How to get bloodstain out of mattress

How to get bloodstain out of mattress

You certainly don't have to be a 'clean freak' to hate stains. After all, who wants to tarnish their stuff with rigid blotches and mess up their lives? 

Exactly. Nobody! Despite that, there can be times when things take a wild turn, and your favorite belongings get ruined with stubborn spots. Mattress stains, in particular, can almost give you nightmares, the reason being that you can't simply discard them or launder them to get things sorted. 

Unsurprisingly, blood stains can worsen this situation, which is why we've compiled various easy tricks on how to get blood out of a mattress in this guide. So, whether it happened during an accident or the crimson wave knocked in casually, you can refer to this step-by-step guide to help yourself get through your 'bloody' errand pretty quickly. 

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Preparation for Removing Blood From Mattress

Before you psych yourself up for the not-so-pleasant task of removing blood stains from your mattress, you ought to know the rules quite well. The most important one is to stay away from hot water. Why? Because it might cook the proteins in there and set the stain until doomsday. On the contrary, cold water will assist you in effectively getting rid of it.

Subsequently, be sure that you don't rub the stained region. Instead, dab it. Rubbing the stain may complicate things further–the pigments can smear into the fibers of your mattress and ruin the mattress permanently. Also, refrain from using colored pieces of cloth while wiping as it will prevent any leaching of colored dyes. 

To prepare, you need to remove all the bedding from your bed. It includes all the sheets, affected pieces, and pillows. You may wash these separately in the laundry room. Once you do that, you're all set to tackle the bloodstain. For that matter, you will require the following (some or all) cleaning supplies:

  • Baking soda
  • Coldwater 
  • Spray bottle 
  • White towels 
  • White vinegar 
  • Meat tenderizer
  • Hydrogen peroxide 
  • Salt
  • Corn starch

How to Get Blood Stains Out of Mattress

If the blood stain is fresh and hasn't settled into the fabric of your mattress yet, you may begin the process of getting fresh blood out of a mattress with these simple ingredients and steps:

  • Grab a clean white towel and run it under cold water to make it slightly wet. Use the dampened cloth to gently dab the blood stain and remove any traces of excess blood. Be careful that you do not oversoak the mattress while doing this. Otherwise, the mattress may develop mold growth. 
  • Ensure that the surface of the mattress is completely dry. Blot the stained area again with a dry towel. Repeat this until no more blood crops up on the towel.
  • Sprinkle one teaspoon of baking soda over the stain. Allow it to bubble for at least an hour or so. Now spray a 1:1 solution of cold water and white vinegar. 
  • Once it dries down, vacuum off the leftover powder or blot it away using a damp cloth. You may repeat the process a few times to banish the stain completely. 

How to Get Dried Blood Out of Mattress

Getting dried blood out of a mattress can be tricky. However, a mixture of table salt and hydrogen peroxide or some meat tenderizer can come to your rescue. The below-mentioned methods have proven to be the most effective for dried blood stains

The Cornstarch Method

One of the most efficient home remedies to remove blood from a mattress is by using cornstarch. All you need is some hydrogen peroxide, table salt, and cornstarch to get started:

  • Ensure the surface of your mattress is dry.
  • Create a paste by mixing one tablespoon of salt, ½ cup cornstarch, ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide, and two spoonfuls of water. 
  • Combine the mixture and apply it over the bloodstain with a spatula. 
  • Allow it to rest on the stain for approximately 30 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide would start to bubble as the mixture dries out. 
  • Use a toothbrush to uplift the stain. 
  • Dab it with a damp cloth to remove both the stain and the mixture. 

The Meat Tenderizer Method 

This might sound a little weird, but a meat tenderizer can do more than just enhance the flavor of your meals. It can also act as a blood stain remover. Meat tenderizers consist of natural enzymes like bromelain and papain, which essentially break down blood proteins. And, when used on a mattress with bloodstains, they do the same thing!

Removing blood from a mattress is simpler than ever with the help of a meat tenderizer:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of unseasoned meat tenderizer powder with two teaspoons of water to form a paste-like consistency. 
  • Spread this paste all over the stain and leave it to dry for about 60 minutes. 
  • Blot the residue away with a damp cloth or use a brush if necessary. 
  • Pat the affected area again with a dry cloth for a perfect, stain-free mattress.

How to Get Period Blood Out of Mattress

Period blood stains are undoubtedly the most common of all mattress stains. No matter how carefully you sleep, there can be accidental leakages even when you least expect them. Although most of the methods discussed above should work here, period stains might be slightly stubborn to deal with. 

To get period blood out of a mattress, combining some of the methods mentioned earlier is recommended to form multiple DIY stain-removing solutions and try them one at a time. The cornstarch method works best primarily. 

