How much l lysine for cold sore

L-Lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning it can’t be synthesised in the body. It contributes to normal bone health by aiding the absorption of calcium and it plays an important role in building muscle protein. Many people take L-Lysine supplements to combat infection by the cold sore virus, Herpes simplex.

The virus requires the amino acid Arginine to replicate (reproduce) and it appears that increasing levels of L-Lysine in the body can inhibit the utilisation of Arginine & slow down viral replication, thus decreasing the number of cold sore outbreaks and speeding up healing of lesions.

The generally accepted dosage of L-Lysine for use in Herpes simplex infections is 500mg daily in between attacks and between 1g to 6g daily (1000mg to 6000mg) during an attack.


✔ 500mg L-Lysine per tablet, provided by 625mg of L-Lysine Hydro chloride
✔ Available in pots of 60s
✔ Contains no animal derived ingredients
✔ Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
✔ Helps maintain normal bone health
✔ Helps build muscles and speed recovery from damage – useful for bodybuilders
✔ Helps to combat the cold sore virus – Herpes simplex

Note: Bulk product orders come supplied in a polythene bag with the relevant product information label. We do not supply any bottles or cartons etc.

All bulks are made to order, so please allow extra time for delivery. The bulk image is an generic image used throughout the website for bulk orders. The product you order may not be this product in the image. 

Take two tablets a day on an empty stomach (at least an hour before or after a meal). Up to 6 tablets may be taken per day.

Allergy advice: None Known

L-Lysine Hydrochloride, Bulking Agents: (Microcrystalline Cellulose), Modified Maize Starch, Anti- caking Agents: (Magnesium Stearate).

On average, two tablets contain 1000mg of L-Lysine provided by 1250mg of L-Lysine Hydrochloride (500mg of L-Lysine per tablet).

i But can lysine really help to manage this nasty virus? Find out more about lysine and other home remedies for cold sores, below.

Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means your body needs it to function and repair itself properly. Amino acids are the building blocks for protein in the body, and lysine is important for proper growth.ii It helps the body absorb calcium, and plays an essential role in producing carnitine—a nutrient that converts carbohydrates and fatty acids into energy.iii

But while lysine plays an important role in our everyday health, it’s effectiveness as a cold sore treatment is still a debated topic. Learn more below.

Where is Lysine Found?

Your body can’t manufacture lysine, so the only way to get it is through your diet.ii As one of the building blocks of protein, lysine is found in many protein-rich foods – such as red meat, fish and dairy products.i If you eat these foods as part of a balanced and healthy diet, your body will get ample amounts of lysine.

Lysine as a Cold Sore Treatment

Lysine is considered a potential cold sore remedy is because it’s known to slow down the body’s production of arginine – another amino acid that helps the HSV virus to spread.i, iv But while some take this to mean that increasing your lysine intake will help to stave off a cold sore outbreak (or treat one that is already occurring), the research on this topic is still inconclusive.

Despite several studies on the topic, experts have not been able to say for sure that lysine can prevent, treat or manage an outbreak of cold sores.v, vi To find out if lysine is right for you, consult your doctor.

Other Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Unfortunately there’s no way to make your cold sores completely disappear overnight. But while home treatments can’t prevent or cure the HSV virus itself, some of these natural cold sore remedies may help to ease your symptoms.

  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is known to be an antiseptic and may help to prevent further bacterial infection after a cold sore outbreak.vii
  • Ice or tea bags: Applying a cold compress of ice or wet tea bags to a cold sore may help reduce redness and swelling.viii
  • Lemon balm: Lemon balm has been shown to have soothing, anti-inflammatory effects on the skin, which may reduce cold sore irritation. Experts are also investigating whether it may be an effective antiviral against the HSV-1 virus.ix
  • Alcohol, witch hazel and vanilla extract: These are all ‘astringents’ (drying agents) and may help to dry out cold sores.viii

Don’t let cold sores get in the way of life. For a fast and effective over the counter cold sore treatment option, try Abreva Cold Sore Cream. Abreva can help to get rid of a cold sore in as little as 2 ½ days when used at the first sign.*

How much lysine is too much for cold sores?

There have been various studies that link cold sore and lysine treatment. These studies have claimed that lysine helps in healing and preventing cold sores. The recommended daily dose for prevention is between 1500-3000mg. If you feel an outbreak coming on, you will want to increase your dosage to 3000 mg.

How fast does L

L-Lysine, if taken upon first notice of a cold sore, makes it go away within 24-48 hours.

How much lysine is too much per day?

Most people can take a daily dose of up to 3 grams (g) of lysine without any side effects. Increasing the dosage of lysine to 10–15 g a day may result in digestive issues, such as: diarrhea. nausea.

Does L

Lysine is not a cure for cold sores, but it may help prevent and shorten the duration of an outbreak. A person should continue to take any antiviral medications a doctor prescribes for their cold sores. Those interested in adding lysine supplements to their routine should speak to their doctor beforehand.