How to see who viewed my profile on linkedin

Far from satisfying an unhealthy curiosity, the “who viewed my profile” function on LinkedIn is very useful in your prospecting process. It allows you to know who is potentially interested in your services or your activity in general. Don’t miss these opportunities to expand your network and generate leads! How to see who has viewed your LinkedIn profile? Read this article quickly!

Go to the “who viewed my profile” page on LinkedIn

How do you find out who has viewed your profile? This function is easily accessible on LinkedIn:

  • Click on the “You” icon that displays your photo at the top of the homepage;
  • Choose “View Profile.”
  • From there, click on “who viewed your profile” in your dashboard banner.

Note: you can also access this information from the home page: below your photo on the left side of the page, click on “views your profile”.

The benefits of this feature

Knowing who is viewing your profile is extremely informative. In fact, most of the time, members who are trying to find out who you are display their profession. This allows you to test several strategies to target the right people for your career goal.

This is a great opportunity to send a personalized invitation like “Hi X, I see you visited me. I’d be happy to talk with you about [your common interest]. See you soon! »

How to see who viewed my profile on linkedin

The limitations of the “who viewed my profile” page

Be aware that if you have a free LinkedIn account, youcan only see the last 5 visits. Also, some people set their visit to be anonymous, so you will simply see “a LinkedIn member has seen your profile” or “a journalist in the Information Services industry has seen your profile”.

To have full access to all members who have viewed your LinkedIn profile, you can sign up for a paid LinkedIn Premium version. Whether you have a free account or a Premium subscription, jump on these opportunities and take advantage of them to fine-tune the pace and content of your LinkedIn posts!

You can see exactly who's been looking at your LinkedIn profile, and this is really important

If you have a Premium LinkedIn Account, (even a free trial of LinkedIn Learning) LinkedIn will show you all the people who have found their way onto your LinkedIn profile, going back a full 90 days.

This is a good thing because if someone has taken the time to click onto your LinkedIn profile, it must mean that they have an interest in what you do, your skills, experience or work history.

As a job seeker or entrepreneur, it's important to understand who your LinkedIn profile is attracting.

If someone chances upon your LinkedIn page it will likely be because they've seen a piece of content that you have posted, or LinkedIn has recommended your page to them, or your profile has featured in a search that they have conducted on LinkedIn.

The latter two happen when your LinkedIn profile contains the right keywords, or is optimised in such a way, that LinkedIn believes that your profile could be of interest to that individual.

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Why does it matter how's looked at your LinkedIn profile?

It matters because you, as an entrepreneur looking for potential clients, or as a job seeker looking for career opportunities, need to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is attracting the right people.

The right people are whose who may be interested and in need of your products or services, or the people that may need to hire someone like you into their company.

If your LinkedIn profile is not attracting the attention of the right people, you need to do something about it, if you don't you are just wasting your time on LinkedIn.

If you don't know exactly who's finding your LinkedIn profile, you won't know if your LinkedIn profile is doing the job that you created it to do.

Coming up

In this article I'm going to tell you how to find and use the 'Who's viewed your profile' feature on LinkedIn, how to use the information it provides, and which sections of your LinkedIn profile you need to optimise in order to attract the right attention.

How to see who's viewed your LinkedIn profile

Accessing the Who Viewed My Profile section of LinkedIn is simple, to access it from your desktop, simply navigate to the left hand side of the LinkedIn home page and click on the 'Who Viewed Your Profile' link that appears directly below your LinkedIn profile picture.

To access the Who Viewed My Profile page on the LinkedIn mobile app, firstly tap your profile picture, then tap 'view profile'.

Now scroll down to the analytics sectionand locate the number of profile views that you've had. Click on this number to access the analytics.

Please note, if you haven't had any profile views in the last 90 days, this option will not be available to you.

How far back can you see who's viewed your LinkedIn profile?

The Who Viewed Your Profile feature on LinedIn shows you the people that have visited your LinkedIn profile in the past 90 days, this feature will also provide additional trends regarding your LinkedIn profile views and further insights about the viewers, something we'll talk more about below.

What information will LinkedIn show you regarding your profile visits?

The information that LinkedIn provides regarding the visitors to your LinkedIn page depends on the profile viewer's privacy settings, and there are three variations that you should be aware of:

• If the LinkedIn member has their privacy settings open you'll be able to see the viewer's name, headline, location, and industry, this is of course very helpful information.

In my experience, a majority of LinkedIn members have their profile open, and therefore you'll likely be able to see this information for most of your LinkedIn profile visitors.

• If the LinkedIn member has their profile set to semi-private, you'll see certain characteristics such as their job title, company, industry and place of education.

The actual information shown varies so that LinkedIn can protect the users privacy, for example it might say VP of sales in manufacturing industry, or student at NYU, or someone who works at Heinz.

• If someone has their LinkedIn profile set to private mode you'll only see 'LinkedIn Member'.

As a side note, this information is helpful if you want to restrict the amount of information someone can see when you visit their profile page, this is helpful to bear in mind if you are conducting interview preparation using LinkedIn.

So what?

Many people fail to see just how helpful this information actually is.

Think of it like this, if you owned a clothes shop and someone walked past your window, stopped, took a closer look and then walked through the door, you would instantly consider them to be a potential customer, you would assume that they are interested in what you have to offer.

You or a staff member would likely approach them to see if you could help, you might ask what they are looking for, you might point out that you have a sale on or where the fitting rooms are, and you would make them aware that they could ask for help at any time.

The point is, you would not ignore them.

