How to increase breast milk supply when pumping exclusively

We often hear about breastfeeding and formula-feeding, but there's a third way to feed your baby that's often overlooked — and doesn't get the full recognition it deserves. Exclusive pumping (often called EP or EPing for short) is the process of expressing breast milk several times a day, then feeding it to your baby via bottle, NG tube or other means.

There are several reasons you might choose to pump exclusively, such as if your baby is hospitalized or has latch problems, you're returning to work, or simply because you want to. Many moms say it's rewarding to be able to feed their babies breast milk they've expressed, but exclusive pumping is not without its challenges. There are more small pump parts to wash, for example, and taking extra time to both pump breast milk then feed it to your baby can be a juggling act.

Whether you’re pregnant and planning to exclusively pump once baby arrives or are already doing so, being prepared can help make the experience easier. In addition to having a comfortable, effective breast pump and doing plenty of research, it can help to hear advice from moms who have mastered the exclusive pumping lifestyle.

Below, six moms who pump exclusively tell us why they chose this feeding method and how they made it work.

Lacey Poulos, first-time mom of a 1-month-old

"I’m sure my story is similar to many first-time or panicked moms. After my little guy was born healthy, happy and hungry, he became sleepy and gassy when I would try to breastfeed him. He would fall asleep or scream for hours on end, and go hours without making a bowel movement. Finally, my fiancé suggested that I pump. While I felt like I was giving up, I put my heartbreak aside and pumped knowing my baby needed nourishment. While at first I tried to continue to nurse in addition to pumping, I was told my baby’s frenulum could be an issue, on top of his desire to sleep during a feed. And while some tricks from a lactation consultant helped my baby feed for a brief period of time, my milk supply suddenly tanked. He wasn’t drinking as much as my pump was taking. So, the pump became my best friend.

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Pumping can be difficult, but the key to making it work for me is timing. I try to make sure my baby is content and then pump right after. That usually looks like me feeding him, changing his diaper and putting him in his crib, with me pumping shortly afterwards. My current goal is to pump every two hours, or to complete a session each time my baby feeds. Having a pumping bra is a big help for when my baby gets fussy in the middle of a pumping sesh. I keep a Spectra in the nursery, but for me, getting a hands-free pump (like a Willow) has been a game-changer for long car rides. I'm fortunate to have both options since I know pumps and all the accessories can be expensive, but looking for something in your price range to make EPing as easy as possible can help support you for the long haul, since the practice is so time-consuming.

For any new or expecting moms out there thinking about EP, I recommend using what’s out there to help you (like milk storage bags or bottles that can latch right onto your pump), because convenience is the number-one thing for me. I had no idea exclusive pumping even existed — I thought I was a unicorn. My story ends with me knowing that my baby is still getting everything he needs from me, just with the help of a bottle and a pump. This makes me proud of my journey and what I have done for him, as all mothers should be."

Jennifer Pfaff Smith, first-time mom of a 9-week-old

"I've been exclusively pumping since I brought my daughter home from the hospital, and although I'm still early in my journey, I find myself a rare breed: I'm doing this by choice.

I realize most mothers end up exclusive pumping because breastfeeding didn't work out, but I wholeheartedly embrace this process. Breastfeeding has never appealed to me — personally, the idea of it makes me uncomfortable; I think I've heard too many stories about a poor latch, pain, mom guilt and more — but I wanted to feed my daughter breast milk, so exclusive pumping was the best choice for me. Before giving birth, I researched it extensively so I was fully prepared for and comfortable with what I was getting into.

I did keep an open mind, and in the hospital I attempted breastfeeding. It wasn't as uncomfortable as I expected, but it certainly was as challenging. I'm sure I could have been successful if I had continued and pushed through, as so many mothers do. But to me it wasn't worth the time or frustration, so I stuck with my original plan.

I am so happy with my decision. Logistically, I pump eight times a day, and I go for at least 120 minutes in 24 hours. Between the bottle washing and hours spent pumping, everyone talks about exclusive pumping being a lot of work and taking up too much time. Perhaps it's because I'm a first-time mother, but I don't find it that bad; I just see it as something I have to do, so I do it. To me, it’s just part of taking care of my newborn. It's so great that anyone can help feed my daughter — particularly, of course, my husband, who can enjoy his own bonding time with her. Most women hate the pump, but I don't mind it, and I find it fascinating to see my milk output increase every week. I also love knowing exactly how much my daughter is consuming.

Because of these reasons and more, I cannot fathom why exclusive pumping comes across as unconventional. Before even giving birth, whenever I mentioned my decision to exclusively pump, it was met with surprise. I encourage women to keep an open mind to all the different feeding options that might work best for them, because you don’t know what is best for you until you're in the situation. If breastfeeding doesn’t work out, it’s okay! Exclusive pumping needs more awareness, especially to eradicate the mom guilt many women feel when breastfeeding proves too difficult."

