How to find hoverwatch on your phone

If you have gone through the other spy apps on our site before, then you must have noticed that almost all spyware work in the same way.

They extract data from the target device and show it on your account dashboard remotely.

The text data is revealed in the form of text, and the photos or videos are revealed in the form of photos or videos.

This is the basic working style that all monitoring apps follow. But Hoverwatch kind of impressed me by adopting a different tracking style.

Using the Hoverwatch app, you have to completely rely on photos in order to track most of the activities of your kids or your partner.

Hoverwatch claims to take screenshots very frequently and from all the apps accessed on the target phone. So, that you have complete knowledge of what’s going on on someone’s phone screen 24/7.

So, let’s hit the road and see how does Hoverwatch work in this detailed Hoverwatch review. And see if Hoverwatch really works and is capable of tracking the kid’s smartphone completely with mere screenshots or not.

Hoverwatch Review

For those who are interested in reading only a particular section of the review, feel free to use the provided links to directly head to that section.

  • Hoverwatch Compatibility
  • How To Install Hoverwatch
  • What Are The Key Features Of Hoverwatch?
  • Hoverwatch Settings
  • How Much Does Hoverwatch Cost?
  • Hoverwatch Vs mSpy: Which Spy App Is Better?
  • Hoverwatch App Review: Final Words
  • FAQs

Hoverwatch Compatibility

The successful tracking of the target cell phone is only possible if Hoverwatch is compatible with it. So it’s better to know if the device we are going to track is compatible with the app or not.


If an app doesn’t support an Android device, that simply means that the monitoring app is of no use and exists in the market without proper research.

But fortunately, this is not the case with Hoverwatch. In fact, the app works flawlessly with Android devices. So, if your partner uses an Android smartphone,  Hoverwatch can be your choice.


Most parents resist providing a mobile phone to their kids. And the reason is the countless negative effects of cell phones.

But laptops and PCs can be equally harmful to teens and tweens if used for some purpose. Hoverwatch understands this concern of the parents and includes Windows and Mac on their monitoring list.

Does Hoverwatch Work On iPhone?

If you want to know how do you download Hoverwatch on an iPhone then I am sorry but you can’t. It’s quite unfortunate that Hoverwatch is available as spy software for laptop and Android but not for iPhones. The app is not available for iPhone but if you want to track your child’s MacBook then it can help you with that.

How To Install Hoverwatch

Successful tracking of the partner is only possible after the correct installation of the app on the target device. Plus, some steps have to be followed on your device as well.

So, let’s learn in detail about the setup and installation of Hoverwatch on both devices.

Setting Up Of Your Device – Creating Account On Hoverwatch

1. Go to the official Hoverwatch website using your device and click on the Sign up free option at the top right side.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

2. Now, set up the email and password for your Hoverwatch account and tap on Sign up free, after accepting the terms of service of the app.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

3.  Now, choose the plan that suits your budget and complies with your tracking motive. You can also test the app for free before spending some bucks on Hoverwatch. The app gives a 3-day Free Trial to decide whether Hoverwatch should be your choice or not.

Click here to create your account for FREE

How To Install Hoverwatch On Android?

With these three simple steps, your device is ready to track the target phone. But the installation of the Hoverwatch app still needs to be done on the target device.

1. Inside your Hoverwatch account, you’ll get a link to download the app on the Dashboard. On the target phone, type the URL and press enter, and download the app.

2. After that, INSTALL the app on the target device and open it once installed.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

3. Hoverwatch will ask you, whom you want to monitor with their service. Choose My kid’s device as your answer. If you want to keep track of your employees using the service, tap on the Employee device option.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Also, don’t forget to check the box that states, Hide Hoverwatch icon if you want Hoverwatch to run in hidden mode. Tap on OK after that.

4. The next page asks you to accept the legal terms of the Hoverwatch app. Do that by checking the box stating, I have read and understood the terms, and then tapping on I  ACCEPT.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

5. Select the applications you would like to monitor on the target device by checking the box adjacent to the various items and click on OK. We suggest you keep all the boxes checked for the complete monitoring of the device.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

6. Next, you have to log in to the Hoverwatch app by using the same credentials that were used to sign up on your device.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

7. For the successful tracking of the partner’s smartphone, certain permissions have to be given to Hoverwatch. These permissions include location, contacts, calls, photos, etc. Tap on ALLOW to give those permissions.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

8. It’s time to give some other permissions like getting screenshots and unlocking selfies, activating the usage data access, and disabling the app notification. These permissions can be given by simply tapping on YES.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Now that the app has been installed, the target device is all set to get monitored using your Hoverwatch portal on your device remotely.

Click here to Try Hoverwatch for free

What Are The Key Features Of Hoverwatch?

1. Reports

The reports section of Hoverwatch is where every new update from the target device gets delivered. So, let’s see in detail, what all are those updates that you will get.

Camera Access

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

This feature exists to reveal the activities that the target person is doing at any given point in time. Or to give relief that the person is completely safe and sound.

The app claims to take the target’s selfie, the moment they unlock their phone. However, in my test, it didn’t happen exactly when they unlock their phone but Hoverwatch does take a lot of photos anytime randomly while your lover is using their phone.

Also while I was using the app I didn’t receive even a single photograph, clicked from the rear camera. All the photos were from the front camera. In this regard, I prefer KidsGaurd Pro over Hoverwatch, because KidsGurd Pro can take remote photos from both the front and rear camera.

The best thing is that you can also see the location where that photo was taken. This can be a huge lead to knowing if your partner or your child is still going to the place you advised them to avoid.

Along with that, you can mark that photo as a favorite. This can help get access to the photo easily and you don’t have to scroll pages looking for it in the future.

Similarly, use the delete option to get rid of unnecessary photos while avoiding the unnecessary stuffing of your Hoverwatch account.

The upload time of the pic on the portal can be seen as well.

Instagram Tracking

Instagram is a hub for billions of photos and billions of people. We all know very well that a large share of media uploaded on Instagram daily is not at all child friendly.

These photos and videos can be related to nudity, drugs, violence, or other activities that are not acceptable for the kids to watch.

Similarly, if you suspect your spouse of an affair, they might be having long conversations over Instagram and you might catch them red-handed.

Well, the Hoverwatch app gives you a screenshot from each and every corner of the Instagram app. This makes it possible to spy on someone’s Instagram account without them knowing.

The screenshot from the homepage can reveal the people and pages your little one is following. If you find anyone or any page consisting of adult content, you can ask them about it, with proper evidence in your hand.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Similarly, you will also get a glance at the Instagram Explore of the child as well. We all know that the photos and videos that appear on the feed are related to recent searches or the interest of the user.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

So the photos will give you an idea about the searches and media they like to watch on Instagram.

With Hoverwatch screenshots, you can hack into someone’s Instagram profile and read all their direct messages.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, And Other Social Media

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Just like Instagram, Hoverwatch tracks down all other social media platforms, be it WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, Telegram, or more.

Other than the chats, you can also check the status that the kid is posting on WhatsApp. Not only that but you’ll also be able to see the status of other contacts that are being watched by your kid.

All the chats on Snapchat can be read right away with the high-quality screenshots that Hoverwatch provides. Also, make sure with these screenshots that the discover section of the kid’s Snapchat account is child friendly or not.

Click Here to See Hoverwatch Live Demo

Call Recording

Obviously, call recording cannot be done with the help of screenshots. So, if you were thinking that the app only has screenshots under its sleeves, then you’re wrong.

A complete call recording of your lover and the person on the other hand of the conversation is available.

Most importantly, in my experience with Hoverwatch, I found the audio to be absolutely clear from both ends. In some other call recording spy apps, the audio from the other end is not audible.

Right after your partner ends the call, Hoverwatch uploads the conversation on your account.

You can remotely listen in on phone calls right away by clicking on the Play Audio option, or Download it and listen whenever you feel like it.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

There’s another thing about Call Recording that will amaze you.

By clicking on the location icon at the bottom right side, you can see where was the target person located at the time of the call.

If you sense anything fishy about that place or you think something’s not right, you can ask about the call and why they were at that location, the moment they enter the home.

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch


How to find hoverwatch on your phone

SMS has always been the most popular way of exchanging messages with others. And it provides the easiest way to deliver messages and media to others.

But the SMS app can be equally dangerous as well, if not handled in a proper way.

It has become quite common that people to receive fake messages asking for bank details. They lure customers to share their confidential bank details using baits like they have won prize money or an international tour.

Many people fall for these tricks and end up losing their money. This makes it necessary that we have a keen eye over the SMS that your kid or your spouse receives.

Hoverwatch gives a notification whenever the target smartphone receives an SMS, but the matter inside that SMS can not be read.

The SMS content can be read when the target person opens that message as Hoverwatch takes a screenshot and uploads it to your Hoverwatch account. Overall, it is the best way to sync your boyfriend’s phone to yours and read all their messages.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Web History

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Just a single tap and the teen can enter the world of adult content filled with porn, gore stuff, drugs, weapons, political hatred, racism, and everything that throttles their mentality to the lowest level.