You may also use lemon juice (lemon being a great alternative to harsh bleaches and chemicals) to let the bloodstain soak in it for about 15 minutes and then move on to blot away the remnants. But, be sure that you do not use this directly. Always mix lemon juice with some water so that you do not end up having a huge white blotch on your mattress.

How To Get Blood Out Of Memory Foam Mattress

Even though the overall procedure for getting blood stains out of your mattress remains roughly the same, you need to be more careful when it comes to a memory foam mattress. Foam mattresses end up absorbing too much water due to their textures, which may take forever to dry.

So, make sure that the cloth or rag you use is damp (and not wet), and you remove all the excess moisture beforehand to avoid any bacterial growth. If you still notice some humidity, try using a hairdryer to dry your mattress directly. The direct flow of warm air helps evaporate moisture from the deepest layers of the foam material.

Also, avoid using hydrogen peroxide for bloodstain removal in the case of foam mattresses. Hydrogen peroxide is a potent oxidizing agent and has powerful bleaching properties, which is why it may discolor the foam (even in small concentrations) and damage the delicate fabrics of your mattress. 

Being highly porous, the foam material can absorb the chemical through its layers, leading to alteration in its firmness. So, the cornstarch method may not be the ideal solution here. If required, you may reach out to more powerful or heavy-duty cleaners like enzyme cleaners or ammonia.

Other Best Blood Stain Removers

Once you've tried and tested all DIY cleaners and noted minimal results (or worse, no results), it's time to bring home a ready-made in-store cleaning agent to get rid of bloodstains. 

Here are a few options for you to try:

Enzyme Cleaner

If homemade cleaning supplies are not doing a satisfactory job, you'll likely need to hit your nearest grocery store and get an enzyme-based cleaner. These powerful chemicals work at a molecular level to oxidize blood bonds and break down the stains. 

You may choose an enzymatic cleaner that's mainly meant for fabrics and mattresses so that there's no question of further damage. Do not use it directly on your mattress. Instead, spray it on a towel and then clean the stain.


Among all the ways to get blood stains out of a mattress, this is probably the most severe option you can go for. It will undoubtedly tackle the most stubborn stains. All you need to do is add a tablespoon of ammonia to a cup of cold water, dip a towel into the solution, and start dabbing the bloodstain. When everyone else has given up, ammonia has your back! 

Be aware that ammonia is poisonous and can ruin delicate fabrics like wool or silk. So, you need to be extra attentive. Also, don't forget to use gloves and keep the windows open while using ammonia.


Cola or carbonated cola works as a great stain remover. It contains both carbonic and phosphoric acid. Together, these break down the toughest of stains. This may serve as an excellent option for soiled mattress covers and sheets. However, one must avoid using it on foam mattresses as washing them would be difficult. 

How to Protect Mattress From Blood and Other Stains

Despite putting in your best efforts, you might not be successful in averting stains from your mattress. Nevertheless, you can keep a few things in mind and always take a few necessary steps to head them off and keep your mattress clean:

Use a top-notch mattress protector

Your mattress is not a trivial investment. Using a high-quality mattress protector can considerably reduce the possibility of all sorts of stains. A waterproof mattress protector takes care of any accidents or spill-overs. This will save you from permanent damage.

Go for a mattress with a removable cover

Consider buying a mattress that comes with a washable cover. This way, preventing any stains will be much more convenient for you. You can simply remove the dirty cover and wash it separately to keep your mattress germ-free for years. If it’s not removable, you will have to replace your mattress soon.

Your mattresses are precious sleeping surfaces, and you must always keep them as clean as possible. However, it's not uncommon to develop tough stains (including bloodstains) at times that can cause you to lose your mind. 

With the simple techniques outlined in this guide, you may quickly learn how to remove blood stains from a mattress and do away with 'that' tough stain at an early stage.

This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

How do you get dried blood stains out of a mattress?

Mix baking soda and some cold water to make a paste, apply to the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth. Mix some baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and apply the mixture onto the stain. Let it sit, then clean it off with a damp cloth.

Can blood come off mattress?

Blood dissolves in cold water, so this can be your first go-to. Simply dab the blood stain with a cloth dipped in cold water until the stain is totally removed—just be careful not to soak or oversaturate the mattress while you do this. If the stain isn't budging, reach for the baking soda.

Can vinegar remove blood stains from mattress?

Key Steps. Blot the blood with a damp cloth to remove excess liquid first. Use baking soda and vinegar to remove the stain and any odours. A paste of talc and water can remove blood stains.

Can a stain be removed from a mattress?

For most mattress stains, a dab of liquid detergent or an all-purpose stain remover should be enough. Treat the stain as soon as possible so it doesn't set in. If it's a fresh spill, use a clean cloth to soak it up by gently blotting the area first.