How many almonds should i eat per day

How many almonds should i eat per day

Almonds can offer you multiple health benefits


  • Almonds are rich in vitamin E
  • You can consume 6-8 almonds daily
  • You can start your day with soaked almonds

You should eat nuts daily- you might have heard this a thousand times. Almond is one of the healthiest nuts that you should consume regularly. The benefits of almonds for better heart health are quite popular. These are loaded with essential nutrients and micro-nutrients that you need for better health. Developing a habit of eating almonds daily can be beneficial to your health in various ways. It is a ritual in many Indian houses to start their day with soaked almonds. Well, this practice is a boon to your health. Below, is a list of benefits eating almonds daily can offer you.

Reasons why you must eat almonds daily

1. Promotes heart health

Almonds are loaded with properties beneficial for your heart health. The presence of vitamin E, magnesium and antioxidants in almonds makes them a heart-friendly nut. Studies have also highlighted that eating almonds can control the risk of heart diseases.

How many almonds should i eat per day

Almonds are loaded with properties beneficial for your heart health
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day With Soaked Almonds; Know Amazing Health Benefits

2. Loaded with vitamin E

Vitamin E offers some amazing benefits to your health. This vitamin is good for your skin and hair. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps repair damaged cells.

Also read: Almonds Beauty Benefits: Boost Your Skin And Hair Health With This Amazing Nut

3. May control blood pressure

High blood pressure is a serious health condition that should not be ignored. To control your blood pressure numbers a healthy diet plays a major role. Magnesium in almonds may help you regulate your blood pressure.

How many almonds should i eat per day

Almonds may help in controlling blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in it
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Help maintain a healthy weight

Almonds are a healthy snack. A few almonds can keep you full for longer and make you consume fewer calories. It can help you maintain a healthy weight.

5. Good for diabetics

Almonds are a healthy snack for diabetics too. Many studies also suggest that almonds may help you bring down blood sugar levels naturally. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk of heart disease that can be controlled with almonds.

Also read: Know How Many Almonds You Should Eat To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

How many almonds you should eat in a day?

Almonds are high in calories. You need to balance your overall calorie consumption to add almonds safely to your diet. Dietitian Ruchika Jain recommends that the safe limit is 6-8 almonds each day. Soaked almonds are also beneficial, you can soak them overnight and consume them in the morning. It is also advised to avoid fried and salted almonds.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

How Many Almonds Should I Eat A Day?: We should take full care of our health. For that, we should eat healthy food and dry fruits. Of those dry fruits, almonds are our favorite ones. Almonds are one of the tastiest and most nutrient-rich dry fruits. By using it in proper quantity we can get many health benefits. Almonds, raw or roasted, contain the same amount of calories and fat. 

Health Benefits of Almonds:

1. Helps to lose weight faster:

Almonds also help in reducing weight, but we should consume them in regular quantities. Due to the amount of fiber, protein, and healthy fats in almonds, eating almonds makes you feel full.

2. It keeps diabetes under control:

Magnesium in almonds helps control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Consuming almonds in proper quantity can control blood sugar.

3. Regulates glucose levels:

Consuming almonds can control glucose levels. Vitamin E and magnesium in it strengthen the bones and helps smooth blood flow in the body. So it also strengthens the muscles.

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How many almonds should i eat per day


1. How many calories are there in 10 Almonds?

10 almonds have 70-72.8 calories in total.

2. How many calories are in 2 almonds?

There are about 14 calories in 2 almonds.

3. How many calories are in 3 Almond?

3 almonds have 21.84 calories.

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4. How many calories are in 6 Almond?

There are 42 calories in 6 Almonds :

5. How many calories are in 12  almonds?

In 12 almonds, there are 83- 88.68 calories in total.

6. How many calories does 1 almond have? (How many calories is 1 almond?)

1 almond has 1 almond calorie is 7.7 Kcal.

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7. How many calories are in 20 almonds?

There are 139 to 140 calories in 20 almonds.

8. How many calories are in 11 almonds?

There are 77 calories in 11 almonds.

9. How many carbs are in 10 almonds?

10 almonds have 3g carb.

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How many almonds should i eat per day

10. How many almonds can I eat in a day?

According to some nutritionists and doctors, 4-5 almonds in summer and 8-10 almonds in the winter are best. But it’s better to soak at the night and have it in the morning.

But according to some other research:

We should eat 20-23 almonds a day. When compared ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin, and niacin. Just remember 1-2-3. 1 ounce of almonds, or about 23 almond nuts, is the ideal daily portion recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Twenty almonds weigh about 1 ounce and have 138 calories, 5 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat,  3 grams of fiber, and less than a gram of sugar. A serving provides quick energy to you going all day.

11. How many almonds are 100 calories?

14-15 almonds are 100 calories.

12. Can almonds make you fat?

Eating a large number of almonds may trigger weight gain.

Is 5 almonds a day enough?

Almonds keep your heart safe and secure Just eat 4-5 almonds daily in the morning. Almonds prevent many of the risk factors of heart diseases such as high blood pressure, elevated levels of bad cholesterol or LDL, accumulation of visceral fat, free radical damage, etc.

Is eating 10 almonds a day healthy?

Compared to all other nuts, almonds are the most packed with nutrients and beneficial components. Now all you need to do is to at about 8-10 almonds a day. You can either eat soaked almonds or crush it and add to your morning salad or garnish your dishes, it is beneficial in any way you use it.

How many almonds a day is too many?

Having too many almonds can affect your small intestine, which is responsible mainly for food absorption. It is good to have only 4-5 almonds a day. Phytates, that are present in certain seeds and nuts can decrease the absorption of many minerals as it interferes with the normal nutrient absorption.

Can I eat 20 almonds a day?

Get access to the much-needed nutrition: If you eat around 20 almonds every day, you would be able to incorporate different essential nutrients in the daily diet. These little nuts contain copious amounts of calcium, vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium.