How to change business name on amazon business account

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for a while, you may have considered changing your store name.

Maybe you want to rebrand, change the category you’re selling in, or maybe you just want a fresh start. Whatever the reason, it’s natural to wonder if you can actually change your business name on Amazon.

The good news is that you can change your store details on Amazon Seller Central easily, and in this article we’ll walk you through exactly how.

Amazon store name: What it is and where you can find it

The Amazon store name is the name of your business that is displayed underneath the product name on the Amazon website product page.

It’s known for its many terms such as the storefront name, the seller display name, the business display name, and the Amazon display name.

Generally, it is the name that appears on your public-facing storefront and the name that appears at the top of your Amazon store page.

This name is usually different from the legal business name that you use for your Amazon account, which is used for tax purposes or documents and is not generally displayed to the public.

It’s also different from the brand name that may appear on your products.

How to change business name on amazon business account

Deciding your Amazon store name

Your storefront name is one of the first things that potential customers will see when they visit your store page so it’s important to choose a name that accurately represents your business.

If you’re having a hard time deciding on a name, try brainstorming with these questions in mind:

  • What products or services do you offer?
  • What are the benefits of your products or services?
  • How are your products or services different from your competitors?
  • What feeling do you want your customers to have when they think of your brand?
How to change business name on amazon business account

Moreover, when choosing an Amazon storefront name, there are a few things you need to consider: 

Keep it short and sweet

A shorter name is easier for customers to remember and less likely to get cut off when they’re viewing your store on a mobile device.

Make it unique

Avoid using generic terms or names that are too similar to other businesses on Amazon.

Keep it relevant

Choose a name that accurately represents what you sell and the vibe of your brand. Additionally, avoid using a name that doesn’t limit you to only one product or niche allowing you to expand your product line in the future.

Make sure it’s available

Once you’ve settled on a name, it would be worthwhile to double-check and do a quick search on Amazon to make sure that it’s not already being used by another seller and that trademark is available.

Note that it is against Amazon policies to use a currently trademarked brand name. 

Make it easy to spell

Avoid using abbreviations or terms that are difficult to spell. This will make it easier for customers to find your store when they’re searching on Amazon.

Make it SEO-friendly

It’s important to include relevant keywords in your storefront name to help with listing optimization. However, don’t stuff keywords as this can result in a suspension from Amazon. 

No special characters

Avoid using special characters or unusual characters in storefront names so avoid using them.

Make it appropriate and professional

Amazon store names should be appropriate and professional. Avoid using profanity, sexual innuendos, or other offensive languages in your name as search engines filter out restricted words.

How to change business name on amazon business account

For some sellers, this isn’t something that they put a lot of thought into.

But if you’re starting a new business or rebranding an existing one, it’s worth taking the time to choose a name that not only sounds good but also, represents your brand accurately.

If it helps, use a business name generator or a company name generator to get some ideas and suggestions for your business.

How do I change my business name on Amazon Seller Central?

If you decide that you want to change your Amazon store name, the process is very simple and you can follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

2. On the upper right-hand corner, select the “Settings” tab and click “Account Info.”

How to change business name on amazon business account

3. On the Seller Account Information page, you can go to your seller profile in three different ways:

How to change business name on amazon business account

a. Click Edit beside the Welcome

b. Click Your Seller Profile

c. Click “Display Name” under “Business Information”.

4. Once you’re on the Seller Information page, you’ll see the different marketplaces you’re currently selling in, your store details, and the customer service details.

How to change business name on amazon business account

Select the marketplace you want to change your storefront name for and enter your new storefront name in the “Display Name” field.

How to change business name on amazon business account

5. Click “Submit”.

Now that you know how to change your storefront name on your Amazon Seller Central, you might be wondering about the impact this will have on your business.

Impact of changing the business display name

Changing your store’s name can both have a positive impact and a negative impact on your business in a few different ways.

First, it can help you refresh your brand and give you a chance to start fresh with new marketing materials, social media campaigns, etc. Rebranding can sometimes help with introducing a new brand identity so that customers can see you in a new light.

How to change business name on amazon business account

Second, it can help you attract new customers who may not have been familiar with your old store name.

And finally, it can help you increase search engine visibility for your store since your new store name will be associated with fresh, relevant keywords.

On the other hand, some of the negative effects of updating your Amazon storefront name include having some confusion among your existing customers since they’ll have to search for your store under its new name.

Additionally, if you already have a trademarked brand name, you will have to go through a few extra steps to update your trademark with Amazon which can take some time.

All in all, changing your store name is a decision that should be well thought out before taking any action.

If you do decide to change it, follow the steps above to make sure it’s done correctly and let your existing customers know of the changes so they can easily find your store on the Amazon website.


Online businesses are constantly evolving and changing, so it’s not surprising that other sellers would want to change to a particular name or brand name at some point.

Changing your brand name is a big decision that can have some serious implications for any business. So, before you make the switch, be sure to consider the pros and cons and decide if it’s the right move for your business.

If you have any general questions about rebranding or brand building, feel free to reach out to us and our team of experts will be happy to help.

Or if you prefer a continuous support for your entrepreneurial journey, you can also explore your options here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to change business name on amazon business account

No, your legal name is the name of your company that is registered with the government and is usually used for tax documentation. Your Amazon store name, on the other hand, is the name that will be displayed to customers on Amazon.

Do I need to trademark my Amazon store name?

You are not required to trademark your Amazon store name, but it is recommended. A trademark can help protect your brand and prevent others from using a similar name.

No, you don’t need to update your business legal name if you change your store name on Amazon.

How often can I change my Amazon store name?

You can change your Amazon store name as often as you want. But, keep in mind that changing too often can be confusing for your customers.

How do I change my name on Amazon account?

Edit Your Profile.
Go to Your Profile..
Click the Edit your public profile button. To edit your privacy settings (what is visible to visitors to your profile page), select Edit privacy settings..
Update your personal information or any other settings that appear on the page..
Select Save..

How do I find a business name on Amazon?

How to find a Amazon Seller's Store Name and Store Id.
Click on Other Sellers on the right..
Click on store name of other sellers..
Click on sellers store front under their name..
To find their seller ID, look at the html bar after merchant=.
Letter combination is their seller ID. Stay tuned and receive updates..

How do I hide my business name on Amazon?

So what can you do if you don't want your Amazon seller address listed? Unfortunately, there is no way to opt-out of this feature. If you want to keep your personal or professional address anonymous, your best option is to sign up for a PO box in your area. Companies like the UPS Store, the USPS, and Mailboxes Etc.