How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

It never fails. My kids will be wearing a brand new shirt and decide they need to adorn it with a sticker… and forget to take it off before throwing it in the hamper. I used to check every single piece of clothing (including pockets), but with six people in the house that is just not feasible time wise anymore. I’ve asked and reminded the children many times but sometimes they forget.

Emma went with me to vote for the presidential election and proudly left the building with an “I Voted” sticker on her brand new shirt. She refused to take the sticker off… and forgot to remove it when she took the shirt off. Consequently, the sticker stayed on the shirt through the washer and the drier. We spent quite a bit of time trying to “pick” the sticker off with no avail. I thought her new shirt was destroyed.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

I decided that I needed to try something. I was in love with this shirt.

Here is what worked for me.

Start with an ice cube to remove stubborn remnants of the sticker from the shirt. Use one of the following residue fighting agents: Goo Gone, Un-Du, D-Solv, Avon Skin-so-Soft, WD-40 and Thoro.

I used WD-40.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

Squirt the WD-40 onto a towel. Gently rub the towel on the sticker residue in a circular motion.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

My sticker reside balled up and was easily scraped off with my fingernail. As you can see below, the sticker was gone but I was a bit worried about leaving a grease stain behind.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

I learned a little trick several years back to remove oil/grease/fabric softener stains from clothes… original Dawn. This runs about $1 at Wal-Mart. I squirt a small amount on the spot and with an soft bristled brush rub it in.

You tossed your favorite article of clothing into the washer and dryer and forgot to remove that sticky name tag. Now you have a nice, clean shirt with a clumpy patch of sticker residue on the front. We’ll show you how to remove sticker residue from fabric to get your clothing looking brand new again.

There are many reasons to discover old stickers on clothes, particularly if you have children. These stickers often go unnoticed before laundry day, leaving a sticky shape of sticker glue on the fabric and a patch of broken bits of a faded and dried sticker.

Plucking at these tacky pieces with your fingers only results in frustration. Even if you can remove the top layer, there is still sticky residue to contend with to salvage your clothing. Fortunately, there are a few laundry hacks to remove this gunk, no matter the size sticker.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes
How to remove a washed sticker from clothes



Table Of Contents

  1. Removing Sticker Residue from Fabric
    • Get Sticker Residue off Fabric with Rubbing Alcohol
    • Remove Sticky Tape Residue from Fabric with Goo Gone
    • How to Remove Sticker Residue from Fabric with White Vinegar
    • Using Nail Polish Remover to Clean Away Sticker Residue
    • Removing Sticker Residue with Peanut Butter
    • How to Remove Sticker Adhesive by Ironing

Removing Sticker Residue from Fabric

While removing the sticky residue from fabric seems like an impossible task, especially after washing and drying it, we have some quick and efficient ways to eliminate it.

Get Sticker Residue off Fabric with Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a common item in the home and is a useful tool to get sticker residue off fabric, as well as to remove sticker residue from a laptop case. This liquid is a solvent that dissolves the glue residue for easy removal.


Rubbing Alcohol Sticker Remover

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton balls
  • Washing machine
  • Laundry detergent


To get sticker residue off fabric, pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball, and rub it into the old sticker.

Use your fingernails to pry away the loosened paper, and then use another alcohol-soaked cotton ball to rub away the adhesive residue. Wash in the washing machine with detergent and launder as usual.

This strategy is also ideal for getting dried polyurethane out of clothing or carpet or as a homemade car adhesive remover. Use care on car paint so you don’t damage it as well as taking off the sticker.

Remove Sticky Tape Residue from Fabric with Goo Gone

Goo Gone is a popular adhesive remover that works safely to remove sticky tape residue from fabric, get gum out of a car seat, and remove grease stains. It comes in both a spray and bottle form and is simple to use.


Sticker Removal with Goo Gone

  • Goo Gone
  • Clean cloth
  • Credit card
  • Paper towel
  • Washing machine
  • Laundry detergent


To remove sticky tape residue from fabric, apply Goo Gone to the sticker residue and use an old credit card or putty knife to scrape away the sticker’s loosened bits.

Wipe the area with paper toweling to remove all of the sticky residue, and wash the fabric in the washing machine with laundry detergent.

How to Remove Sticker Residue from Fabric with White Vinegar

To get adhesive off fabric, try using white vinegar. It is a natural acidic liquid that works to break up sticky residue for convenient cleaning. Remove sticker residue from clothing so you don’t have to throw it away.

