

Followed by Regards and your signature for hardcopy and full name for email.

(For Letter)

Your Name

Address with Zipcode
Phone Number


Name of the person you are sending it to
Job Title of that person
Name of organization
Address with zip code

(For Email)

Subject: Resignation – Your First and Last Name

Dear (Salutation) with the last name,

Mention that you have accepted a job offer at another company. Mention your last working date or just mention that your last working day will be two weeks from this date.

Mention that you have enjoyed working with them and thank them for their support and guidance. Ask how you can help with the transition.

Your Signature (for letter)
Your Typed Name (for Email)

FAQs About Short Two Week Notice Letter

Q #1) How do I write my 2 weeks’ notice?

Answer: If you are writing an email, start with the subject line and if you are writing the letter, start with your name, address, phone number, and email address. Follow up with the date and then the details of the organization. Start the body with a proper salutation with the last name of the person you are addressing.

Next comes the first line stating that you are resigning with your last working date or just mentioning two weeks from the day of the email/letter will be your last working day. Add a line of gratitude and offer your help with the transition. Close with your signature.

Q #2) Is a 2-week notice 10 or 14 days?

Answer: A 2-week notice typically means two working weeks or ten business days.

Q #3) What should you not say when resigning?

Answer: Don’t say negative things about why you are leaving the company. Don’t show your grudges. Don’t offer unnecessary details and explanations and don’t sound rude.

Q #4) What happens if you don’t put in 2 weeks’ notice?

Answer: If it is in your contract to put a two weeks’ notice before leaving, you can get into a legal problem if you don’t put in the notice. However, if nothing is mentioned in your contract about the notice, you still should do that. You will leave your company with goodwill and a good reputation that will come in handy for references or if you ever want to come back.

Q #5) Do I need to give a reason for resigning?

Answer: No, you don’t give a reason for resigning. And if they persist to know, don’t say anything negative or express your grudge. Just say something generic.


In this article, we have discussed everything you need to know about writing a two-week notice letter. It included why two weeks’ notice is important, some tips for writing the resignation letter, and some samples you can refer to.

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Now that you know how to write a two week notice letter, make sure you pick the right samples and the right words for your resignation. Make adjustments according to the culture of your company and use the right channels.

Leaving the right way is important not just for your future job options but also if you ever want to come back to the organization.

What do you say in a 2 week notice email?

A Two-Week Notice Sample Letter Template Dear [Supervisor's Name], This letter is to formally give notice that I will be resigning from my position as [Your job] at [Company], effective in two weeks. My last day of work will be [Date two weeks from when you send].

How do you write a 2 week notice email subject line?

If you believe it is important to insert the date of your planned resignation or write a two-weeks notice email subject, here are some ways in which you can officially do that: Resignation (Your Name) – (Planned Date) Two Weeks Notice (Your Name) Resigning as of (Planned Date)

How do I word my 2 weeks notice?

Good example: "I hereby resign as [job title] at [company name], effective [date of resignation], two weeks from [current date]. Bad example: "I would like to quit from my position as [job title]. Please let me know what time frame would be most convenient for you."

Is it okay to resign via email?

So we spoke to HR experts about quitting jobs via email—and whether it's okay to do so. In short... yes! In most cases, it is absolutely fine to hand in one's notice via email.