How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Calculate: tips, sales price, percent off, discounted price, price with sales tax, etc.

Start Value % of Start ValueEnd Value%  =  

(Enter values into the blue boxes. Answer will appear in the black box.)
Answers are rounded to 7 decimal places.


Example 1:
Your restaurant bill is $56.47 and you want to leave a 15% tip.
How much is the tip?
How much is the total amount of the bill with the tip?

Start Value% of Start ValueEnd Value56.47+15%64.94
The amount of the tip is: 15% of $56.47 = $8.47 (which will be displayed under the % of Start Value box in the calculator)
The total restaurant bill plus the tip is: $56.47 + $8.47 = $64.94
Click to show this example in the calculator above.

Example 2:
You have a 25 percent off coupon. The item you want to buy is $129.99
How much money will the coupon save you?
What is the cost of the item after using the coupon?

Start Value% of Start ValueEnd Value129.99-25%97.49

The amount you will save is: 25% of $129.99 = $32.50 (which will be displayed under the % of Start Value box in the calculator)
The cost of the item after using the coupon is: $129.99 - $32.50 = $97.49
Click to show this example in the calculator above.

Example 3:
The sales tax rate is 8%
An item costs $49.99
What is the amount of sales tax?
What is the total cost of the item with sales tax.

Start Value% of Start ValueEnd Value49.99+8%53.99

The amount of sales tax is: 8% of $49.99 = $4.00 (which will be displayed under the % of Start Value box in the calculator)
The total cost with tax is: $49.99 + $4.00 = $53.99
Click to show this example in the calculator above.

In this article, we’re going to show you 4 methods of how to subtract a percentage from a price. To demonstrate our methods, we’ve taken a dataset containing 3 columns: “Product”, “Price”, and “Discount(%)”.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

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4 Ways to Subtract a Percentage from a Price in Excel

1. Using Percentage Formula to Subtract It from a Price

2. Subtract a Percentage from a Price Using Generic Formula

3. Subtract a Percentage in Decimal Format from a Price

4. Applying VBA to Subtract a Percentage from a Price

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4 Ways to Subtract a Percentage from a Price in Excel

1. Using Percentage Formula to Subtract It from a Price

In this section, our discount values are given without a percentage (“%”). We’ll add a percentage to these discounts and deduct it from the original “Price”.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price


  • Firstly, type the following formula in cell E5.


Here, we’re adding a percentage to values from the “Discount” column. After that, we’re multiplying it by the values from the “Price” column. Finally, we’re subtracting the result from the “Price”.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

  • Secondly, press ENTER.
  • Thirdly, use the Fill Handle to AutoFill the formula into other cells.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Thus, we’ve subtracted a percentage from a price in Excel.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Read More: Percentage Formula in Excel (6 Examples)

2. Subtract a Percentage from a Price Using Generic Formula

For the second method, our “Discount” values are given in percentage format.


  • Firstly, type the following formula in cell E5.


Here, the price is reduced by 10%. Hence, we’re subtracting it from 1 (that means 100%) and multiplying it by the price. Overall, we’re getting the 90% price.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

  • Secondly, press ENTER and AutoFill the formula.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

In conclusion, we’ve shown you yet another method of subtracting a percentage from a price.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Read More: How to Add Percentage to Price with Excel Formula (2 Ways)

Similar Readings

  • How to Calculate Reverse Percentage in Excel (4 Easy Examples)
  • How to Calculate Bacterial Growth Rate in Excel (2 Easy Ways)
  • Calculate Percentage in Excel VBA (Involving Macro, UDF, and UserForm)
  • How to Calculate Percentage Increase from Zero in Excel (4 Methods)
  • How to Add 20 Percent to a Price in Excel (2 Quick Methods)

3. Subtract a Percentage in Decimal Format from a Price

For the third method, our “Discount” values are in decimal format.


  • Firstly, select the cell range E5:E10.
  • Secondly, type the following formula in cell E5.


This formula is the same as in the first method. We’re just omitting the percentage sign (“%”) here, as it is already given.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

  • Finally, press CTRL + ENTER.

Thus, we’ll subtract a percentage in Excel.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Read More: How to Calculate Percentage Based on Conditional Formatting (6 Ways)

4. Applying VBA to Subtract a Percentage from a Price

For the last method, we’re going to use VBA to subtract a percentage from a price.


  • Firstly, from the Developer tab >>> select Visual Basic.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

The Visual Basic window will appear.

  • Secondly, from Insert >>> select Module.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

  • Thirdly, type the following code.
Sub SubstractPercentage()
    Dim Discount As Range
    Dim oldPrice As Range
    Dim newPrice As Range
    Set oldPrice = Range("C5:C10")
    Set Discount = Range("D5:D10")
    Set newPrice = Range("E5:E10")
    For x = 1 To 6
        newPrice(x) = oldPrice(x) * (1 - Discount(x))
    Next x
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Firstly, we’re calling our Sub Procedure “SubstractPercentage”.
  • Secondly, we’re assigning our 3 variables as Range.
  • Thirdly, we’re using the Set statement to define our ranges.
  • After that, there is “For Next Loop”. Moreover, we’re using the iteration value up to 6, as there are 6 cells in our range.
  • Later, we used a Formula to Subtract Percentages.

  • After that, click on Save.
  • Then, click on the Run button.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

The Macros dialog box will appear.

  • Finally, press Run.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

In conclusion, we’ve achieved our goal of subtracting a percentage from a price.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price

Read More: How to Calculate Percentage Decrease in Excel (2 Methods)

Practice Section

We’ve attached practice datasets for each method in the Excel file.

How to subtract 20 percent from a price


We’ve shown you 4 methods of how to subtract a percentage from a price. If you face any problems, feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading, keep excelling!

How do you take 20% off a price?

How do I take 20 % off a price?.
Take the original price..
Divide the original price by 5..
Alternatively, divide the original price by 100 and multiply it by 20..
Subtract this new number from the original one..
The number you calculated is the discounted value..
Enjoy your savings!.

How do you calculate 20% of a number?

Large red percent symbol with black outline. To calculate a percentage of a percentage, convert both percentages to fractions of 100 or decimals and multiply them. For example, 50% of 40% is calculated; (50/100) x (40/100) = 0.50 x 0.40 = 0.20 = 20/100 = 20%.