This versatile stain remover even works wonders for removing mold in the bathroom and cleaning vomit from a car seat.


Vinegar Sticker Remover

  • White vinegar
  • Toothbrush
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Warm water


To get sticker glue off fabric or for removing slime from fabric, apply a small amount of white vinegar to a soft cloth, and wipe the stain to soak it lightly. Use a toothbrush for scrubbing away bits of old stickers until all of the pieces are gone.

Rinse the article under warm water and squeeze a couple of drops of dish soap onto the material. Gently scrub the stain with the soapy water to remove all excess and rinse the fabric under clean water.

Using Nail Polish Remover to Clean Away Sticker Residue

Fingernail polish remover contains acetone, a liquid that dissolves adhesives. It is an ideal choice for getting duct tape residue off fabric, to remove super glue from a variety of surfaces, and removing stickers from clothes.


Nail Polish Remover Adhesive Cleaner

  • Nail polish remover
  • Towel
  • Washcloth
  • Washing machine
  • Laundry detergent


Spread a towel out on a clean surface and place the fabric, adhesive side down, on the towel. Pour a small amount of fingernail polish on the opposite side of the sticker stain.

Use a washcloth to rub the area gently while transferring the sticker residue off of the fabric. Flip the item over, check that the adhesive is gone, and then wash it in the washing machine using a normal wash cycle and laundry detergent.

Removing Sticker Residue with Peanut Butter

Making a homemade fabric spray can work for odors, but consider trying peanut butter to remove glue adhesive. Believe it or not, this famous sandwich condiment contains oils that break up a bond from masking tape, stickers, and other glue residue.


Peanut Butter Sticker Removal

  • Peanut butter
  • Butter knife
  • Washing machine
  • Laundry detergent


Lay the article on a flat surface and spread a layer of peanut butter on the adhesive. Use a butter knife to scrape the sticker and glue gently away from the material, and then launder the item in the washing machine with a small amount of detergent.

How to Remove Sticker Adhesive by Ironing

To remove sticker residue without taking your clothing to the dry cleaners, consider using heat. A clothing iron is an effective tool for removing stubborn stickers and loosening glue adhesive.


Hot Iron DIY Adhesive Remover

  • Clothes iron
  • Ironing board
  • Plastic card
  • Dish soap
  • Washcloth
  • Warm water


To get sticky residue off fabric, lay the item on an ironing board, and heat the clothes iron to the highest heat setting. Hold the iron over the fabric without touching the heat to the glue adhesive.

Set the iron aside and use a plastic card to pry away the sticky residue gently. Repeat the steps until all of the sticker is gone.

Get a washcloth wet with warm water and a couple of drops of dish soap. Scrub the stained area to clean away leftover gunk and rinse the material under clean water.

While fabric with an old, tattered sticker stuck to its surface seems like a lost cause, removing the adhesive residue is not impossible. All that’s required is a bottle of rubbing alcohol, fingernail polish remover, or another simple ingredient, and a little bit of effort.

How to remove a washed sticker from clothes
How to remove a washed sticker from clothes

We hope that knowing how to remove sticker residue from fabric prevents your favorite items of clothing from going to the trash, and we’d love it if you’d share our sticker residue removal tips with your circle of friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest.

How do you remove dried on stickers?

Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol Soak a rag or paper towel in rubbing alcohol. Cover the sticker you want to remove with the alcohol-soaked rag. Let it sit for about 30 minutes. The sticker should wipe clean afterward—but if it doesn't, gently scrape away any remaining residue with a razor scraper.

How do you get sticker residue off clothes with vinegar?

If you don't want to deal with removing an oily residue once you've removed the adhesive, try white vinegar instead. Dampen a microfiber cloth or paper towel with vinegar, and press onto the residue. Allow it to absorb for 5 minutes then rub the adhesive to remove it.

Does rubbing alcohol remove sticker residue from clothes?

Rubbing alcohol or vodka can safely remove sticker residue from plastic, wood, glass, or fabric. Soak the adhesive with your alcohol, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then wipe it off.

How do you get adhesive off fabric?

Apply acetone..
Apply acetone. Use a cotton ball or cloth soaked in acetone to gently rub the glue stain. ... .
Rub laundry detergent into the stain. Leave it to soak in..
Wash fabric as normal. By the time you take the fabric out of the washing machine, the glue stain should be gone..
Air-dry the fabric..