And this is an issue that should never ever be ignored by any parent. In the teenage, all these things please teenagers.

But soon they develop an addiction to watching adult content or doing drugs while learning things from the internet.

So it’s better to pull their reins tight at the starting age and don’t let them introduce themselves to this inferior world.

But you can’t do this alone and need someone like Hoverwatch that keeps an eye on the stuff they watch on the internet.

Hoverwatch continuously takes screenshots of the pages that the child accesses on the internet. Sometimes the screenshots will be for the time when they are typing on the browser.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

These continuous screenshots will make sure the kid is not going on the wrong path.

SIM Card Change

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Almost everyone has multiple SIM cards nowadays and that’s why dual SIM phones are in so much trend right now.

But, don’t you think there is a possibility of a SIM card about which, even you don’t know? This possibility increases, even more, when you suspect your girlfriend/boyfriend of cheating.

But this is no more concern when you shake hands with Hoverwatch. The moment there’s any kind of tampering with the SIM cards, Hoverwatch gives an immediate notification about it.

This SIM change notification makes your partner answerable to you as to why they have an unknown SIM.

Other Screenshot Uses

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

We all know that screenshots are the key feature of the Hoverwatch app. Most of the monitoring is totally based on screenshots that the app takes over and over again.

The screenshot can be taken while the target is performing any activity on their smartphone.

Maybe you notice your little one searching for weird or adult stuff on Amazon. Or looking for a game on Play Store that contains bloodshed.

There’s even a high possibility that you suddenly see them watching an R-rated movie or any adult stuff going on their device.

2. Locations

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

It’s quite panicking to lose contact with your near and dear ones while they’re somewhere out and the phone is out of reach.

And the tension increases more as the time elapses while the phone is still not contactable.

In these situations, all you want is that somehow you can come in contact with them. Or just get a glimpse of the place where they are right now.

Well, Hoverwatch makes the latter one possible. How? Simply by showing you the current location where the target cell phone is present right now.

When you go to the Locations page of Hoverwatch, you see the location pointer stating the position of the target person.

But this location can be wrong, depending on the time and date when the Hoverwatch app was last synced by you.

So you just need to reload the page and now the location that Hoverwatch shows is the actual one. Confirm by clicking on the location pointer again.

Just out of curiosity if you want to know the places they headed to at different times, just use the bar given at the bottom.

3. Calendar

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

As a wife, the dates and people important to your husband might interest you. You might be curious to know about the dates that your spouse considers special.

But this is not possible before you have access to their phone calendar app where they mark all their important dates.

It’s hard to get access to their phone calendar manually of course, but not after you own a good spy app like Hoverwatch.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Hoverwatch simply tracks the calendar activities of the target mobile phone and reveals the list of dates that matters to your husband.

4. Contacts

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

While the app might give you a screenshot of the call logs from the target cell phone. But what are the chances that the app will capture the one which your loved ones should stay away from?

So it’s better to have a list of saved contacts on their phone rather than waiting for the right screenshot.

Right after you click on the Contacts section, all the contacts with their mobile phone number will appear.

Along with that, Hoverwatch distinguishes the home number and mobile number for you too.

If the list of contacts is too long, simply use the search option and search for the desired contact in no time.

There’s one thing that I really liked about the Contacts feature. There’s always a slim chance that you figure out the number from the contact list that your partner is hiding all this time.

But due to the fear of getting caught, they might delete that number from the contact list. This is where they’ll be caught.

In my test, I noticed that if the target person deletes a contact from their device to hide it from others even then Hoverwatch shows and points out the deleted contact to you.

If you head to the contacts, you can see Deleted written below that number.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

The list of Hoverwatch features finally ends with contacts. As we have seen, the app provides decent features for the decent tracking of the target smartphone.

Along with that, we get access to advanced features like call recording as well.

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch


How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Most of the apps or any technological gadget that we use come with the best by default settings. But doing a little change for some feasibility is not at all bad.

Similarly, Hoverwatch settings are perfect to go with. But you can mold them a little for better monitoring of the target cell phone.

When you click on Settings, you see plenty of options that can be changed for good.

If you want a more frequent update on location, change the Location Update Interval from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. Similarly, change the Screenshot Capture Interval to 1-2 minutes which is set at 5 minutes by default.

The call recording quality is set to Medium, but you can change to quality to Low or High, according to your need.

Right in Settings, you have an option to Stop Device Monitoring or to Delete Device you are targeting right now.

