How to answer the conflict question in an interview

How do you deal with conflict interview answer?

Top Traits to Show When Answering Questions About Conflict Resolution.
Show them that you stay calm and that you try to understand the other person's perspective. ... .
Show them that you think logically and don't take things personally or get too emotional. ... .
Show them that you keep the company's best interests in mind..

How do you answer Tell me about a time you had a conflict?

Discuss your approach You can walk the interviewer through your thought process at the time and any steps you took to understand the conflict. For example, you can mention that you spoke to a coworker or supervisor for advice. Highlighting your emotions during the period can make your answer sound more genuine.

What is an example of a conflict in a interview?

Pick Good Conflict Examples: Don't choose a minor disagreement (“He didn't want Italian for lunch“) or a conflict that was resolved by someone else or just went away without direct action. The idea here is to show off your interpersonal skills and problem-solving ability. Avoid examples that could make you look bad.

What is a good example of conflict resolution for interview?

Example: "In most cases, I handle conflict positively and constructively. I would rather come to a mutual agreement than continue to work in an uncomfortable environment. That said, if my coworker has a strong personality, I occasionally can become passive and allow them to take charge.