How to get oil out of satin fabric

It's the worst feeling—you're enjoying a greasy piece of pizza or adding dressing to your favorite salad, and splash! A new oil stain lands on your clothes. Now, you're left wondering if you need to throw out your favorite shirt.

Oil stains can be difficult to get rid of fully, and the first problem could be that they are difficult to see. You might overlook the stain as it blends in with the color of your clothing, a slightly darkened area on the laundry. Add to this the fact that oil stains can commonly reappear just when you think you've seen the last of them, and you've got a tough stain to deal with.

Watch Now: How to Remove Cooking and Vegetable Oil Stains

How to Recognize Oil-Based Stains

It's also important to understand what kind of oil-based stain you're dealing with. There are two main types: petroleum-based and vegetable-based.

  • Petroleum-based stains are typically caused by grease, motor oil, makeup, deodorant, and moisturizers.
  • Vegetable-based stains, on the other hand, come from things like cooking oil, salad dressing, mayonnaise, margarine, and butter.

Once you know what type of stain you're dealing with, you're ready to gather your supplies and tackle the pesky little problem.

How Soon Should You Wash an Oil Stain?

To put it simply: as soon as possible. Oil stains are some of the most difficult to remove unless you get to them immediately. If clothing and the oil stain dry, the stain may be set permanently. When you see an oil stain land, act fact, and read on to learn how to remove oil stains from clothing.


Cleaning Products

  • 1 teaspoon mild dish soap
  • 1 teaspoon laundry detergent

  1. Blot, Blot, Blot

    Once you see the stain, act fast. Grab a paper towel and gently blot to remove as much excess oil as possible. Don't press too hard, as you don't want to press the oil even deeper into the fabric. Light pressure should do the trick.

  2. Choose a Soap and Treat the Stain

    Once you're done blotting your stain, grab your rag or towel and get it damp. Next, choose your soap. For petroleum-based stains, use mild dish soap. For vegetable-based stains, grab your favorite laundry detergent.

    Add a few drops of dish soap or detergent to the towel and gently rub the stain. You don't want to scrub as it may damage the fabric. Instead, use gentle pressure to get small suds going on the fabric. The suds will help break down the oil.

    The Spruce / Jorge Gamboa

  3. Launder Your Garment

    Next, you're going to wash your clothes in the warmest water they can stand. The hot water will do a great job at penetrating the fibers and getting into the areas of the fabric that are holding on to the oil. If the fabric absolutely cannot take hot water, wash it in cold like normal, but the hotter, the better.

    The Spruce / Jorge Gamboa

  4. Check Stain Once Load Is Finished

    For the moment of truth—when the wash is done, check the stain to see if it's still stuck in the fabric. This step is a little tricky, as oil stains can be hard to spot in wet fabric since they usually just make a dark mark. Do your best to figure out if the oil is really gone, and let the fabric air dry if necessary.

  5. Repeat If Necessary Before Drying

    If some oil still remains, repeat the process above until the stain is gone. do not dry clothes with oil stains in them. This will likely lock the stain into the fabric and create a permanent stain.

Additional Tips For Getting Rid of Oil Stains

  • If the oil is really stuck, you can try pretreating the stain with baking soda or cornstarch. This will help absorb the excess oil before you stain the soap and hot water process.
  • For durable fabric, you can also use a butter knife to scrape some of the oil off the top of the stain before treating it.
  • If you have a stain that is a combination of an oily stain and another type of stain, deal with the oil first.
  • If you're struggling to tell whether or not an oil stain was removed before drying, let the fabric air dry instead. If after that no darkness remains, you're okay to machine dry like normal.

How do you get oil out of satin clothes?

FAQs about how to remove oil and grease stains from clothes.
Sprinkle some baking soda on the stain..
Let the stain absorb the baking soda..
Scrape or brush off any remaining excess of baking soda..
Wash your clothes as recommended by your garments' fabric care label..

How do you get oil out of satin skirt?

Add Water. Since oil and water don't mix, use as much hot water as possible to drive out the oil. After letting your garment soak in the soap for five to 10 minutes, wash it thoroughly. Be careful not to let the soap dry on the fabric during the soaking stage.

How do you get dried oil out of fabric?

How to Get Old Oil Stains Out of Clothes.
Scrape and blot liquid dish soap into the stain and let sit for 10 minutes..
Soak in warm or hot water for at least 30 minutes. ... .
Place in the washing machine with laundry detergent in the warmest water recommended on your care tag..
Line dry..

How do you get oil out of silk fabric?

Apply Talcum Powder to Grease Stains If you find an oil stain on your silk garment, you may want to take an additional step by applying talcum powder to the soiled area and allow it to sit overnight. The talcum powder will help to lift the stain, after which you can wash the garment as directed on the care label.

Can I use vinegar on satin?

Treating Stains on Satin Clothes and Sheets If your stain remains, try using a mixture of half water and half vinegar to flush away the stain.

How do you get grease out of satin sheets?

Spot Clean With Degreasing Dish Soap Step 1: Wet the stain well with water and gently rub a teaspoon of a grease-cutting dish soap, like Dawn, directly on the stain. Step 2: Let sit for about 30 minutes! Step 3: Wash with a gentle detergent in hot water.