Sarah Martinez, first-time mom of a 6-month-old

"When my daughter was born in January, she started nursing like a champ. I was so excited that I even told the lactation consultant, 'We’re good! She’s doing great!' In my mind, if milk and colostrum were coming out, she was doing it right. Things changed the second day we were home from the hospital when my milk officially 'came in.' I had to hold my breasts up; they were so heavy, in so much pain, with bleeding and chapped nipples to boot. I was terrified of the next feeding because it hurt so bad. I remember crying to my husband, 'I can’t do this! I don’t want to do this! I’m scared of her, I’m actually scared to feed my baby! This isn’t what people say it’s like!'

That night, my EP journey began. My plan was to pump until I could go see my OB/GYN to ask for advice on how to stop lactating. When I found out she was booked for the next two weeks, I told myself I could pump for that long. I began pumping every time my baby fed, which was about every two or three hours. After two weeks, though, pumping was getting easier as I started to build my breast milk stash. And then when formula started to fly off the shelves, I was scared that if I stopped producing, I wouldn’t be able to find formula to feed my daughter. So I promised myself and my baby as long as I’m producing, I’m pumping.

Now, months later, I’m still exclusive pumping. For me, the most challenging part is cleaning all of the pump parts. On top of everything else, constantly washing endless parts is exhausting. And while EPing can be difficult, I would encourage new moms trying it to stay patient. It’s hard to put in so much time just for pumping and cleaning, and sometimes I feel like I’ve lost a lot of one-on-one time with my baby, but I make up for it by providing her with breast milk.

While sometimes it bothers me that I wasn’t able to nurse my daughter the way I longed for, I’m proud that I’m able to provide her with the food she needs. While I hope to nurse in the future with my second child, I’ve learned you can never know what will work for you and what might not. This is how my breastfeeding journey was meant to go."

Jennifer Fenton, mom of three 

"My journey with exclusive pumping began the day after I left the hospital with my first baby, and it’s continued throughout the arrivals of each of my three children. 

My first, like many babies, had trouble latching. Unfortunately, the hospital’s lactation specialist had left just a few weeks before and, although the nurses did their best to guide me (and to be fair, I wasn’t sure I wanted to breastfeed), our daughter ended up having formula for the first few days of her life. Formula was not the best solution for us, as it’s expensive and gave my daughter gas, but it was what we knew would keep her happy and fed. 

The day after we left the hospital, my milk came in and I was in a lot of pain. I immediately pumped to relieve the pressure, and offered a bottle to my newborn. The smile on her face and the peace we felt knowing she wasn’t in pain was enough for us to know that pumping was our answer. For the next seven months, I pumped breast milk for my daughter and supplemented with formula.

Three years later, when I found out I was pregnant again, I went in with a plan. I told my doctor, nurses and the lactation consultant that I was going to exclusively pump. With my second baby came a second pump and knowledge of how to quickly build my supply and maintain it. I pumped every three hours for two months, then slowly weaned down to four times a day by the time my son was 6 months old. Being better equipped, I was able to pump breast milk for 14 months.

When our third child was born, my exclusive pumping journey continued. Our youngest is 1 and has been the most excited about food of my three. While now she’s beginning to transition to cow’s milk, she spent 366 days receiving breast milk from me, and I am so proud of what my body has been able to do.

My tips for new moms are simple: buy extra pump parts, set up a routine with your support person and prepare to invest time at the beginning no matter how you choose to feed. You might experience pump fatigue and feel overwhelmed, but finding a way to pass the time is a huge help (Sudoku puzzles or calling friends were some of my go-tos). If you’re having trouble producing, watch videos of your baby. The cooing and crying help your body respond. 

I take great pride in sharing my story with friends and family as they become first-time parents. For me, exclusive pumping is the absolute best of both worlds! I never worried about mastitis (if I was engorged, I pumped) or whether or not my baby was drinking enough (I knew exactly how she drank every time). I could let anyone feed her (my husband always did the bedtime feeding) and was able to take some personal time for myself (hello, 20-minute pump break during work!). What’s more, my body still seemed to respond to my babies’ needs and produced the milk they needed to keep putting on weight and to stay healthy, giving me that 'proud mom' moment, knowing I was each kid’s lifeline."

Sharon Allgood, first-time mom of a 2-month-old

"While lots of moms choose to exclusively pump because of issues with latching, my story is a bit different. When I tried breastfeeding my now-2-month-old daughter, my flow was too fast and made nursing messy and difficult. I just couldn’t take it and my baby wasn’t enjoying it. That’s when we transitioned to exclusive pumping.

