How to view your facebook business page as someone else

  • The ‘View As’ Option
  • Conclusion – Great Way to Check Yourself

We all wonder how do we look from the outside. Although people say what other people think about you is not important, it is true. We don’t always have the chance to see us from the outside, but we can do it on Facebook. So, how to view your profile as someone else? Let’s find out.

Facebook might seem like a social platform that reflects many things about its users. However, that is not the truth. Just like Instagram, people are not always living the life that they show on Facebook.

When we were students, we could see some of our friends were always online. How could this be? Aren’t they studying or supposed to study or something? We never know, but it is not the truth. Once you open the Facebook page and forget about it, you are seen online.

When we search for people on Facebook, we can see their profile as much as they let us see. We can access the full content on their profile only when we are friends with them. 

Facebook users can adjust their profile and hide some of the content to public viewers. This is what we are after, isn’t it? 

Even if we have privatized our Facebook profile, we may have some content open to the public. If you have adjusted your Facebook account as more of a private account, but you don’t remember when you did it, then seeing your profile as someone else might come in handy to fix that problem.

Luckily, there is a way to view your Facebook profile as someone else. It is totally legit as well. It is called the ‘View As’ option. Well, what is it?

How to view your facebook business page as someone else

The ‘View As’ Option

Facebook has heard the people asking how to view their Facebook profile as someone else and decided to act. As a result, Facebook has introduced the ‘View As’ option. This way, people could see their profiles as someone else.

However, this feature does not let you view your profile as a friend. You can only see your profile as someone from the public; in other words, someone who is not a friend of yours.

Indeed it is important, and people started to use this feature commonly until September 2018. 

Facebook has decided to disable this option due to a security issue that affected 50 million accounts. It was because people could have viewed users’ access tokens, and this resulted in malicious people to take over users’ accounts. However, they have decided to re-enable this option after 8 months, and people can use it freely just as they want without any problems.

Now let’s take a look at how we can use this feature.

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Take a look at the ‘Activity Log’ button on your cover photo.
  3. Click on the three-dotted button next to ‘Activity Log.’
  4. Then click on ‘View As.’


How to view your facebook business page as someone else

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How to view your facebook business page as someone else

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That is it. Now you can view your Facebook profile as someone else.

Conclusion – Great Way to Check Yourself

Facebook users wonder how their profile looks from the outside. Thanks to the ‘View As’ option, you can view your Facebook profile as someone else. 

Facebook users are not always proud of their feed history; that is why it is important for them to see how it looks from the outside.

If you have more questions about Facebook or learn some tips and tricks, view our Facebook Support, and make yourself a pro on Facebook. 

When you have a Facebook business page, you have two separate profiles with Facebook: your personal profile and your business page profile. Each profile allows you to view Facebook, post status updates, and comment on other posts. But depending on which profile you’re using, you show up as either your personal profile (you) or your business page profile.

In addition, each profile has its own news feed:

  • Your personal profile news feed: Based on your friends’ status updates and the business pages you’ve liked as your personal profile

  • Your business page profile news feed: Based solely on the pages you’ve liked as your page

Switch your profile view

Start by changing your profile view from personal profile to page profile. To do that, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to Facebook as you normally do.

  2. Click the Account drop-down arrow in the top-right corner of the page.

  3. From the drop-down menu, choose the business page link that you want to use.

    This menu is where you toggle among your personal and page profiles. If you’re an Admin of several pages, you need to select the correct page.

After you click the preferred page link, you’re taken directly to that page. Now you’re viewing your business page “as” your page, not as your personal account with admin privileges for the page. This point is an important one to understand, and you may need to switch between your personal profile and your page profile to see the differences.

When you change over to working as your page, you should see your page’s Admin panel expanded to include these sections: Notifications, Messages, New Likes, Insights, and Page Tips.

How to view your facebook business page as someone else

Your business page news feed

We’re sure that you’re used to seeing your personal account news feed. Well, a business page can have a news feed, too! Your page profile news feed is based solely on the pages you’ve liked as your page. To see that news feed, click the link in the top-right of the page called Home.

This feed functions just the same as your personal profile news feed, except that it’s filled with posts from other Facebook pages that you have liked. If you haven’t liked any pages yet as your page, you won’t have anything in this news feed. You can’t like a personal account as a page, so this feed shows only page updates.

To switch back to your personal profile, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Account link in the top-right corner of the page.

  2. From the drop-down menu, choose Use Facebook as your personal account name.

    This menu is where you toggle your personal and page profiles.

There’s one more little view that you need to understand. When you’re on Facebook as yourself, and you go to your page, you see a notification bar at the top of the page. Notice the word Voice and the link to change to yourself.

But wait! You might say, “But I am myself!” This Voice notification and link replace what was previously called Posting Preference and was part of the editing dashboard. Facebook pulled it out to make it very obvious “who” you are while you’re on your page: your personal account or your page.

How to view your facebook business page as someone else

Tips for switching between personal and business pages

Now that you’ve had a chance to see your profile options and are comfortable switching between them, here are a few tips:
  • If you’re viewing Facebook with your page profile, and you go to another business page for which you’re an Admin, you won’t be able to do any Admin stuff (editing, posting as that page, and so on) until you switch back to your personal profile.

  • You can’t post as your page on anyone’s personal Facebook profile, but you can post as your page on another page.

  • Try not to be too spammy by posting as your page all the time. Yes, this option is a great way to promote your page, but remember that Facebook is a social network, not a place to go dropping your business name everywhere!

If your Facebook business page is a service that you offer, go back to your personal Facebook profile, and add a little bit to your About tab about your new page’s location. If your business is something that you want to keep completely separate from your personal profile on Facebook, skip these steps.

To link to your business page from your personal profile, follow these steps:

  1. Click your name in the top right corner of any page on Facebook.

    This step takes you to your personal timeline.

  2. Find the About link below your picture, and click it.

    This brings you to an interface in which you can edit all the bits and pieces of your personal account.

  3. Click the Work and Education Edit button.

    You can use the Work and Education section to add your new page address.

  4. Type the name of your new business page.

  5. When you see the page come up in the suggestions, click it to add it to your Work section.

    Fill in your position and any other important information (address and so on).

  6. Click the Add Job button.

  7. Click the Done Editing button.

    How to view your facebook business page as someone else

Make sure that the viewing option is set to Public so that people will be able to see your page linked and be able to click through to it. You can change the icon by clicking the drop-down arrow while you’re in Editing view and selecting the world icon (public).

Another creative idea is to put your business page URL on your personal profile’s cover photo. You have to do a little photo editing, but the result will help move people over to your page. Or you can put your website address on the image.

How to view your facebook business page as someone else

About This Article

About the book authors:

Stephanie Diamond is a marketing thought leader with 20+ years of experience building profits for both small business and multibillion dollar corporations. She is the founder of Digital Media Works, Inc. John Haydon owns Inbound Zombie, a consultancy that provides nonprofits with strategic training about Facebook.

This article can be found in the category:

  • Marketing ,

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