How much does it cost to change rims

How much do rims cost varies mainly on the material used and their size. This article will help you make the perfect decision when it comes to buying rims for your precious ride.

You probably take your car out for a drive daily, but do you ever stop to think about the quality of the wheels?

Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the importance, while others only settle for superior quality tires with custom rims.

But whether you’re just into stylish rims or are just picky about the kind of wheels you want for your precious car, knowing how much rims cost, their different types, and what factors affect these prices can help you make your vehicle safe and comfortable without overspending.

And this article will be talking about just that so that you can make a valuable and calculated decision about the quality and cost of rims for your car.

Page Contents

  • 1 How Much Car Rims Cost?
  • 2 Are Car Rims Expensive?
  • 3 How Much Should I Pay For Rims?
  • 4 Factors That Affect Cost of Rims
    • 4.1 Wheel Diameter
  • 5 Types of Rims
  • 6 Wheel Finish
    • 6.1 Chrome Wheels
    • 6.2 Black Wheels
    • 6.3 Polished Wheels
    • 6.4 Silver Wheels
    • 6.5 Machined or Machine Polished Wheels
  • 7 How Much Does It Cost To Get Black Rims?
  • 8 Conclusion

How Much Car Rims Cost?

First off, you have two options: either purchase a new set of rims or settle for used or reconditioned ones.

Brand new rims are the most expensive option, but they should function perfectly since they haven’t been used before.

Used rims are the cheapest option if you’re not bothered by a few dings or dents. Reconditioned rims are minimally damaged rims that have been restored to look new but don’t quite cost as much.

Are Car Rims Expensive?

The difference in the price of car rims depends on where they are manufactured and how they are marketed.

A new set of rims can start from as little as $90; however, prices increase as the materials, designs, and sizes are upgraded. Also, rims for luxury or vintage cars requiring custom manufacturing can cost as much as $1000.

But if you’re simply looking to replace old rims on a budget, purchasing used or reconditioned ones can substantially bring the price down.

How Much Should I Pay For Rims?

To help you with your purchase, here’s a list of some things you need to consider before buying new or replacement rims for your car:

Make and Model: the unique the car, the harder it is to find rims. Plus, they’ll probably be more expensive as well. For instance, finding rims for Corvette will be much costlier than finding the right ones for a Ford Taurus.

Year of Manufacture: it’s usually harder to find new rims for very old or classic cars. In fact, the rims might cost a lot more than the car itself!

Size: the bigger the car, the bigger the wheels, and the larger and costlier the rims.

Wheel Type: this is where the difference between steel and alloy wheels comes in. Alloy rims are more expensive since they’re tougher to make, but they’re available in more colors and finishes. But more on that later.

Finish: a basic finish will cost much less for new rims than brushed and custom finishes.

Factors That Affect Cost of Rims

Now that you have a general idea of what to look out for when going rim shopping let’s dive into the details of what factors you need to carefully consider when deciding how much you want to pay for a set of rims.

Wheel Diameter

As mentioned previously, the bigger your wheels, the larger the rim, and the costlier it is. This is pretty obvious since more metal is used for manufacturing larger wheels, hence increasing the price.

There is a steady increase in price between 15″ and 18″ wheels, whereas prices increase dramatically for 20″ and 22″ wheels.

Types of Rims

When it comes to types of wheels, there are two types: steel and alloy. And this also affects how much rims cost.

As the name suggests, steel wheels are made of steel. Since they are simple, easier to make, and don’t come in many varieties, it is easier and cheaper to purchase and replace them.

On the contrary, alloy wheels are made using an aluminum alloy and are available in various sizes and finishes. This makes them more expensive and more preferred by those willing to pay more for a customized look.

Here are the average prices of different types of rims for modern cars:

Type of Rim Price per Rim
Steel Rims (Basic) $90-$100
Alloy Rims (Aluminum) $110-$130
Chrome Plated Rims $150-$290
Painted finish rims (black/white) $100-$280

Now let’s consider a worst-case scenario. If you’re in an accident and simply need to replace your car’s rims, the choice will come down to what rims you already had.

If you had steel rims, replacing them won’t cost you much. But if you had alloy rims, you’re either going to have to buy a new set of steel wheels or simply replace the alloy rims that are damaged.

Wheel Finish

Another very important factor in deciding the cost of rims is customization and wheel finish. As mentioned, steel wheels have very few finishing options and generally come in white, black, and grey powder coat.

However, alloy wheels are available in various finishes with varying prices, and some manufacturers even combine finishes to create unique results.

Some common alloy finishes include:

Chrome Wheels

Chrome-plated wheels can completely transform the appearance of your car with a dazzling, mirror-like sheen. Chrome wheels are extremely durable if properly maintained, but they aren’t suggested for winter use and extreme weather.

Black Wheels

Automotive-style spray-painted black wheels are available in various finishes, including semi-gloss black, satin black, stealth black, carbon black, flat black, and matte black.

Polished Wheels

Polished wheels are buffed by hand or machine, giving them their extremely shiny, chrome-like finish.

They are usually protected from erosion by a clear coat, and if not, then the wheels will require regular re-polishing to maintain their shine.

Silver Wheels

Automotive-style spray-painted silver wheels are available in various finishes, such as super silver, hyper silver, titanium silver, dark silver, satin silver, tungsten silver, and matte silver.

Machined or Machine Polished Wheels

Machined wheels may be machined on the full face of the wheel or only on specific areas like the spokes and lips for a bold, shiny two-tone look.

How Much Does It Cost To Get Black Rims?

The average black-out rims can cost $70 to $150 each, depending on the intricacy of the job and design.

On average, rims with black powder coating can cost about $225 per wheel. It’s more expensive because powder coating is considerably more durable than spray painting and provides a reliable and more stunning finish.

Having said that, the cost of getting black rims will also depend on your area and dealer.


A unique set of rims will surely make your car stand out, but as we’ve mentioned, various factors contribute to their cost.

You’ll need to pay extra for unique designs and sizes and rims for old or rare models.

Nevertheless, rims are an important part of your vehicle, so remember to invest not only in the appearance of the rims but also in their quality and durability.

Can I change the rims on my car?

You can replace your rim with a manufacturer's rim or the aftermarket equivalent. However, if you want to change things up, then you can have your own custom-made rims to give your car a unique look. With some cars, you can even upsize or downsize a little bit to get the look and handling you want.

How much does it cost to get black rims?

The cost for black rims varies significantly based on the size, materials, and brand. They start out as low as $70 per wheel, or as much as $500 (or more) per rim. Standard rims are much more affordable than those for luxury, rare, or sports cars, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.