You should think of your LinkedIn profile visitors as potential customers

If you are a marketing professional looking for your next marketing job, and you see that the VP of Marketing from Microsoft has visited your LinkedIn profile, why would you not reach out with a brief introduction message? 

Just because they haven't messaged you directly, does not mean that they're not interested.

The same is true if you're a business owner, self employed professional or entrepreneur, if someone has found their way to your "shop window" and then walked through the door, you should engage with them.

Something on your LinkedIn profile clearly caught their eye and you may just need to reach out and tell them a little bit more about yourself.

Are your LinkedIn profile views growing?

The other information that you should pay attention to is simply the number of profile views that your LinkedIn profile is getting.

If your LinkedIn profile has been optimised correctly you should find that your profile is getting a steady amount of views, if you continue to improve it and develop a robust posting, engagement and content creation strategy, you should find that your LinkedIn profile views grow considerably over time.

How to see who viewed my profile on linkedin

What should you do if your LinkedIn profile is not attracting the right attention?

When I say 'the right attention', I mean is your LinkedIn profile being visited by the kinds of people you want to be networking with? 

If you are in the pharmaceutical industry and you're looking for a new job, you obviously want people within the pharmaceutical industry, who are more senior than you, to find your LinkedIn profile.

If you are looking to transition into a technology company, you'll want people in the tech industry to find you.

If you are finding that your LinkedIn profile is not attracting the attention that you desire, don't fret, there are some key areas of your LinkedIn profile that can be amended and optimised to get the results you want.

We advise all job seekers and entrepreneurs to spend time optimising their LinkedIn profiles because the results can be incredible.

If you would like help optimising your LinkedIn profile for your job search or business, click here.

There are 7 sections on your LinkedIn profile that you should optimise if you want more visitors

• Optimise your LinkedIn profile picture

A professional and engaging LinkedIn profile picture makes a huge difference to how likely people are to click onto your profile.

LinkedIn themselves claim that your LinkedIn profile is 14X more likely to be viewed if you have a profile picture as opposed to leaving it blank.

Before they even meet you, your LinkedIn profile picture will give someone an idea of what you are like, your personality and your disposition.

Discover how to choose a great LinkedIn profile picture here.

• Create a great LinkedIn banner image

A well designed and eye-catching LinkedIn banner image is a great way of instantly communicating who you are, what you do, and why someone should connect with you on LinkedIn.

A LinkedIn banner can be created on Canva with hardly any effort, you can learn how to create a great LinkedIn banner on the video below.

• Make sure your location is correct on LinkedIn

I'm not suggesting that you forgot where you live, I am however suggesting that if you are in the process of relocating to a new city and you want to find a job there, you should consider ensuring that your location is changed ahead of time so that you start getting views from people in your target city.

• Write an attention-grabbing professional headline on LinkedIn

Your professional headline can help you two-fold. Firstly, if it includes the right keywords it'll help you to show up in the right LinkedIn searches, secondly, if your headline is well written it will help to instantly grab the attention of whomever is viewing your LinkedIn profile and convey some key information to them.

• Make your LinkedIn about section really compelling

Your about section on LinkedIn allows you to type a relatively in-depth and compelling narrative about yourself.

Again, including the right key words will help you to show up in the right LinkedIn searches. Once someone clicks onto your LinkedIn profile, they will be treated to an interesting narrative about your career journey, what makes you unique, and why they should reach out to you.

• Fully complete your experience section on LinkedIn

This is obvious, but many people don't make the most of their LinkedIn experience section.

Don't simply list out your roles with some generic duties and responsibilities.

Use this section of your LinkedIn profile to include some of your key successes and achievements, the things that you are most proud of, and the things that make you a great fit for the roles that you want to land or industries that you want to transition into.

• List your most relevant skills on your LinkedIn profile

The skills section of a LinkedIn profile is often misunderstood and neglected. Listing the correct skills is an essential part of key-wording your LinkedIn profile. For example, listing skills such as marketing will help you to show up in more marketing related LinkedIn searches.

You should pin the most important and relevant skills at the top of the list.

You can discover how to optimise each of these important LinkedIn sections, and more, with our complete LinkedIn mastery toolkit.

We have crammed years of LinkedIn experience and LinkedIn Top Voice expertise, into four incredible guides. Click here to learn more.

How to see who viewed my profile on linkedin

Work hard and invest time into optimising your LinkedIn profile

As you continue to optimise your LinkedIn profile and continue to monitor the results, you should see a quick uplift in the amount of visits that you get to your LinkedIn profile as well as the relevancy and quality of those visits.

Don't give up on it too early, take at least a month to keep tweaking and refining your LinkedIn profile ,whilst using the who's viewed your profile tool to monitor the effects, and inform your LinkedIn optimisation efforts.

Why can't I see who viewed my profile on LinkedIn?

You won't be able to see who's viewed your profile if: You have a Basic (free) account and, You choose not to show your name and headline when viewing other people's profiles by browsing in semi-private or private mode.

How can I see who viewed my LinkedIn profile without premium?

Log into LinkedIn. On your home page, click Who's viewed your profile, beneath your profile photo on the left rail. 2. Click the Me icon with your photo at the top of your LinkedIn homepage > Click View profile > Choose Who Viewed Your Profile on Your Dashboard.

How can I see who saw my LinkedIn?

Be sure to check your "visibility" in your privacy settings before following these steps..
On your LinkedIn timeline, find the menu under your profile name to the left..
Select "Who viewed your profile" ... .
The next page will show you the people who have viewed your profile in the past week, along with some metrics..