I have a large milk supply, so I can get away with pumping when I can — usually about four to six times a day, or every two feedings depending on the day. While pumping can be time-intensive, I try to knock out a pumping session while my daughter is sleeping. That’s easier said than done, though — it’s tough finding a time to pump without the baby waking up or being fussy, and it eats up time I would spend doing chores around the house. When I need to pump on the go, my pumping bra and portable breast pump have been lifesavers.

I didn’t even know exclusive pumping was a common feeding method until after I had already gotten into a groove and read about other What to Expect moms doing it, but it’s been a blessing for my family. Not to mention, my husband loves that he gets to participate in feeding our daughter. Sometimes I feel judged by some people for not breastfeeding my baby, even though exclusive pumping is the best option for me. That’s why I want other moms to know that bottle-feeding breast milk is an option. Your baby will be healthy and strong no matter what route you choose."

Stephanie Bilharz, first-time mom of a 4-month-old

"When I had my first baby, I was so confident I’d be able to nurse that I didn’t even bother bringing my pump to the hospital. Shortly after, I discovered that my original plan wasn’t going, well, according to plan. Aside from the fact that my nipples felt like they were going to fall off from the discomfort and pain, I was basically glued to the couch with a newborn attached to my breast for 12 hours a day or more. It became clear early on that getting him to nurse properly, without immediately falling asleep and without pain would be almost impossible. I felt so defeated. It got to a point where I dreaded nursing.

What’s more, I endured a spinal fluid leak from my epidural and was unable to sit up for about a week straight during the first week of his life — meaning I was physically unable to even attempt to nurse at the beginning. But I was able to get myself in a position to pump. So I pumped. And pumped. And pumped (eight times a day, to be exact). My milk came in and he was getting everything he needed. My baby was full and satisfied and happy. 

After I fully recovered physically, I continued to try to breastfeed. But after six weeks of attempts that always ended in bottle feeds, I decided for my sanity — and for my son's happiness — to exclusively pump, and have been going strong ever since. I now pump six times a day, usually at the same times each day.

For me, the amount of support or information given to new moms about pumping is severely lacking. I had no idea what pump to get through insurance or that exclusively pumping was even a thing. I had no idea how long I was supposed to pump or what settings to use. I was simply told to nurse, nurse and nurse some more. 

If you’re exclusively pumping, make sure you have a good support system, and remember that your value is not measured in the amount of ounces you make. It’s easy to compare yourself to other mothers who might produce more, but just remember that whatever you’re providing to your child is exactly what they need.

I wish I had known exclusively pumping was a thing from the very beginning, because it would have saved me many tears. My son is exclusively breastfed in a way that works for us both. I’ve happily never looked back."

Zoie Kyzer, first-time mom of a 4-month-old

"My daughter was born with very low blood pressure and had to be taken to the critical care nursery just after she arrived. Every time she was with me in the hospital, she wasn’t eating enough from the breast, so I had to pump and bring whatever I had over to the nursery instead. She got so used to the bottle that first week, and never eased into nursing. So, when she was a few months old and went on a long nursing strike, I began to exclusively pump and never looked back.

A typical day for me includes five or six pumping sessions. I’ve found that doubling up on extra bottles and pump parts helps more than you’d imagine — having to wash bottles and parts every few hours is draining. Not to mention, EPing feels like twice the work, and it takes a lot of dedication. You don’t fall into the 'breastfeeding' or 'formula-feeding' category, but rather both. Even in the beginning when I brought up our breastfeeding difficulties, they were brushed aside; I was told to 'just pump if she won’t latch.'

Though exclusive pumping comes with its challenges, being positive and thankful that I can feed my baby in a way that works for us is what keeps me going. While it can be time-consuming, doubling a pumping session with an activity I enjoy — like watching a show or enjoying a snack — gives me something to look forward to. It’s so important for more people to normalize EPing as the third option for feeding your baby."

Editor’s note: Stories have been paraphrased in an as-told-to style from emails from and/or interviews with each mother for clarity and length, with permission from each mother.

How long does it take to increase milk supply when exclusively pumping?

You can expect power pumping to take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks to truly increase supply. Following the power pumping set is far more beneficial than extended pumping sessions, don't pump for an hour non-stop as it can damage your breasts and isn't as helpful to increase supply.

Can exclusively pumping decrease milk supply?

Exclusive pumping can be time-consuming and demanding. Fatigue and stress are known to decrease the supply of breast milk. So it's important to take care of yourself. Try to eat well, drink plenty of fluids, rest when you can, and relax while pumping.

How much milk should I be producing when exclusively pumping?

If you're exclusively pumping, on average, you should try maintain full milk production of about 25-35 oz. (750-1,035 mL) per 24 hours. It may take some time to achieve this target, do not worry about hitting this on day one! Babies may take more milk from the bottle than when breastfeeding.