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

How Much Does Hoverwatch Cost?

How to find hoverwatch on your phone

Before discussing the Hoverwatch plans and pricing, we would like to remind you about the 3-day free trial of Hoverwatch.

Test the app and make sure it’s working for you. If you’re impressed by the working of Hoverwatch in these 3 days, then go for any of the plans discussed below.

The Hoverwatch app has three different plans for its customers. You can opt for the one that you think will keep your partner or your child safe.

If your motive to opt for Hoverwatch is to secure your company by keeping an eye on the employees, there’s a plan for you as well.

The Personal plan is for those parents who have a single kid to monitor. Or it’s a good option to spy on your partner as the plan supports only one device.

The personal plan costs $24.95/month. But you can save a lot of money by choosing the 3 months or 12 months plan.

If you have more than one kid then going for the Professional plan will be a wise choice. Here you get to monitor up to 5 devices. The plan costs $49.95/month, but a huge amount can be saved after you go for 3 months or 12 months plan.

The last one is the Business plan. This one is specially designed to ensure that the employees are not engaged in some activities that are not acceptable from the company side.

Up to 25 devices are trackable and the cost for the business plan is $149.95/month. Similar to the other plans, save the amount by opting for the 3 months or 12 months plan.

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch

Hoverwatch Vs mSpy: Which Spy App Is Better?

FeatureHoverwatchmSpyCommentsCalls RecordingYesNomSpy can only show the call logs but it can't record the phone callsLocation TrackingYesYesBoth apps can track the location of the target cell phone accuratelyGeofencingNoYesHoverwatch app does not support Geofencing featureSocial Media MonitoringYesYesmSpy is better at social media tracking because it can track social media with screenshots and keylogger. While on the other hand, Hoverwatch can only track it with screenshotsKeyloggerNoYesYou don't get a keylogger on HoverwatchRemote access to camera & microphoneYesNoIf you want to remotely access the camera and microphone then you can go with Hoverwatch because there is no such feature on mSpyRemote BlockingNoYesWith mSpy you can remotely block apps, websites, contacts and WiFi on the target device. However, this is not possible with the Hoverwatch appBrowser HistoryYesYesBoth apps can track the web history of the target person easilyPC MonitoringYesNomSpy does not support PC monitoring while Hoverwatch can spy on Windows as well as Mac

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch

Click Here to Try mSpy

Hoverwatch App Review: Final Words

At last, all we have to say after reviewing Hoverwatch is that the app seems to have limited features. But these limited features are enough to give a complete tracking experience.

Be it WhatsApp, Instagram, web history, or any other app on the device, everything is trackable with the screenshots that Hoverwatch takes.

Other than screenshots, you get to use other features like call recording, and locations. And all the features combined make Hoverwatch a perfect solution to keep a check on your loved ones.


1. Is Hoverwatch Detectable?

If you choose the option to hide the app while setting up the app, in that case, the Hoverwatch app is not detectable. But if you choose the option to show the app icon, in that case, it’s detectable.

2. Is Hoverwatch Available For Free?

No, there is no free plan given by Hoverwatch. Though you can try the app for 3 days for free. And if it works fine, then you can choose a plan according to your requirements.

3. How Do I Download Hoverwatch?

To successfully download and use the app, you have to purchase a Hoverwatch plan first. After that, Hoverwatch will guide you on how to install the app or you can take the help of our review article.

4. Does Hoverwatch Require Rooting?

Absolutely not. All the features that the app provides are accessible without root, even the advanced feature like call recording.

Does Hoverwatch need to be installed on target phone?

2. Install Hoverwatch on the target device. In order to control the Hoverwatch app, you will need to download it and install it on your own phone or computer as well.

How do I install Hoverwatch on my iPhone?

Can I Use Hoverwatch on iOS or Windows Phones? Although you can install Hoverwatch on Android phones and Mac/Windows-operated PCs, you can't use it on iPhones and Windows smartphones.

Is there an app to monitor someone else's phone?

mSpy (Best Choice) mSpy is a mobile phone tracking software and monitoring app for iPhone/Android. It works seamlessly in the background without making the target device identify its existence. It tracks text messages, calls, location, WhatsApp, etc.

How can I monitor a cell phone without them knowing?

Following are the Best Apps to track someone by cell phone number without them knowing:.
mSpy – Best for Android & iOS Devices..
uMobix – Best for Kid's Social Media Monitoring & Tracking..
ClevGuard – Best Overall..
Hoverwatch – Best for Android, iOS, and Windows..
FlexiSpy – Best for Employee Monitoring..