How to find phone number from instagram

You would like to contact a user you follow by phone Instagram, perhaps because you need clarification about a product you advertise or to make you a job offer.Well, this should not be a problem, as long as the user in question has made public this contact information and has made explicit their availability to respond to the requests of followers and possible collaborators in the commercial aspect.

If it can help you, I will explain it to you in the following paragraphs. how to see phone number on instagram, using a special function on the platform. To complete the information, then, in the last part of the article, I will also be able to indicate how you can obscure the tu phone number, if you need it.

So, are you ready to start? Yep? Fantastic! Strength and courage: make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading the following paragraphs and, most importantly, try to put into practice the instructions that I am going to give you. Enjoy reading!

  • How to find out the phone number on Instagram
    • How to see the phone number on Instagram for Android
    • How to see the phone number on Instagram for iPhone
    • How to see the phone number on Instagram from PC
  • How not to show the phone number on Instagram

Before we dive into the heart of this tutorial and see it in detail how to find out phone number on instagram, I have to provide you with some preliminary information that you absolutely cannot ignore to proceed in the best way.

You should know, in fact, that only those who have a professional / corporate Instagram profile can make the data related to their phone number public (through a special button that appears on the profile).

This means, therefore, that unless a user in possession of a personal account decides write "Manually" the phone number in your bio (which is highly unlikely), you will not be able to trace the address of the latter. Also, be aware that some business / professional profiles may not have included the phone number in their public contact information or may have chosen to hide it. In any case, let's see how to proceed.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to find out the phone number on Instagram
    • 1.1 How to see the phone number on Instagram for Android
    • 1.2 How to see phone number on Instagram for iPhone
    • 1.3 How to see the phone number on Instagram from PC
  • 2 How not to show the phone number on Instagram

Below you will find information about how to find out phone number on instagram : Put to good use please!

How to see the phone number on Instagram for Android

Everything you need to do for see phone number on Instagram for Android consists of starting the application of the social network on your device, accessing your account, going to the profile of your interest and pressing the button that allows you to view the phone number (provided that the user has decided to make it public).

Therefore, access Instagram from its official application, touch the icon of magnifying glass which is in the lower left and then type the Username of the person (or company) whose phone number you want to see. Then touch their name to go to their profile.

Once you are in the profile of your interest, locate the button Call / Message, which should be located on the right (below the profile bio), and click on it. Then choose with which application to complete the action (eg. Telephone ), so you can see the phone number linked to the account.

If instead of «Call» or «Message» you see the button Contact, of course the account in question has also provided the address of e-mail as contact details: press, therefore, on the button in question to see the phone number, which must be indicated under the heading Call / Message. If you don't see any of these contact buttons, be aware that the user may have also decided not to show the phone number on Instagram.

How to see phone number on Instagram for iPhone

by see phone number on Instagram for iPhoneYou have to follow practically the same steps that I have already given you in the chapter on Android.

First, then, access Instagram from its official application, tap on the icon of magnifying glass located in the lower left and, in the search field at the top, type the Username of the person or company whose telephone contact you want to see. Then touch their name to go directly to their profile.

Then locate the button Call / Message, which should be located on the right (below the profile bio) and tap on it. When you do, the menu will appear at the bottom. Who love containing the user's phone number - pressing this will initiate the call.

If the account has configured the sending of SMS as an action linked to the number, the application will open Messages : the person's number must be visible at the top.

If instead of "Call" or "Message", you see the button Contact, means that the account in question has provided as contact information not only the telephone number, but also the email address.

Therefore press the button in question and then touch the item Call / Message, to see the contact details you were looking for. Don't see any of the buttons above? Note that the user may have decided not to display the phone number on Instagram.

How to see the phone number on Instagram from PC

Would you do it view phone number on Instagram from PC ? Sorry but, at the time of writing this article, it is not possible to do this either from Instagram Web, nor from Instagram to Windows 10. Even if you go to a professional or company profile that has made the phone number public, in fact, you will not see the card indicating the data in question.

The only exception could be those profiles - personal, professional or corporate - that, for one reason or another, have decided to make the phone number public in the biography. But again, this is the exception, not the rule.

How not to show the phone number on Instagram

You came to this tutorial with the goal of understanding how not to show phone number on instagram ? I can also explain this. The procedure that I am about to show you is valid for both Android and iOS (from PC also in this case it is not possible to continue).

To remove the phone number from the contact options of your Instagram business / professional profile, log in to your account from Android or iOS, press the icon little man placed on the bottom right (or on the thumbnail of the your profile picture ) and then on the button Edit your profile (on Android) or Edit (on iOS), located on the left.

Now, in the new screen that opened, tap on the item View your profile (in the section Profile info ) and upload OFF the switch next to Show Contact Information. Then save the changes made by tapping the button (🇧🇷) located in the upper right (on Android) or in the item bottom located in the upper right (on iOS).

If all went well, the button should have disappeared from your profile Who love (o Message ), which indicates that everything went well. However, if you need more information on how not to show your phone number on Instagram, read the guide that I linked to you a moment ago: it will definitely help you!

Can we extract phone number from Instagram?

First, make sure you're using the Instagram mobile application. Then, open the profiles one by one, and look for the 'Contact' button. If they've made their personal information public, then you'll find the button and get the number.

Can I search a person by phone number on Instagram?

Instagram allows us to search our friends (even if we don't know their usernames) through the medium of phone number. All of you must be aware of the fact that we can find friends on Instagram through search bar by just typing their username.