How to get sticky residue off fabric

Trying to remove sticker residue from already-washed-and-dried clothing is the worst… unless you know this secret for easy removal in 30 seconds or less!

How to get sticky residue off fabric

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I had never had to learn so much about removing interesting items from clothing as I have since becoming a mom. I had never faced so many stubborn stains. Or Googled the best ways to get poop or spit-up out of clothing.

Related Post: How to Get Grease Stains Out of Clothes That Have Been Dried

And I had never, ever known the pure frustration of trying to peel sticker residue off already-washed-and-dried clothing. Ugh.

If you’ve ever washed and dried a sticker onto your clothing, you know that it can be a bear to get off.

Unless you know the secret to easy removal.

If you don’t already know it, this little secret is going to save you a TON of time and angst the next time a sticker hitches a ride into your washing machine on the backs (or fronts) of your kids’ clothing.

Here are the 5 steps for easily removing sticker residue from clothing in 30 seconds or less!

That has been washed and/or dried!

How to get sticky residue off fabric


First, dip a white rag or cotton ball in rubbing alcohol.

How to get sticky residue off fabric


Then, rub the sticker with the rag or cotton ball. You don’t have to scrub, just make sure the entire sticker is soaked.

How to get sticky residue off fabric


After sufficiently wetting the sticker area, peel it off!

It should come right off, but if it doesn’t, rub more rubbing alcohol on it.

How to get sticky residue off fabric


Rub the area a bit more to remove all sticker residue. (For super-stubborn residue, you may have to gently pick a bit.)


Finally, rewash the clothing item.

How to get sticky residue off fabric

That’s it! I couldn’t believe the first time I tried it how easily the sticker came off. No soaking, scrubbing, or picking required!

This was a genius tip that I am so thankful to have received. I hope if you didn’t already know about it that it makes your life a whole lot easier as well! (Especially if your kids love stickers as much as mine do!)

Was this helpful? Or did you know about this secret genius tip already? Share in the comments below!

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How to get sticky residue off fabric

(Visited 181,309 times, 35 visits today)

What removes sticky residue?

Soak a paper towel in warm white vinegar or room temperature rubbing alcohol, then lay it over the sticker residue for about five minutes. This will soften the residue so you can scrape it away with a credit card. WD-40 is also effective for removing sticker residue.

Does vinegar remove sticky residue clothes?

Learning how to remove sticker residue with household items can save you money. Soak a rag or paper towel in vinegar and lay across the sticky area. Let it soak for a few minutes to soften the residue, then wipe or scrape to remove.

How do you get sticker residue off clothes after washing and drying?

That has been washed and/or dried!.
First, dip a white rag or cotton ball in rubbing alcohol..
Then, rub the sticker with the rag or cotton ball. ... .
After sufficiently wetting the sticker area, peel it off! ... .
Rub the area a bit more to remove all sticker residue. ... .
Finally, rewash the clothing item..